Soviet Russia to attack the West - May 2003? - Politics | PoFo

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I thought that this warrants a thread of its own:

Russia to Deliver Nuclear Attack Against the USA and Great Britain
05/14/2003 16:45
The Russian military command seems to have learned the lessons of the Iraq War
The Russian military command seems to have learned the lessons of the Iraq War and now plans to demonstrate the USA and its allies the whole of Russia's resolve to strike back against any potential threat from the West, the Russian newspaper Nezavisimaya Gazeta reports. The newspaper says that as soon as NATO Secretary General George Robertson leaves the Russian capital, Moscow will immediately launch the largest military exercises it has seen in years. During the exercises, the newspaper says, Russian strategic bombers and submarine missile-carriers will simulate nuclear attacks against several military targets on the territory of the USA and Great Britain. They will also work on searching for and liquidating US Navy aircraft carriers transporting attack squadrons.

It was expected that Russia's Air Force commander-in-chief, Colonel-General Vladimir Mikhailov, will submit the plan fir the exercises for the approval of the Minister of Defence Sergey Ivanov today. Nezavisimaya Gazeta reports that the exercises are based on a scenario in which a regional conflict develops into a war.

During the exercises, the Russian troops will work on a series of training missions aimed at disabling the US's orbital surveillance satellites. This is important to order to disrupt the stable operation of the NAVSTAR global positioning system, optoelectronic surveillance Keyhole satellites and radar reconnaissance LaCross satellites. The Russian newspaper reports that, under wartime conditions, these actions might be able to blind the Pentagon and interfere with its usage of high-precision weapons against Russia's armed forces.

The exercises are scheduled for May 17-18. Four Tu-160 strategic bombers, nine Tu-95MC strategic bombers, 12 long-range Tu-22M3 bombers and four Il-78 refuelling ships will participate in the exercises.

According to Nezavisimaya Gazeta, the commander of the 37th aviation unit, Major-General Igor Khvorov, says that the main objective of the exercises is to polish up co-operation of long-range aviation with the Navy and other groups of military personnel.

You see how, once again, we a customary ruse is thrown in there:

Nezavisimaya Gazeta reports that the exercises are based on a scenario in which a regional conflict develops into a war.
Last edited by Putinist on 22 May 2003 10:06, edited 6 times in total.
By Krasniy Yastreb
Now now comrade calm down, Pravda is no longer the respectable news source it was in Soviet times... :roll:

But if they are simulating attacks against the west, good for them. I hope it goes well. Interestingly, the area in which I live (Portsmouth) had the highest predicted casualty rate in the UK (95%) in the event of Nuclear war. Makes me feel special somehow...... :D
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By Adrien
Interestingly, the area in which I live (Portsmouth) had the highest predicted Casualty Rate in the UK (95%) in the event of Nuclear war.

Why, does your area has something special that could be particularly targetted?
By Krasniy Yastreb
My area has one of the highest, if not THE the highest concentration of military installations in the UK, ranging from Naval Bases to Fuel Depots to Engineering Establishments and much much more......

There's even an SBS (seaborne SAS) training camp a mile from my house!

In the event of Nuclear war, there would have been nearly half a dozen air-burst atomic warheads raining down on the area......
By blackbeard
Shock and Awe on Moscow in 10 ....9 .... 8 .... 7 .... 6 .... 5 .... 4 .... 3 ..... 2 .... 1 ....KABOOM !

We aint scared of no lesbos !
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By Adrien
In the event of Nuclear war, there would have been nearly half a dozen air-burst atomic warheads raining down on the area......

Oh yes, then it could be annoying!
By ahab
uhh... the US does this sort of thing routinely... I don't see why Russia doing it is any big deal.

edit: maybe it is a big deal for them, as they don't get their equipment into working order all that often (I know I know, don't even bother and respond)

I live a few hundred miles from Omaha, where SAC is located, the head of the US Airforce's Strategic nuclear command. I'd probably suffer quite a bit of fallout. JOY!!!
By Krasniy Yastreb
I feel sorry for you suffering from fallout, ahab. What with the sludgifying and vomiting up of internal organs etc. :eek:

Good job I'll be spread all over the upper atmosphere in the first 30 seconds......
By Putinist
uhh... the US does this sort of thing routinely... I don't see why Russia doing it is any big deal.

Quote from article:

Nezavisimaya Gazeta reports that the exercises are based on a scenario in which a regional conflict develops into a war.

What - on the United States and Great Britain?! Since when will another now semi-run-of-the-mill Russian domestic regional conflict develop into a nuclear war?! And besides, why the hell would they need to go to war with the new "allies" - the Western world?!

Anyone who listened to the interview of Christopher Story the other day will not laugh.

Ahab has clearly been watching too much Crimson Tide, me thinks.:D

Putin is not Radchenko.
Last edited by Putinist on 15 May 2003 20:54, edited 1 time in total.
By Stipe
They'd better not! I've got a fucking Meshuggah and Strapping Young Lad concert on the 18th! I swear, I'll go right to Moscow and kick ALL of their asses if they fuck it up for me ;)
By ahab
Putinist wrote:What - on the United States and Great Britain?! Since when will another now semi-run-of-the-mill Russian domestic regional conflict develop into a nuclear war! And besides, why the hell would they need to go to war with the new "allies" - the Western world!
Hold your friends close, your threats closer, threats can be friends or enemies. Treaties and words don't mean all that much. I'm looking for documentation on the last exercise... the last one I remember was an attack on China if China invaded Taiwan and spillover into Russua. Regional conflict -> full scale war. Same thing could happen with N Korea. The US does the exact same thing.
Putinist wrote:Ahab has clearly been watching too much Crimson Tide, me thinks.:D
That's one of the Jack Ryan movies... can't remember who wrote or stared in that movie, but I know the writer made some good games.
By blackbeard
I am having dreams of migs screaming down on us in Toronto , very powerful dreams .

Oh well , WW5 eh gang .

All I wanna know is who the hell started this whole mess and what is going on . We know saddam is in Bellarus and the USSR are doing excercises which is very cool , they have all the right they do have military hardware to sell and they have to impress buyers . I think canada could use some of the soviet gear , those british subs were junk .

I am joshing about the lesbos with the tatu girls and thier videos and the whole shiek think with thier harems of pornstars ( when can I visit guys ) , sexuality is a mystery to me it seems . The Russian army is conscripting women , so this is just a running joke for me here .

There is so much more going on than meets the eye , it's hard for a blue collar woodworker like me to put it all together but just like in Russia in Canada here white guys with high IQ's never get anywhere these dayz .

It's the whole opium deal in the middle east , I wish we could sort it all out .
By Tovarish Spetsnaz
Its just an excercise...Russia did another little joke like this in 1999 after scare the US (and it worked apparently). 2 Tu-160s entered Norwegian airspace and left before they were intercepted...and 2 Tu-95s put the US within cruise missile range before they were intercepted by F-15s from Iceland.

Its just an people need to chill out...
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By KurtFF8
Tovarish Spetsnaz wrote:Its just an people need to chill out...

well if they entered another countries airspace then thats just testing a country and provoking them.... no need to chill out

we should do mass excercises against russia! hah not really because then they would spy on it and find out even more for their excercises...who will win the excercise war! (...oh i hope theres never a war between america and russa cause then we're all fucked)


Oh well , WW5 eh gang .

what happened to WW3..and 4?
By ahab
KurtFF8 wrote:
Oh well , WW5 eh gang .

what happened to WW3..and 4?
Where have you been for the past few years? Did you miss all that? Jeez... lucky guy...

He might be refering to i can't remember who's idea that the war on communism/cold war was WW3, and the war on religious fundamentalists/terrorists is WW4.

Hopefully they hold off on this long enough so that I'm out of college. I doubt I'd be able to be a comissioned officer otherwise. Could you arrange that Putinist? :D

(I still think this whole deception thing is wishful thinking)
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By Boondock Saint
Blah blah blah ... a few jets go up in the air and practice pressing their buttons ...

Good for them ... lets hope Russian jets perform better in the air during these tests then Russian subs do in water during tests ...

Who cares if they are planning for some war?

The US has plans to invade Canada ... you got to be prepared for anything ...
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By AnotherDeadHero
Stjepan wrote:They'd better not! I've got a fucking Meshuggah and Strapping Young Lad concert on the 18th! I swear, I'll go right to Moscow and kick ALL of their asses if they fuck it up for me ;)

He he. Good choices comrade. Cant beat a lil \m/ :muha1:
By blackbeard
The US have invaded Canada , we have the FBI and DEA here . The Ontario and Federal Governments have puppets in them that are ruining our way of doing things . One day our leaders say this , the US respond and instead of no one caring our leaders jump cause the yanks said how high . Everything has been shuffeled up here since 9/11 , when we needed Canadians to be strong our leaders fell apart . We have a very strong agenda of cleaning up our country , we want to do here what they are doing in Europe . We want legalisation of marijuana and proper treatment of street drug addicts , we are putting up safe injection sites all accross the country and we want the drugs to be given to the addicts on perscription basis . This has been underway for over 10 years , all this work is in vain say our new DEA overloards . Canada is now under US control .
By Putinist
Reply to ahab,

I'm looking for documentation on the last exercise... the last one I remember was an attack on China if China invaded Taiwan and spillover into Russua. Regional conflict -> full scale war. Same thing could happen with N Korea. The US does the exact same thing.

Do you seriously think that Russia would go against China, on the side of Capitalist Taiwan, in the event of a Chinese invasion (and I would not rule one out sometime within the next seven years) - even in light of your knowledge of the poorly hidden Russo-Chinese military alliance (as predicted by Golitsyn in 1984)? They have the excuse for getting involved in the North Korean war - if it happens. But they are not going to come down on the side of the US in it. Perhaps overtly in a purely theatrical sense yes, but secretly, as they are doing now, will be in full support of North Korea's campaign against the invading West - even if the war was to, God forbid, turn nuclear.


Response to "Tovarish Spetsnaz",

Its just an exercise...Russia did another little joke like this in 1999 after scare the US (and it worked apparently). 2 Tu-160s entered Norwegian airspace and left before they were intercepted...and 2 Tu-95s put the US within cruise missile range before they were intercepted by F-15s from Iceland.

Quotes from article:

Moscow will immediately launch the largest military exercises it has seen in years.

Russian strategic bombers and submarine missile-carriers will simulate nuclear attacks against several military targets on the territory of the USA and Great Britain.

Quote from yourself:

Its just an people need to chill out...

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:!!!


Second reply to ahab,

what happened to WW3..and 4?

Where have you been for the past few years? Did you miss all that? Jeez... lucky guy...

He might be referring to i can't remember who's idea that the war on communism/cold war was WW3, and the war on religious fundamentalists/terrorists is WW4.

-"The Cold War" was "the Cold War" - purely because it stayed as a "cold" war throughout. If it had ever turned into a "hot" war, as it nearly did once Vietnam had ended, then it would have been the Third World War.

-"The War on Terror" is "the War on Terror". Sure, when I saw the events of September 11, 2001, unfold before my very eyes, including the demolition of the second tower of the World Trade Centre, I first thought that it would turn into the next "world war" - as we were being warned by various experts throughout the world on this kind of warfare that, to quote Ian Gurney in his September 17, 2001, appearance on the Whale Show; "If we start bombing Muslim countries, there could be a lot of trouble". Luckily he was proved wrong. Al-Qaeda tried to start WWIII, but they failed. What they did start though was the final phase of the Final Phase - the East-West unifying against a new, common enemy that Golitsyn and Sejna had been warning us of years before it actually happened.

Hopefully they hold off on this long enough so that I'm out of college. I doubt I'd be able to be a commissioned officer otherwise. Could you arrange that Putinist?

LOL - I can't make any rash promises! If you'll be done by around 2006-time then you should be okay.;)

(I still think this whole deception thing is wishful thinking)

Is an astonishing 94% accuracy rate wishful thinking too?


Feedback to Boondock Saint,

Good for them ... lets hope Russian jets perform better in the air during these tests then Russian subs do in water during tests ...

The Russian submarines are absolutely fine. The rusting ones they will no doubt show you on trips to Russia by Westerners are all adding to the fatal ruse.

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