Ethical experiment: Artificial Intelligence. - Politics | PoFo

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For discussion of moral and ethical issues.
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Imagine: Computer technology has progressed to the point when we can simulate our actual universe, with a literal 100% equivalent existences (except, of course, the other universe does not have access to such computer technology, because their world was "started up" while our own universe was already 14.6 billion years going), to exert an "administrative", or "God" role in the other universe, being able to literally do everything, including putting people, objects, anything and everything through disintegration, radioactive decay, all sorts of quantum reactions, and in the case of humans, psychological terror, starvation, immolation, and through all other manners logically possible in order to gain a further understanding of the known universe and ourselves.

NOTE: Part of this ability is the already "advanced" level of the other universe, which artificially was "sped up" up to the year 1910, and could be sped up or down as pleased (although some say speeding "up" too much, i.e. at or higher than our own level, is extremely unadvised).

Is it immoral to to do this? If our own universe was mathematically represented, it would look exactly like our own in the year 1910. We can utilize a massive amount of instruments, including inter-dimensional image capturing equipment which "shows" scenes in perfect detail, as well as trillions of possible measuring programs, which provide data on all possible variables.
Andropov wrote:Imagine: .

Again, I imagine deeply. I imagine in the year 1910 my parents weren't conceived yet. I imagine 4 lifetimes of my grandparents coming of age raised by my 8 great grandparents and all the siblings to those of my ancestry. I imagine this moment forever here as things contract and expand details that were exactly as they took place.

I imagine the universal moment being self contained everywhere the same way. I imagine there can be no such thing as alternate realities and parallel universes as now includes everything here universally operating the same way. Now how does one travel beyond the moment always present physically?

Oh, in theory and theology. Isn't that making up excuses to ignore the self evident? I imagine so. I understand why humanity never keeps a society for longer than 13 generations throughout history because science and spirituality is artificial intelligence defining maybes not actual events being exactly as they happened and happening currently within the moment that is always present regardless the time differential now is everywhere.

Have a great day, sir.
Interesting. I imagine this world, but it would have to be a very complex world. To represent every possible individual behavior, a computer program, let's call it the Matrix, would need every organisms genetic outcome, as well as every possible environmental influence. This would be necessary for all organic material, though I suppose you could limit it to human behavior, and include only relevant variables in such cases where humans interact with other organisms. Then again to accurately represent human environments, the program would need to represent all bacteria, viruses, and other living organisms that change human lives. I would have to imagine that every blade of grass would need to be represented as well as all terrain that effects human behavior. We could recreate the earth's atmosphere, as well as the core of the Earth, limited to our experiences with these phenomena. We don't truly understand the dynamics of it all, but we can produce variables with human emotion and experiences. These are the things we CAN understand. If we can be honest about our behavior, then we could learn more about ourselves. I think an artificial intelligence would be limited to human understanding. As far as the entire universe is considered, I think this may be beyond human understanding. The universe will always be hypothetical. If we input bullshit into the program, then it will output bullshit. Let's face it, we are prisoners on this planet, and also prisoners of our mind. Artificial intelligence is limited to realms we understand.
ReactionaryRichard wrote:. We don't truly understand the dynamics of it all, but we can produce variables with human emotion and experiences. These are the things we CAN understand..

Yes "we" do. Grammar is designed to be significantly slanted. Mathematics is designed to leave out significant details that seem insignificant to statistical averaging along linear time lines separately defining the same instant constantly present.

The key to unlocking the self evident is to see the self evident as it actually functions presently. Not adopting a theory or theology and spend a lifetime trying to keep it seemingly real giving that way of thought to one's ancestors to keep the quest alive even though it physically cannot exist without language.

Isn't that artificial intelligence? Faith and hope real isn't what is presently here now permanently? Rule of law serves to save civic prides, not every bodies' ancestral being here individually as directly conceived.

Look at the characteristics of governance isn't above the instinctive level of colonial insects behaving like a pack of wolves or a pride of lions riding herd on those that follow orders without question.

Economics is psychological training to follow orders without physically harming the subject controlled by mind over matter and symbolism over substance exercises in it is futile to argue against unknown entities that move time and objects from yesterday into tomorrow's time relativity to everything taking place currently never the same details twice within the same content always presenting the substance that changes shape and form forming the shapes conceived in cellular adaption to everything constantly contracting and expanding.

Not that difficult when all moments are simultainiously occurring constantly. Spinning planet, orbiting moon that doesn't spin, as the universally position periodic table of elements is self contained to be between 4 magnetic positions electromagnetically from two opposite poles where the natural balance is the tropical equator dawn and dusk insulate contracting darkness from expanding light while the entire solar system spirals.

Why is it nobody knows all that does take place in plain sight only works in the present tense all the time? Words. Numbers, theories, theology, reverse psychology, semantics, syllogism. The list continues to be employed by humans constructing humanity's art of educating self deception to each next generation added to the present situation.

It isn't complicated, it is practiced confounding of compounding elements always changing shape and forms never destroying energy because energy never leaves the present tense.

See how simple it has always been but eggheads want to control what everyone else is allowed to believe in. That makes governance the problem in reality, not governments and it is academia training all the leaders in religion, politics, entertainment, and economic theaters of the mind staging the ideas character matters and understanding real is against the law of the social landscape defined in mixed metaphors.
Andropov wrote:Is it immoral to to do this? If our own universe was mathematically represented, it would look exactly like our own in the year 1910. We can utilize a massive amount of instruments, including inter-dimensional image capturing equipment which "shows" scenes in perfect detail, as well as trillions of possible measuring programs, which provide data on all possible variables.

The only moral answer is to do as the people being simulated ask--or to hand them the controls.
An interesting scenario.
The only right thing to do would be to make the simulated people's life as good as possible. I don't see how any kind of cruelty or apathy could be justified - what knowledge could be gained. Especially considering you are already capable of such a simulation.
Andropov wrote:Imagine: Computer technology has progressed to the point when we can simulate our actual universe, with a literal 100% equivalent existences (except, of course, the other universe does not have access to such computer technology, because their world was "started up" while our own universe was already 14.6 billion years going), to exert an "administrative", or "God" role in the other universe, being able to literally do everything, including putting people, objects, anything and everything through disintegration, radioactive decay, all sorts of quantum reactions, and in the case of humans, psychological terror, starvation, immolation, and through all other manners logically possible in order to gain a further understanding of the known universe and ourselves.

NOTE: Part of this ability is the already "advanced" level of the other universe, which artificially was "sped up" up to the year 1910, and could be sped up or down as pleased (although some say speeding "up" too much, i.e. at or higher than our own level, is extremely unadvised).

Is it immoral to to do this?

Do what?
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