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By Fasces
By Fasces

Okonkwo: Is Mussolini's legacy a positive one, or a negative one?

This is a subjective question, depending on your own definition of what is positive and negative, and rather than make the decision for you, I will simply discuss what I see his legacy as being, and leave you to make the final conclusion.

One of the most lasting remnants of Mussolini's administration is the signing of the Lateran treaties which restored the Papacy to a sovereign entity with a geographic territory to call its own. One of the major issues that corresponded with Italy's founding was of course related to the status of the former Papal States. The Papacy had the unfortunate position of falling early to insurrections from the House of Savoy, and because of its ambiguous "fall" so to speak, was unable to secure its own position within the unified peninsula. The fact that Rome had to be conquered, and did not submit itself, also lent itself to the distaste the Italians had in dealing with the Papacy. Unfortunately, this resulted in many tensions among the Catholic community worldwide, which would not be satisfied until the Papal question was answered. Mussolini, despite his formal anti-clerical stance, had the foresight to try and bring the Church under his control, knowing that their support would cement his own. Regardless of the intent, the fact remains that he solved a forty year old issue, and the Vatican City continues to be the seat of Catholicism today, the spiritual capital of nearly a billion souls.

Without a doubt, I would say that Mussolini played a huge role in modernizing Italy, through rapid industrialization and reclamation of swamplands for agricultural uses. He also helped unify the rift between southern and northern Italy. I would also credit him with the rapid modernization of Spain, due to his influence in the civil war that helped put Franco in power, and Mussolini's rise to power inspired similar movements across Europe, culminating in Hitler's own ascension. Mussolini helped turn Italy, even if only temporarily, into a major diplomatic power in Europe, and helped establish Italian prestige in both colonial and domestic efforts.

It is a rather open ended question, to be honest, one which could be the subject of a very lengthy book. History is a never ending series of cause and effect, and Mussolini's rise to power helped lead to World War II eventually, making the whole question ultimately moot.

In my own point of view, his legacy is positive. He helped demonstrate the capabilities of fascist ideology, and spearheaded an intellectual movement which has helped inspire many leaders around the world. He settled the delicate issue of Catholicism with care, and ultimately helped end the jokes that the Italian parliament and the Spanish republic were.

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