US-China confrontation: China against US THAAD - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues in the People's Republic of China.

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US-China confrontation: China against US THAAD
China becomes a leading world power and the United States interprets this as a serious obstacle to the realization of its global ambitions to provide world domination. Washington regards the confrontation with the Chinese threat as one of the priorities. US experts assert that the PRC by the beginning of the 2020s will not only be the largest economic power, but will also leave behind the US in the amount of military spending. According to the Analytical Center of the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), by 2050 China will exceed the US economic potential almost twice.
The deployment of the US anti-ballistic missile system (ABMS) on the Korean Peninsula has the primary objective to neutralize the PRC as the main rival of the United States. The deployment of the system was planned for the summer of 2017, but Washington sped up this process.
The US regularly conducted joint US-South Korean military exercises, which became a catalyst for North Korea's nuclear tests. According to analysts, North Korea launched missiles in March 2017 in response to the annual joint US-South Korean Foal Eagle exercise. The Foal Eagle exercise is becoming large more every year. The fact that Pyongyang launched four missiles on end shows a completely new level of confrontation between the DPRK and the United States. In this situation, Washington considers the deployment of ABMS on the Korean Peninsula as the most acceptable development of events. On the one hand, the US protects the ROK, and on the other hand, it completely controls China and Russia.
In turn, the PRC has always opposed to the deployment of the US ABMS in the ROK. "We are strongly opposed to the deployment of the US THAAD ABMS in the ROK. We will take the necessary measures to protect our security interests. The United States and China will be answerable for all the consequences that have arisen", said Foreign Ministry Spokesman Geng Shuang. However, Washington rejected Beijing's proposal to suspend the DPRK nuclear missile program in response to the cessation of military exercises of the United States and the ROK. "The US President Donald Trump administration is currently considering options to respond to a launches of North Korean missiles, but the Chinese option will not be considered", said US Permanent Representative to the United Nations Nikki Haley.
Thus, both states adhere to the old policy. The US presses on the PRC and demands a more stringent Beijing policy with regard to the DPRK. The PRC, in turn, suggests that the US will conduct a constructive dialogue with the DPRK. It is possible to agree on reducing the intensity of military maneuvers and gaining guarantees of mutual non-aggression in the format of six-party talks (China, the United States, Russia, Japan and two Koreas). This requires only a refusal to press China at any cost.
Vasili Blokhin wrote:Honestly, no way US could afford a war with China. It would be so condemn by literally every nation, you might as well declare war on the world.

I don't know, but people in the countries to the south and east of China probably think otherwise.
Vasili Blokhin wrote:Honestly, no way US could afford a war with China. It would be so condemn by literally every nation, you might as well declare war on the world.

The efficacy of a war is no indication of whether it will happen, most of the combatants in both world wars could not 'afford' them either and yet they still hurtled towards them. Our state system within an overacting economic one , makes competition and eventually conflict between states inevitable, all the base ingredients for US/China conflict are present, it just requires a chain of events to start the dominoes falling.

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