The Hungry Personality of the Chinese - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues in the People's Republic of China.

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From Financial Times in Chinese:

Translation as follows.

These days, people keep talking about the "Hungry Personalities".

Some people in Hainan had stolen bananas and mangoes planted by local farmers. After they were arrested, they kept making excuses, surprising many. Their ages range from 40 to 70, including both men and women. The media said they lack morals, I think it's a wrong verdict.

To me, it's the continuous revolution which causes this chaos, by stomping human rights and property rights. It all started from the Land Revolution (Mao times), through "Co-operation of the State and Private Firms", Cultural Revolution, the oppression of private entrepreneurs and public pillaging of private property by Bo Xilai, up to the "Red State-own Holding Movement" in recent years. All these have enhanced the mob psychology of the people.

Such a long time of instability cast a shadow of starvation in people, and silently change their way of actions. I think, such a hungry personality of the Chinese people, has started to shape a universal negative image of them around the world. This is going to severely affect the direction China is heading.

The most important representation of this "hungry personality" is an "Occupation - Destruction" complex: One occupy as much as one can. If one cannot occupy, then one causes major destruction. As an individual, one shows the following: Hypomania, Greed, Selfishness, Inferiority, Cowardice, and Cruelty.


May I describe the scene of a lunch in a working unit.

Before start of the meal, there's some "si-si" sound. Colleagues do not need to actually see it to know it: It must be those three experienced stooges. They start to take away freebies such as yogurt, bananas, apples or pears. In a haste, they put their loot in the super-wide pockets purposely worn on their bodies.

The unit usually pays their share to their superior department, and takes the food from the canteen every day. The distribution is like buffets, and the number of fruits is determined according to the number of people.

In theory, those three janitors who help the distribution can just publicly take what they are entitled to. However they quickly lost the modesty and show their greatest greed, taking 3 or 4 items at a time, pilliaging other colleagues' share before their fellows' turn.

At first, they pretended to be shy and to evade. Eventually they simply stopped acting and publicly rob in front of other workers, as if they were entitled to get more. You would cast doubt on the value of morals in front of them. To them, occupation is victory, and they are ignorant to others' view. Indeed, the onlookers do not give a damn.


I couldn't help but to think the people during the days of the Peoples Commune.

During the harvest season, the female members of the Commune all wore wide trousers, with the bottom tied. They stole everything, from wheat ear, corn, rapeseed, cotton, sesame, sweet potato, hot spice, EVERYTHING. They put all these in the mezzanine in their trousers.

After work, the captain would see their heavy body and pretend to molest them. With some screaming and evasion, the captain let them go. As the captain's home doesn't lack food, he would rather have his fellow villagers secretly fill themselves up, than to have the food donated to Africa by their leaders.

When the night falls, there would be some brave people entering the field and stealing fruit entitled to the nation. They believed they should love the nation, but the stomachs were of no one else but themselves, and it's the worst thing if their family were starving. And the patrollers were also just pretending to do so, so as to scare those most cowardly ones -- even these patrollers took some public stuff home at their shifts' conclusion.


Now the janitors' story is up, let's see the other workers.

Those queuing first, no matter man or woman, make the most of every dish, making their lunch as high as a small hill. They simply look like having just come out of prison. For those unfortunate enough to be at the back, all that waiting for them is just leftovers. With a sad smile, they spoon whatever is left and swallow it. Meanwhile, the early birds are pouring whatever they cannot consume into the refuse bucket. Some people always get more but not always consume their loot. Their working places often release smell of milk which gone sour, or rotten fruit.


This goes day by day, and no one ever thinks of change. Root cause? The leaders who always wear a smile. They are too busy in luxurious feasts, and when they occassionally visits the canteen, they simply eat and praise. You simply cannot expect them to make a difference.

The lunch set is actually from the superior organization. The chef simply do not fry the vegetables with oil - just with water instead. Adding some minced meat and that's it. Even worse, the volume of the food decreases year by year. Only two reasons justify this trend. One, there are people on trip or on leave every day. Two, there are people who simply cannot stand it and eat outside every day.


Enough for eating, now for taking a dump.

Workers tear up public toilets papers, as if they just want to hear the sound of the rumbling roll. They first wash their hands -- and use the washing paper -- upon entering the toilet. Then they rub their rear end both before and after defecation. After that, they wash and rub their hands with tissue again. The whole process usually takes two metres of toilet paper per person. Those janitors often lament the wastefulness of the fellows.


In conclusion, they simply don't leave it to others as long as they can take it. If they cannot bring something home, they waste away the resources in concern at will.


The above is within an office where everyone knows each other. You can imagine how bad it can be in public venues. Such shameless and greedy behaviour can be seen from buffets to shared bicycles.

In such a group, nothing that everyone has a share will be successful. Everyone knows the payer is the organization, not themselves. They don't think it's the real benefit if they don't actually take it.

For managers, they don't give a damn to the rampaging pillaging in reality, as long as there's apparent "harmony". Even worse, those who cannot get the benefits simply do not express the problem. They just try to be the firstcomers themselves -- when lunch hour is coming, they will watch at the elevator door, and watch the action of the janitors -- so that they can run to the front of the queue themselves.

Undoubtedly, the hungry "gene" has already been dissolved into the blood of the Chinese. This has caused the mutation of the Chinese personality, and is damaging the life aura of every person.

This article was mentioned by Hong Kong Apple Daily and receive widespread agreement from Hong Kong Netizens: ... 5/58151537

Anybody still think the Chinese system is working, or that their refusal of the Western model is correct?
One Degree wrote:Yes, how do you explain this being invisible to every Western visitor?

The Chinese treat Westerners soooo nice. They worship and adore anything from the West.

I knew a Chinese flight attendant. She noticed how a Chinese woman treated her versus a Western flight attendant. She was treated like shit. The Western flight attendant however was treated so politely. It's disgusting.
One Degree wrote:Yes, how do you explain this being invisible to every Western visitor?

In turn, I challenge you to prove this very statement. One counter-example is enough to make this argument shatter like porcelain plates.

And what about the Chinese Tourists' bad reputations among your people?
1. ... y-behaved/
2. ... y-chinese/
Patrickov wrote:In turn, I challenge you to prove this very statement. One counter-example is enough to make this argument shatter like porcelain plates.

And what about the Chinese Tourists' bad reputations among your people?
1. ... y-behaved/
2. ... y-chinese/

I guess I write these off as cultural differences and don’t pay much attention to them. Stereotypes exist for a reason. I actually just watched this at a meat store Friday. A Chinese customer demanding a price he received two days before on estimated weight of a side of beef. He did not want to pay based upon actual weight. The meat store employee was naturally angry, but then extended it to making fun of his ‘chicken scratch signature’. My point being, I am aware of the truth of what you say but don’t agree with the seriousness of it. I accept that most Asians I meet are likely to feel racially superior and appear cheap by my standards.
It is funny how my view of Chinese in China is different from Chinese tourists. Maybe it is because the tourists feel entitled because they are rich and not because they are Chinese.
MistyTiger wrote:The Chinese treat Westerners soooo nice. They worship and adore anything from the West.

I knew a Chinese flight attendant. She noticed how a Chinese woman treated her versus a Western flight attendant. She was treated like shit. The Western flight attendant however was treated so politely. It's disgusting.

I think this is probably a very good explanation. I have never been to China, but from family members descriptions their treatment seemed overly generous.
The Asian guy in the meat shop was in all likelihood paranoid about being taken advantage of and cheated because of his vulnerablility as a foreigner and imperfect English speaker. Also thriftiness is a way of life for many Asians. Many have had to get by on little by necessity. I ran with a Vietnamese girl for years, so I know this first hand.
One Degree wrote:I think this is probably a very good explanation. I have never been to China, but from family members descriptions their treatment seemed overly generous.

It's part accurate part simplistic. As for the flight attendants, in Asia they are still as they were in America in Maybe the 1960s.

Actually, on how one is treated, it is largely a cultural thing. It's about how the Chinese treat guests. Foreigners are treated like guests.

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