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By Ombrageux
I am making this topic to gather writings and audiovisual files of contemporary "dissident" thinkers. This means thinkers who are ostracized, censored or otherwise oppressed by the contemporary West. These will typically by found on the Right, but that is not the criteria for inclusion.

The point is not to agree or disagree with these thinkers. The point is to recognize the following:
1) They are intelligent thinkers.
2) They are thinkers who have chosen to speak their minds despite the ostracism and censorship they suffer for their thoughtcrimes, an often substantial professional, economic, legal and social cost.
3) Their thoughts are rare, first because most lack the courage to say such things, second because many have internalized mechanisms (crimestop, political correctness) which prevent them even really considering the arguments, let alone countering them.

As such, the true free thinker will hear what these people have to say, consider their side of the story, assess their share of the truth and the validity of their points, before he formulates his own opinion. Free to agree, disagree or transcend, but always better for it.

The topic is meant as a resource, so while feel free to react, let's keep back-and-forth chatter to a minimum.
A couple days ago Glenn Greenwald and Noam Chomsky discussed Greenwald's new book at the Harvard Book Store.

I give you the right-wing British artist and writer Jonathan Bowden, who recently passed away. A brilliant public speaker.

Introduction to his belief in the Right, Tradition and inequality:

* His magnificent lecture on historical revisionism.
* His lecture on Ezra Pound, perhaps America's most prestigious right-winger.
* His lecture on Julius Evola, advocate of Tradition.
* A collection of writings, video and audio files by Jonathan Bowden.

Solastalgia: Cheers for the find.
Here is a list of prominent "race-realist" thinkers. Not all of them have been ostracized, demonized, economically undermined, made to lose opportunities, or sued for their scientific and political beliefs, but most have. Generally if you don't actively popularize these ideas (like a journalist) or if you do not draw out the political implications (like a political activist) you are less likely to be harassed by the neo-Lysenkoist establishment.

* James Watson: geneticist, discoverer of the double helix, Nobel prize winner
* Nicholas Wade: science reporter at the New York Times covering genetics, author of A Troublesome Inheritance
* Gregory Cohran: physicist, professor of anthropology at the University of Utah, co-author The 10,000 Year Explosion
* Henry Harpending: anthropologist and population geneticist at the University of Utah, co-author The 10,000 Year Explosion
* Frank Salter: ethologist, formerly a professor at the Max Planck Institute for Behaviorial Physiology, author of On Genetic Interests
* Richard Lynn: professor of psychology at the University of Ulster, author of IQ and the Wealth of Nations and Eugenics: A Reassessment
* Philippe Rushton: psychology professor at the University of Western Ontario.
* Charles Murray: political scientist at American the Enterprise Institute, co-author of The Bell Curve
* Richard Herrnstein: professor of psychology at Harvard University, co-author of The Bell Curve
* Arthur Jensen: professor of education psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, author of The g Factor
* Steve Hsu: Michigan State University vice-president for research and graduate studies.
* Samuel Francis: journalist, paleoconservative, author of Ethnopolitics
* Kevin MacDonald: professor of psychology at California State University, Long Beach, white nationalist, author of The Culture of Critique
* Steve Sailer: journalist, civic nationalist, author of America's Half-Blood Prince
* Jared Taylor: journalist, editor of American Renaissance, white nationalist, author of White Identity
* Razib Khan: journalist
* Jayman: blogger
Steve Sailer is a long-time journalist, media and cultural critic, and blogger. He is generally classified as a "conservative" by mainstream media, although he is far superior what you will find in mainstream American conservatism. Sailer is perhaps the foremost English-language proponent of civic nationalism, his brand of which he calls "citizenism."

Sailer claims to write mostly about human biodiversity (i.e. race) and helped popularize the term. He certainly is knowledgeable on this subject, but I find he is more a media critic, bloc-quoting mainstream media outlets and snarkily observing how they collapse under the weight of their contradictions (e.g. on education, on immigration, on foreign policy). Sailer is above all an annihilator of political correctness and an important step in beginning to think freely. He also covers sports and likes data.

Sailer previously worked as a marketer (hence, liking data-driven analysis of how people differ) and a journalist with some mainstream media (UPI).

Reading Steve Sailer:
* His iSteve blog, currently hosted at the Unz Review. As you will see he has an elliptical, frequently ironic and innuendo-laden form of writing which can make it hard for the uninitiated to understand what he is getting at. But it is also a wonderful way of discussing and exploding taboos while limiting persecution. (I would genuinely be curious as to what others think of his writing.)
* His column at Taki's Magazine: A mix of film (on which I in general think he is way too generous on Hollywood's output, e.g. he was positive on the Planet of the Ape's reboot) and other commentary.
* His only book, America's Half-Blood Prince: Barack Obama's "Story of Race and Inheritance": An in-depth literary analysis of Barack Obama's memoir, essentially showing that Obama was never "postracial icon" which the Democrats/Axelrod packaged and marketed him to be from 2004 on. A worthwhile quick read.
* Older stuff: "Making Sense of the Concept of Race: A Race Is An Extremely Extended Family", Sailer's case for "citizenism" and against white nationalism, his articles on Vdare, archive at his very retro 1990s website.

There are remarkably few videos of Steve Sailer and I would say they generally do not do the man justice. Nonetheless, here he is introducing his ideas to Craig Bodeker:
And here he discusses the financial crisis, affirmative action and his book on Obama.

Sailer most recently came to mainstream media attention for bringing attention to the fact that Slavoj Žižek had plagiarized a white nationalist website.
Kevin MacDonald is a professor of Psychology at California State University, Long Beach. His work has focused on evolutionary psychology, i.e., showing natural selection's impact on human behavior, with a particular interest in group (as opposed to individual) evolutionary strategies, writing on child psychology and wolf behavior.

MacDonald came to public attention when he applied evolutionary theory to the study of traditional Judaism, which he argues is a group evolutionary strategy (notably because of traditional Judaism's advocacy of genetic self-segregation and discrimination against non-Jews). He has also examined other diaspora peoples and alleged group evolutionary strategies, such as the Ancient Spartans, the Roma, the Amish and the overseas Chinese.

MacDonald claims that Ashkenazi Jews are uniquely intelligent (especially verbally) and effective ethnic networkers, leading them to become massively over-represented in key institutions (pop culture, media, academia, finance, law..) when they were freed from the ghetto with the Enlightenment. He argues that Jewish economic and cultural elites have had a growing influence in the West, often used in defense of perceived Jewish interests such as attacking sociobiology and European nationalisms, and promoting leftism, individualism, non-European immigration and multiculturalism, secularism and hostility to Christianity, and foreign policies favoring Israel (note: MacDonald recognizes that Jews are not monolithic, however he notes that various Jewish groups often spearheaded these efforts, without necessarily the knowledge or support of the majority of the Jewish community). MacDonald believes these policies, besides often entailing hypocrisy, censorship and pseudoscience, have tended to undermine ethnic Europeans.

Today MacDonald terms himself a white advocate and believes that, as ethnic Europeans become a minority in the United States, they must organize to promote their interests just as other groups do (e.g. the ADL, NAACP, NCLR, etc). He argues that there are conflicts of interests between Jews and Europeans in the construction of culture. He has gone on to found the American Freedom Party with other European nationalists.

This road has naturally made MacDonald very unpopular in certain circles, although having tenure he is immune to the usual economic persecution. A few key articles and publications (all accessible via Google):
* Occidental Observer: His blog/webzine (see in particular its mission statement), generally commenting the news and micro-developments, but also some in-depth pieces.
* Occidental Quarterly: His academic journal, featuring in-depth articles and book reviews.
* The Culture of Critique series: His trilogy on Judaism. The final tome in particular is focused on the impact of Jewish intellectual movements in demonizing European ethnocentrism (Boasian anthropology, Freudian psychoanalysis, Marxist political movements (the latter not being entirely Jewish), the New York Intellectuals and the Frankfurt School), often based on pure pseudoscience. These books established his reputation.
* The preface of the 2002 edition of The Culture of Critique is a good summary to his work. PDF available.
* Similarly, his "Understanding Jewish Influence: A study in ethnic activism" a good summary to of his thesis, particularly part I. PDF available.
* He has written numerous studies exploring these topics, notably on the civil rights movement, neoconservatism and so on. See for example his review of Yuri Slekine's The Jewish Century on Jewish elites in the early Soviet Union.
* MacDonald has also written on whether Judaism can serve as model for the survival of European nations, notably in his acceptance speech of the Jack London Literary Prize: "Can the Jewish Model Help the West Survive?"

Kevin MacDonald has given numerous interviews to alternative media outlets. Among these, perhaps the best introduction to his views is in an interview with Mark Green:

MacDonald has occasionally been reported in mainstream media, such as this Daily Mail article.

SBG - Brilliant speaker, as ever!
I don't see how any of these people have been ostracised, censored or otherwise oppressed by the contemporary West. Rigoberta Menchu is far more oppressed than any of these guys.


The most oppressed any of these people are is that they may not get as much of a platform as they would in a society where racism is accepted. Getting a less that ideal amount of time to spread your self-serving philosophy does not, in my opinion, count as oppression.

Having your family killed because of their political beliefs, or because they are Mayan and the oppressors want their land, is oppression.
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By noemon
Nikos Kazantzakis

When Kazantzakis was born in 1883 in Heraklion, Crete had not yet joined the modern Greek state, (which had been established in 1832) and was still under the rule of the Ottoman Empire. From 1902 Kazantzakis studied law at the University of Athens, then went to Paris in 1907 to study philosophy. Here he fell under the influence of Henri Bergson. His 1909 dissertation was titled "Friedrich Nietzsche on the Philosophy of Right and the State." Upon his return to Greece, he began translating works of philosophy. In 1914 he met Angelos Sikelianos. Together they travelled for two years in places where Greek Orthodox Christian culture flourished, largely influenced by the enthusiastic nationalism of Sikelianos.

Kazantzakis married Galatea Alexiou in 1911; they divorced in 1926. He married Eleni Samiou in 1945. Between 1922 and his death in 1957, he sojourned in Paris and Berlin (from 1922 to 1924), Italy, Russia (in 1925), Spain (in 1932), and then later in Cyprus, Aegina, Egypt, Mount Sinai, Czechoslovakia, Nice (he later bought a villa in nearby Antibes, in the Old Town section near the famed seawall), China, and Japan. While in Berlin, where the political situation was explosive, Kazantzakis discovered communism and became an admirer of Vladimir Lenin. He never became a consistent communist, but visited the Soviet Union and stayed with the Left Opposition politician and writer Victor Serge. He witnessed the rise of Joseph Stalin, and became disillusioned with Soviet-style communism. Around this time, his earlier nationalist beliefs were gradually replaced by a more universal ideology.

Epitaph on the grave of Kazantzakis in Heraklion. It reads "I hope for nothing. I fear nothing. I am free."
In 1945, he became the leader of a small party on the non-communist left, and entered the Greek government as Minister without Portfolio. He resigned this post the following year. In 1946, The Society of Greek Writers recommended that Kazantzakis and Angelos Sikelianos be awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. In 1957, he lost the Prize to Albert Camus by one vote. Camus later said that Kazantzakis deserved the honour "a hundred times more" than himself[citation needed]. Late in 1957, even though suffering from leukemia, he set out on one last trip to China and Japan. Falling ill on his return flight, he was transferred to Freiburg, Germany, where he died. He is buried on the wall surrounding the city of Heraklion near the Chania Gate, because the Orthodox Church ruled out his being buried in a cemetery. His epitaph reads "I hope for nothing. I fear nothing. I am free." (Δεν ελπίζω τίποτα. Δε φοβούμαι τίποτα. Είμαι λέφτερος.)

His first work was the 1906 narrative Serpent and Lily (Όφις και Κρίνο), which he signed with the pen name Karma Nirvami. In 1909, Kazantzakis wrote a one-act play titled Comedy, which remarkably resonates existential themes that become prevalent much later in Post-World War II Europe by writers like Sartre and Camus. In 1910, after his studies in Paris, he wrote a tragedy "The Master Builder" (Ο Πρωτομάστορας), based on a popular Greek folkloric myth. Kazantzakis considered his huge epic poem (33,333 verses long) The Odyssey: A Modern Sequel to be his most important work. Begun in 1924, he rewrote it seven times before publishing it in 1938. According to another Greek author, Pantelis Prevelakis, "it has been a superhuman effort to record his immense spiritual experience." Following the structure of Homer's Odyssey, it is divided into 24 rhapsodies.

Medallion honoring Kazantzakis in the Venetian Loggia, Heraklion
His most famous novels include Zorba the Greek (1946, in Greek Βίος και Πολιτεία του Αλέξη Ζορμπά); Christ Recrucified (1948, UK title Christ Recrucified, in Greek Ο Χριστός Ξανασταυρώνεται); Captain Michalis (1950, UK title Freedom and Death, in Greek Καπετάν Μιχάλης); The Last Temptation of Christ (1951, Ο Τελευταίος Πειρασμός); and Saint Francis (1956, UK title God's Pauper: St. Francis of Assisi, in Greek Ο Φτωχούλης του Θεού). Report to Greco (1961, Αναφορά στον Γκρέκο), containing both autobiographical and fictional elements, summed up his philosophy as the "Cretan Glance."

Starting in his youth, Kazantzakis was spiritually restless. Tortured by metaphysical and existential concerns, he sought relief in knowledge and travel, contact with a diverse set of people, in every kind of experience. The influence of Friedrich Nietzsche on his work is evident, especially Nietzsche's atheism and sympathy for the superman (Übermensch) concept. However, he was also haunted by spiritual concerns. To attain a union with God, Kazantzakis entered a monastery for six months. In 1927 Kazantzakis published in Greek his "Spiritual Exercises" (Greek: "Ασκητική"), which he had composed in Berlin in 1923. The book was translated into English and published in 1960 with the title The Saviors of God.

The figure of Jesus was ever-present in his thoughts, from his youth to his last years. The Christ of The Last Temptation of Christ shares Katzantzakis' anguished metaphysical and existential concerns, seeking answers to haunting questions and often torn between his sense of duty and mission, on one side, and his own human needs to enjoy life, to love and to be loved, and to have a family. A tragic figure who at the end sacrifices his own human hopes for a wider cause, Kazantzakis' Christ is not an infallible, passionless deity but rather a passionate and emotional human being who has been assigned a mission, with a meaning that he is struggling to understand and that often requires him to face his conscience and his emotions, and ultimately to sacrifice his own life for its fulfilment. He is subject to doubts, fears and even guilt. In the end he is the Son of Man, a man whose internal struggle represents that of humanity.

The Church of Greece condemned Kazantzakis' work. His reply was: "You gave me a curse, Holy fathers, I give you a blessing: may your conscience be as clear as mine and may you be as moral and religious as I" before the Greek Orthodox Church anathematized him in 1955.[1] (Greek: "Μου δώσατε μια κατάρα, Άγιοι πατέρες, σας δίνω κι εγώ μια ευχή: Σας εύχομαι να ‘ναι η συνείδηση σας τόσο καθαρή, όσο είναι η δική μου και να ‘στε τόσο ηθικοί και θρήσκοι όσο είμαι εγώ").[citation needed] The Last Temptation was included by the Roman Catholic Church in the Index of Prohibited Books. Kazantzakis' reaction was to send a telegram to the Vatican quoting the Christian writer Tertullian: Ad tuum, Domine, tribunal appello ("I lodge my appeal at your tribunal, Lord", in Greek "Στο δικαστήριό σου ασκώ έφεση, ω Kύριε"). Many cinemas banned the Martin Scorsese film, which was released in 1988 and based on this novel
Julian Assange needs no introduction. He is the publisher of WikiLeaks. He is an advocate of transparency as a check on governmental and corporate abuse and was brought to world-wide fame with the publication of various governmental communications. Since the "Cablegate" leaks of U.S. diplomatic communications he has been accused of apparently spurious "rape" charges by the Swedish government and has lived in the Ecuadoran embassy in London to avoid extradition and trial.

Assange is not foremost a writer, however, I was personally very impressed by his book Cypherpunks (PDF available) which has various passages that show that he is keenly aware of the threat that globalism poses to traditional Western democracy and nationhood. I look forward to reading When Google Met WikiLeaks.

Assange takes a different approach against global plutocracy than do most of the writers in this thread, although he has made appeals to national sovereignty central to his interventions in Australian politics. He puts the unprecedented documentation and sharing of information via computers and the Internet at the center of his resistance. In particular, he believes that no abuse can be systematized without it being recorded by bureaucratic institutions and that there will, sooner or later, be some individual in these institutions who will not be able to stomach these abuses, and therefore will eventually reveal them to the world (à la Edward Snowden). He argues that institutions like WikiLeaks will thus be able to prevent abuse by gumming the machinery of corrupt institutions (which will face dilemmas in how they document/systematize their efforts) and stoking public outrage.

I have not encountered much in terms of a bibliography of Assange's work (and would like pointers to any available). He has given numerous interviews presenting his ideas.

PoD - It goes without saying that being willing to suffer economically, politically, professionally, legally and reputationally in order to speak the truth against neo-Lysenkoist pseudoscience/propaganda and to fight for their people is worthy of the highest praise. Those who do so, if there are such things, will prosper in Heaven or feast in Valhalla for all eternity.

I had thought of naming this the Dissenters' Library more specifically dedicated to those who disagree with the current regime in that they believe that the Nation and sovereignty should not be destroyed. Today to dissent on this point, to defend the Nation as a politically and socio-culturally desirable entity, is generally enough to be subject to varying degrees of ostracism and defamation. But it is good for the criteria of inclusion to be open.
Ombrageux wrote:....

PoD - It goes without saying that being willing to suffer economically, politically, professionally, legally and reputationally in order to speak the truth against neo-Lysenkoist pseudoscience/propaganda and to fight for their people is worthy of the highest praise. Those who do so, if there are such things, will prosper in Heaven or feast in Valhalla for all eternity.

No. it does not go without saying that these people are doing something praiseworthy.

First of all, none of them are being oppressed. Since many are professors with tenure, they are basically immune from any repercussions.

Second of all, I have no idea what you are saying by "neo-Lysenkoist pseudoscience/propaganda" other than being redundant, but I assume you mean "modern scientific viewpoints on race and genetics", due to the fact that most of the people you have mentioned are openly racist. Being racist is not original or brave or praiseworthy. It is decidedly unoriginal, seeing as how it has been the norm for most of Western civilisation. It is not brave, because it is neither new nor is there any risk for the advocates. Also, their actions are entirely self-serving and focus on making things more degrading for anyone who is not like them (i.e. white male intellectuals).

I had thought of naming this the Dissenters' Library more specifically dedicated to those who disagree with the current regime in that they believe that the Nation and sovereignty should not be destroyed. Today to dissent on this point, to defend the Nation as a politically and socio-culturally desirable entity, is generally enough to be subject to varying degrees of ostracism and defamation. But it is good for the criteria of inclusion to be open.

I completely disagree with your assumption that the current regime believes that the Nation and sovereignty should be destroyed.

Noemon's inclusion of Nikos Kazantzakis makes far more sense than people who are making names for themselves by being racist. He was actually ostracised for making the "heretical" claim that Jesus sacrificed His humanity for us all.


You suggest that my "appalling debating skills" will "be reading more".

By this you mean that I should stop questioning you and quietly and meekly read the same books you did. I assume you suggest this this so that I can be convinced of the arguments by these racist people, and this would then relieve you of the burden of constructing logical or evidence based arguments for their racist positions.

You are making the incorrect assumption that I am somehow ignorant of the claims made by these racist pseudo-scientists.

I have no idea if "Neo-Lysenkoist pseudoscience/propaganda" may be in my immediate ethnic interests, or yours, since you have not defined it.

And "in any event the Western way since at least Galileo and Darwin has been to put science and truth above such parochial concerns", so I think it is not praiseworthy for people to go around pretending that racist pseudo-science is accurate or useful.
By akingu
Well, from a self-awareness perspective, I'd choose PD Ouspensky "The Psychology of Mans Possible Evolution" & "The Fourth Way", "Flow" by Csikszentmihalyi, Plummers "Consciously Creating Circumstances", "The Crack In the Cosmic Egg" by Pearson. "Might Is Right" by Ragnar Redbeard is also a very interesting read.

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