Five Reasons Why Cats are Inferior to Dogs - Page 4 - Politics | PoFo

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work-in-progress wrote:Yeah, what would you call talk about shooting dogs for fun or the similar shit about cats on this thread? I don't think even the less extreme posts have any redeemable qualities, because their attempts to try to appear amusing and funny betray a lack of respect for living creatures. The comments say more about the people than it does about cats or dogs!

My avatar is of a man who ate his enemies. Why did you think I'd have any redeeming features in the first place?

Oh, and the dogs are feral. You get paid by the tails. Not all of us live in la la land cities where animals sit on a couch and watch TV with you every night. Here an animal either works or is a pest.
I really didn't want to get involved in this but you say a cat will kill you if it could. Well dogs kill people all the time. In fact dogs are one of the most dangerous threats to humans in the western world as far as animal attacks go.
Actually, lots of people die from moose attacks and more dogs die from humans and cars than we die from them.

I live in Thailand, where stray dogs are a very very common sight, but where dog bites are very rare, and few people are ever killed, because the dogs are very well socialized with each other, and people.
That's why I said "one" of the most. Anyway I don't mind dogs, I have two for hunting but the fact is they do kill people. And for the few people they kill they bite and maime thousands more.
I doubt a dog will stay stray in Thailand very long.
They don't eat dogs here, so there are an awful lot in the streets. Dogs don't starve here because most people throw them leftovers. I have no problem with dogs., but some Thais are afraid of them, which causes problems for them. most kids learn to toss rocks at them if they get too annoying, so dogs respond quickly to you bending over(as if to pick up a stone), by vacating the area.

My wife did a drive-by lancing of a particularly mean dog(with a fishing pole), but he just got a nasty welt. He never bothered us again.
I actually agree that dogs are more dangerous than cats, not only because they are large enough for them to pose a threat to humans, but mainly because they are social and therefore protective of humans. Of course, the same trait makes dogs much more useful to humans than cats and that's obviously why for larger dogs training and a responsible owner is important.

Anyway, most funny part of this thread was people talking negatively about cats and dogs grooming themselves.
It doesn't sound like theirs a very good man dog relationship happening in Thailand.
Actually, it works very well. Little food gets wasted. Dogs and cats live their own lives, and if you want a dog or cat you simply put a collar on it and call it yours, feeding it, etc.

There is still a version of SPCA in the cities, but a town doesn't have much in that, but doesn't need it, either.

I don't have to shoo dogs away from my house, as most know not to go into people's yards, and the very few that do are collared, and pets of people so I simply tell them to go home.

The dogs don't bite people, because they have their own social structure in the neighbourhood, and they generally get along with everyone around them. it's pretty damned nice, actually.
jessupjonesjnr87 wrote:I really didn't want to get involved in this but you say a cat will kill you if it could. Well dogs kill people all the time. In fact dogs are one of the most dangerous threats to humans in the western world as far as animal attacks go.

Humans are the most dangerous threat to all life on closed: from press release of a new study in PLOS ONEon the present, ongoing mass extinction...that hardly anyone seems to be aware of:

Vertebrate extinction rates are currently estimated to be 10–100 times greater than background, largely due to the effects of habitat loss, over-exploitation and invasive species. However, anthropogenic climate change is becoming a significant new threat...

Most species at greatest risk from climate change are not currently conservation priorities, according to an International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) study that has introduced a pioneering method to assess the vulnerability of species to climate change.

Up to 83% of birds, 66% of amphibians and 70% of corals that were identified as highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change are not currently considered threatened with extinction on The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. They are therefore unlikely to be receiving focused conservation attention, according to the study.

I haven't been on these forums for very long, but from my own observation of the forums I've been on, most of us are living in the west: U.S., Canada, Western Europe etc., so the cultural norms and practices of places like Thailand don't have a lot of relevance to me! Where I live, there is strict law enforcement of dog licensing, vaccinations for rabies etc., leash laws, heavy fines for not picking up after your dog etc. etc., so feral dogs and dog packs are a thing of the past, and even when I was young, were only a concern in rural, farming areas. Nowadays, I can go riding on my bike up to 40 or 50 miles on any country road and never see a dog that's loose; so it's a moot point.

But, cats are another story! There have been calls by some municipalities for licensing cats and fining owners who allow unneutered or spayed cats to roam free and add to the existing and growing problem of cats that are turned in to the SPCA and put down because there are always too many cats roaming around.

My pov from the start is that this thread is not only demeaning to the animals that many of us take in as pets, but promotes the contempt for animals that finds its way into contempt for people as well. How many serial killers' stories have we heard from that started out torturing animals when they were teens or preteens, before graduating to humans?

Also, pets...dogs or cats...are a good way to teach children (especially youngest children and only children) how to care for others, and be less self-absorbed and selfish.
Yeah, I get what Godstud says from the article:

The article wrote:Cats are also noted for “doing their own thing” whereas dogs tend to “follow the crowd.” People who are high in openness to experience tend to be non-conformists who like to follow their own interests rather than blend in with other people. Perhaps people who are higher in openness to experience may perceive cats as more individualistic than dogs, and therefore more similar to themselves.

Honestly, if you're open to experiences and have interests and like doing your own thing, an animal that is open to experiences and have interests and likes doing its own thing makes sense. Whereas a dog person might be someone that needs constant affirmation and desperately scrambles for whatever reassurance an animal broken over generations to be completely dependent on people may give.
The Immortal Goon wrote:Whereas a dog person might be someone that needs constant affirmation and desperately scrambles for whatever reassurance an animal broken over generations to be completely dependent on people may give.
You hit the nail on the head.

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