Karl Marx and the devil - Book by Paul Kengor - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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we can argue that marxian diabolic mood was just trendy ghotic vibe that was noir reflex from the enlightened era and the neopagan rush against Christianity, and for sure in his youth he was more prone to "cosmogonical epistemology" [1] so there is big chance that he was more or less diabolical in the beginning, and after he just easily built upon that basis own interpretation of path to superhumanity i.e. the utopian enlightenment ideal derived by the baconian "new atlantis" that actually consumed whole european humanist realm!?


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Last edited by Odiseizam on 16 Jan 2021 22:00, edited 1 time in total.
Odiseizam wrote:
we can argue that marxian diabolic mood was just trendy ghotic vibe that was noir reflex from the enlightened era and the neopagan rush against Christianity, and for sure in his youth he was more prone to "cosmogonical epistemology" [1] so there is big chance that he was more or less diabolical in the begging, and after he just easily built upon that basis own interpretation of path to superhumanity i.e. the utopian enlightenment ideal derived by the baconian "new atlantis" that actually consumed whole european humanist realm!?

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Use gothic instead of ghotic. Ghotic is just too obscure, while everyone has at least a vague idea of what gothic is.

You said it came out of the Enlightenment. It's part of the Romantic movement, which is actually a reaction against the Enlightenment. The Enlightenment is all about reason, the early Romantics were all about passion. A British wag once said of Shelly that he "was mad, bad and dangerous to know." Not exactly the dispassionate theoretician...

Cosmogonical is part of astronomy, you're using it wrong.

Marx was one of a number of economists of that era. He's not noir or Enlightenment or neopagan. He's also not as far from Adam Smith as most think. You could say his thinking grew out of Enlightenment principles, but it diverged from them considerably. You could also say he had one foot in the era of the Enlightenment, and one foot in the era that preceded the Modern era.

About the book that motivated your thread. The conservative National Review said about it: "The great virtue of the book is the attempt it makes to correct those who would “separate Marx the man from the evils ushered in by Marxism.” Which is roughly the opposite of what you seem to be saying.

You know just enough to get nearly everything wrong.

https://www.nationalreview.com/2020/09/ ... y/#slide-1
Thanks for the explanation about my gothic typo, U've save the day!

late wrote:You said it came out of the Enlightenment. It's part of the Romantic movement, which is actually a reaction against the Enlightenment.

this is wrong modern interpretation! enlightenment movement per-se is not academic, but freemasonic [1] after all the iconography of light as reason is connected to the european neopagan illuminism and renaissance, also catch the academic relation to Alma Mater etc.

Cosmogonical is part of astronomy, you're using it wrong.

probably You didnt see the quotation marks

You could say his thinking grew out of Enlightenment principles, but it diverged from them considerably.

I am guessing that in his youth he had different mindset that later!

Which is roughly the opposite of what you seem to be saying.

You know just enough to get nearly everything wrong.

You are replaying almost as commie apologist, tho the proposed article refute this, anyway my post wasnt to make a point, but just shared the info and made attempt to explain how/why such poetry could be evoked in him, even I am not sure if really those were his words at all!
Odiseizam wrote:

this is wrong modern interpretation! enlightenment movement per-se is not academic, but freemasonic [1] after all the iconography of light as reason is connected to the european neopagan illuminism and renaissance, also catch the academic relation to Alma Mater etc.

You are babbling.
@late yes and communists are not satanists!


it would be rude not to explain my sarcasms, if communism as athesim is opposed to Christianity then defacto it is its counterpart, now not so obvious as is neopaganism, but as antichristian ideology in service of greater evil too, they dont bow to it directly but give praise through their totalitarian determinism indirectly!
here is interesting excerpt from the video transcript on 47-min about "cultural-marxism"

institute of world politics - my next question goes along with the last point that you made - how can we fight against cultural marxism seeping into our culture?

PaulK ~ well it's a good question and and that's where a lot of the marxism is being applied today to culture and uh and i wrote a couple pieces on this for american spectator "cultural marxism and its conspirators" uh part one and part two, i mean you could search the word college cultural marxism on google and what pops up is um uh white nationalist andy submit a conspiracy theory which again shows how big problem big tech is!
you've got some i don't know 14 year old right writing the little definitions for google on what cultural marxism means, i mean if you think that that's what cultural marxism is then you're you're unbelievably lazy, I mean that that is absurd i

~ read antonio gramsci, read max horkheimer, when we read any of these early people from the frankfurt school, read wilhelm wright, wilhelm wright was a sexual marxist he was trying to create a unified field of freudianism and marxism, he literally coined the term and wrote the book "the sexual revolution", kate millet wrote sexual politics

~ i have on my desk at home patrice cullers the founder of black lives matter um her memoirs with the intro from angela davis, and angela davis uses the word comrades like four or five times in the first four or five paragraphs to describe patrice, they're applying their marxism to cultural gender sexuality and even racial stuff, which is really weird because marxism was originally intended to be applied to economics class wealth redistribution, but if you go today to the website of "people's world" in the about section they issue a call for what they call "cultural workers of all things" , so you know they're dabbling in culture, that's where they are, they're in the area of culture more than they are even in economics, that's where the battle is being waged by so many of today's modern marxists






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