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By Cartertonian
Of course, once your car has got you laid, before long you're gonna end up with something like this...


I know...I have six kids and one o' these. ;)
By Jarlaxle
I'm sorry.

But no kids here. Ever.
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By QatzelOk
1)can to go to places that are not on a public transit route
Like all those pristine rivers that you see in car ads? I see...

2) can travel at times when that public transit isn't running(late night or early morning)
Yes, it's great after you've been out drinking till 3 am, to be able to just climb into the truck and drive yourself home.

3) not having to travel with strangers
Children shouldn't trust strangers. But adults who don't like other adults need to be excommunicated from society.

4) getting somewhere faster than if you took public transit
By the time you've paid for your car, you've been moving slower than if you'd walked.

5) being comfortable while traveling
Cars are claustrophobic and smell weird.

6) get there on time(buses are not always on time- at least in Vancouver, where sometimes they don't even show up)
Fix your transit. It costs about a tenth of what car transportation costs.

7) you don't sit on dirty seats or are forced to stand.
Standing can help you burn excess calories. And seats are cleaner than the atmosphere is.

8. you aren't in close proximity with sick people, smelly people, etc.
Being in a smelly car with a sick person is like sharing a kleenex with someone.

9) security
As I said earlier, if you are afraid of other people, than your car (and suburbia) have done more damage to you than you admit.

10) getting laid
While you're working to pay off your car, I can be having sex. Cars prevent you from getting laid, and then make you so fat, no one even wants to look at you. And so antisocial, that you can't even relate to women or men (or anyone else who isn't in your bubble of insecurity).
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By Godstud
QatzelOk wrote:Like all those pristine rivers that you see in car ads? I see...
And parks and places you'll never see if you rely on public transit.

QatzelOk wrote:Yes, it's great after you've been out drinking till 3 am, to be able to just climb into the truck and drive yourself home.
Yes, it's good to not have to stop doing anything after 11 PM because you rely on public transit or having to find a job that doesn't start til 8 AM because the buses don't run prior to 7 AM.

QatzelOk wrote:But adults who don't like other adults need to be excommunicated from society.
You don't travel with stinky people and people you don't know so that you have more time to spend with people you do.

QatzelOk wrote:By the time you've paid for your car, you've been moving slower than if you'd walked.
You'd have spent that money on cab fares or bus passes and still taken longer to get everywhere or never to places that public transit doesn't service, which is a rather vast area.

QatzelOk wrote:Cars are claustrophobic and smell weird.
Crack a window and try showering occasionally. You're more likely to get claustrophobia on a bus full of people than in your car. The smell of other people's BO, over-whelming perfume or smoke-covered coat is hardly something you can cover up with a car deodorizer.

QatzelOk wrote:Fix your transit. It costs about a tenth of what car transportation costs.
Transit is not about to alter their times to 24 hours a day. It's a business. My girlfriend was told by the bus service to keep track of when their buses were late or didn't show up, after she complained about it. She had to get a car though, so that she wouldn't get fired for consistently being late because the first buses of the day were so unreliable. Any suggesting how to fix the transit? How is it cheaper to change bus times when they don't care?

QatzelOk wrote:Standing can help you burn excess calories. And seats are cleaner than the atmosphere is.

I stand all day at work, why do I want to stand for another 2 hours? Standing doesn't burn fuck all for calories, either.
Cleaner than the atmosphere Haha. Yeah because that bus isn't going to run if I'm not on it, right? I drive a car with 53 mpg and drive friends(carpool) to work, because there is no bus routes where I work and they don't run at those hours anyhow. Care to tell me how I am dirtying up the atmosphere any more than you taking a bus?

QatzelOk wrote:Being in a smelly car with a sick person is like sharing a kleenex with someone.

Sick people shouldn't be IN a car and I am not forced to travel with them, anyhow.

QatzelOk wrote:As I said earlier, if you are afraid of other people, than your car (and suburbia) have done more damage to you than you admit.

I don't have to worry about looking at a someone 'the wrong way' or having my wallet lifted in my car.

QatzelOk wrote:While you're working to pay off your car, I can be having sex. Cars prevent you from getting laid, and then make you so fat, no one even wants to look at you. And so antisocial, that you can't even relate to women or men (or anyone else who isn't in your bubble of insecurity).
A car isn't much more expensive than a bike and can get you places a bike won't.

Get laid without having things that women expect men to have? You're delusional now QatzelOk. There are things women look for in men, and having a vehicle to pick them up in and take them out with is one of them. Vehicles are a sign of prosperity in N. American culture, whether you agree with it or not.

As for getting laid? Doubtful. When you want to stay late to talk to that lovely women you have to leave or you'll miss your last bus(taking a cab is just as bad as driving a car as far as the environment). That other guy with the car talks her up and takes her home and you never hear from her again. Slackers or jobless bums also don't usually have cars.
Either that or when the girl wants to do something you have to hope the buses run there.

When people say, "Hey, come on over!", you have to pass because it'll take you an hour to get anywhere by bus so you just end up staying home and being more anti-social.

People get fat because of what they eat, not because they drive a car.
By Jarlaxle
QatzelOk wrote:1)can to go to places that are not on a public transit route
Like all those pristine rivers that you see in car ads? I see...

Like my house...and where I work...and where my wife works.

2) can travel at times when that public transit isn't running(late night or early morning)
Yes, it's great after you've been out drinking till 3 am, to be able to just climb into the truck and drive yourself home.

I go into work early, sometimes 5am. My wife works varying hours...she wasn't finished until midnight yesterday.

3) not having to travel with strangers
Children shouldn't trust strangers. But adults who don't like other adults need to be excommunicated from society.

People suck.

4) getting somewhere faster than if you took public transit
By the time you've paid for your car, you've been moving slower than if you'd walked.


5) being comfortable while traveling
Cars are claustrophobic and smell weird.

I suggest bathing. Unless, of course, you are used to the overwhelming odor of vomit, stale sweat, and urine so common on public transit vehicles and its absence bothers you.

6) get there on time(buses are not always on time- at least in Vancouver, where sometimes they don't even show up)
Fix your transit. It costs about a tenth of what car transportation costs.

Right. It costs a vast amount more and as long as it's run by hacks, is not fixable.

7) you don't sit on dirty seats or are forced to stand.
Standing can help you burn excess calories. And seats are cleaner than the atmosphere is.

Standing in a moving vehicle is a great way to get hurt (or groped, in the case of a woman). Seats are often filthy, frequently used as toilets by the bums.

8. you aren't in close proximity with sick people, smelly people, etc.
Being in a smelly car with a sick person is like sharing a kleenex with someone.

Being on a bus is like sharing a hankie with the whole city.

9) security
As I said earlier, if you are afraid of other people, than your car (and suburbia) have done more damage to you than you admit.

The last (and I do mean LAST) time I used public transportation, my wife and I were assaulted by five drunk bums. Not to mention the possibility of getting a purse/wallet lifted, or a woman getting groped.

10) getting laid
While you're working to pay off your car, I can be having sex. Cars prevent you from getting laid, and then make you so fat, no one even wants to look at you. And so antisocial, that you can't even relate to women or men (or anyone else who isn't in your bubble of insecurity).

Cars make getting some much easier, especially in high school.
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By QatzelOk
The last (and I do mean LAST) time I used public transportation, my wife and I were assaulted by five drunk bums.


By Jarlaxle
Was that post intended to actually do something beyond trolling and wasting bandwidth?
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By Godstud
No, QatzelOk's argument has been thoroughly trashed so he responds now with trolling. Just par for the course.
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By QatzelOk
Godstud wrote:No, QatzelOk's argument has been thoroughly trashed so he responds now with trolling. Just par for the course.

Wow. With all the sex you're having on account of your motor vehicles, it's amazing that you can find a free hand to respond.
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By Godstud
No, we just have more time for sex since we're not taking public transit and spending that time waiting at a bus stop.
Last edited by Godstud on 26 May 2010 02:40, edited 1 time in total.
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By QatzelOk
You can actually have sex on some mass transit (like subways at night).

And I met one of my long-term boyfriends on transit.

Girls you meet in the world of cars are usually NASCAR sluts who don't realize that they're lesbians.
By Jarlaxle
QatzelOk wrote:You can actually have sex on some mass transit (like subways at night).

And then you get arrested!

And I met one of my long-term boyfriends on transit.

You and they have my sympathies.

Girls you meet in the world of cars are usually NASCAR sluts who don't realize that they're lesbians.

Hardly. My wife is as much of a car nut as I am...heck, her first car (she still has it) was a Buick Grand National.
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By QatzelOk
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By Godstud

I've driven to work every day for years and haven't wasted 15 minutes a year finding parking. That's just idiot propaganda for idiots.
By Jarlaxle
There's a lot at work, always room to park. Takes me 30 seconds to park my car. That's about 2 hours a year.
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By ThereBeDragons
Depends on where you live, of course.
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By QatzelOk
Takes me 30 seconds to park my car.

That's not enough time for the car to even feel itself being parked.
By Jarlaxle
Are you hammered?
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By killim
No it depends where you live. In some regions of the world you won't be able to afford the rent for a parking lot.

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