Libyan-Style Socialist = great - Politics | PoFo

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As either the transitional stage to communism or legitimate socio-economic ends in its own right.
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I actually think the practical problems with implementing direct democracy have been cracked by Libyan Socialist (I can't spell that J word :?: )
While the system does have its flaws, it appears to work well through the peoples councils. I was working on something similar to this, but I have abandoned much of it after reading Qadhafi's Green Book. While the markets are opening up slightly in Libya, companies still have to be well-behaved because the people have control of such things. I think direct democracy is the way to go. The Third Universal Theory is influenced quite largely by islam, but this doesn't necessarily have to be so. I think it can act multiculturally for Britain.
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By Adrien
The Jamahiriya (no merit for me... i copy pasted it :) ) is an interesting system yes, but i don't know how far it is really applied: can someone knows it?

Anyway, i should read about it, is it all explained in the green book or should i try to find another one?
By ZenWilsonian
The Green Book is a very easy read and it explains the blueprints for direct democracy, socialism and how far religion should influence politics. It is a fairly complete guide, and can be used to implement any system from capitalism to communism, but usually finds more of a socialism than anything, as suggested in the green book. The green book is available for free online, with original line spacing preserved even in the english translation for easy reference. Qadhafi has pretty much accepted anything from the peoples councils that goes along with the green book. While having no legal status beyond colonel, he is still accepted as the guy who knows everything, and, throughout the 80s and most of the 90s may as well have been a dictator, people wouldn't dare speak out against him for fear of other people. But, recently some opening up has happened, the people learn that the Jamahiriya gives them the power and Qadhafi accepts this. In fact, Qadhafi officialy gave the go-ahead for the opening up, and points out that the country is one of the people, and they shouldn't get too used to just blindly following him, so long as they follow the system of the green book. After all, no man lives forever.
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By Adrien
Thanks for the informations Comrade! It's interesting to see this change in Lybia, but i think that if you say that this change exists he will dismiss that as a lie... and continue to say that Lybia is a brutal dictatorship, with the Axis of Evil and all.

Anyway, i'll search closely for the Green book in French, to be sure that i understand it right.
By Proctor
You know one of the funniest things I've ever seen? The Green Book published in Hebrew. :lol:

I don't really know what to say about Ghaddafi. The people of Libya aren't too enthusiastic about him, but to tell the truth, they really don't seem to care either way.
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By Adrien
I don't really know what to say about Ghaddafi. The people of Libya aren't too enthusiastic about him, but to tell the truth, they really don't seem to care either way.

He's more a symbol than anything now (well maybe not for Bush, when we see his famous "axis of evil", and the bombing of his house, which killed Muammar's daughter) but one thing is sure: he dresses badly.
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By Sheep...

I don't think so, I think that hat really brings out his eyes.
By ZenWilsonian
He's more a symbol than anything now

And unlike the Queen (who technically IS a dictator), he doesn't get paid ridculous amounts of money for doing nothing but travel around. I think that when the people said 'shall we do X'? and Qadhafi said yes as it was in line with the green book, Qadhafi was bowing to the people, not the other way 'round. The people came to this symbol for advice on how to use the info in the book he wrote, and he saw them using it, so approved, whether he agreed or not. Therefore it is the people who have always had the power, and the people who realized mistakes and made changes. Dubya's thinking belongs about twenty years ago. Russia was even shortlisted for going onto the Axis of Evil! And Cuba never did anything bad to the US either since the Bay of Pigs.

As for symbols wearing bad clothing (let us not digress), has anyone ever seen the Dutch Royal family on TV or somewhere? I rest my case - Qadhaffi isn't that bad :D

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