Informative Technocracy Links - Politics | PoFo

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The solving of mankind’s problems and abolition of government via technological solutions alone.

Moderator: Kolzene

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By Adrien
Thank you Kolzene, it was useful and it helped me!

I have to confess that i didn't get all the subtilities of the ideology as i started with the very simplified view, but i gues the main idea is getting clearer, and it's still interesting, even if it looks a little bit too star-trek like, futuristic and not really applicable right now...

But if you want my full advice even if i don't think it can be applied today (unlike communism hehe) i do think that it is bound to be applied in the century, centuries to come.
By A_Technocrat
Comrade Adrien wrote:even if it looks a little bit too star-trek like, futuristic and not really applicable right now...

But if you want my full advice even if i don't think it can be applied today (unlike communism hehe) i do think that it is bound to be applied in the century, centuries to come.

Technocracy could have been applied in the 1930's when it was developed. A Technocracy can operate on 20th century technology (as long abundance can be produced). If it is applied later it could be too late. Sorry to say, but communism has already been applied in many different forms. Either it has utterly failed or eventually turned into a capitalist system.

Communism had its chance; it's now Technocracy's turn.
By Sweeper
I have been wondering what is Technocracy for a long time.
You finally got it right with these links, time to show another one I know these links.
Should been a sticky this one.
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By Adrien
Well it's not false that Technocracy looks like an advanced stage of Marxism or like a parallel ideology, but on the other hand the path to the final result is quite different!

Anyway i can't manage to see Technocracy being implemented today, even if i try hard, it's so abstract to me you know... ;)

It's principally the fact that i don't see this new society taking the place of the existing one, how it could do it. However i think that if it was to be applied to build a new society from scratch (i think it's the expression) for i don't know, a new colonized land or a completely destroyed infrastructures of a country, then it could (in my vision) work.

The other problem, still in my vision of things, is the number of things to build or rebuild (because apparently Technocracy plans to reorganize cities, transports, etc..).

But maybe something escaped me: is there some kind of transitional state in Technocracy like Socialism in Communism? Because this all seem to be a lot of things to do at once.

And doesn't the implementation of Technocracy in one country requires its implementation in a high number of other countries to "survive"? Because as the economies are linked to each other, the "revolutionary" financial system of Technocracy would have a hard time maintaining itself.

Well, maybe that's confused and maybe you already answered that earlier.. In this case, i apology in advance!

And if some of my sentences are not clear, just tell me i'll try to rephrase them!
By A_Technocrat
Comrade Adrien wrote:Well it's not false that Technocracy looks like an advanced stage of Marxism or like a parallel ideology, but on the other hand the path to the final result is quite different!

I'll admit that Technocracy has components that are similar to Marxism. It's not really a parallel ideology. Kolzene has already pointed out the Technocracy was developed in much different circumstances than Marxism/Communism.

Anyway i can't manage to see Technocracy being implemented today, even if i try hard, it's so abstract to me you know... ;)

That is understandable. Technocracy may seem abstract to a person that is new to it. Now that I understand the basics of Technocracy, advanced price systems (ie: stock markets) seem abstract and irrational to me.

It's principally the fact that i don't see this new society taking the place of the existing one, how it could do it. However i think that if it was to be applied to build a new society from scratch (i think it's the expression) for i don't know, a new colonized land or a completely destroyed infrastructures of a country, then it could (in my vision) work.

The other problem, still in my vision of things, is the number of things to build or rebuild (because apparently Technocracy plans to reorganize cities, transports, etc..).

But maybe something escaped me: is there some kind of transitional state in Technocracy like Socialism in Communism? Because this all seem to be a lot of things to do at once.

Technocracy would have better chance of succeeding if it had the previous infrastructure. Yes, you are right that North America will have to undergo a total reconstruction to realize its full potential (Urbanates, continental hydrological transit system, maglev lines, etc.). But this doesn't have to be built within a year or so. It will be 20-30 years before the Technate will be fully implemented. Some things like energy accounting and increasing load factors for industry will done quite quickly, the huge continent wide construction projects will be done next. The last stages will be moving the last of the population to urbanates (we don't have to destroy suburbs; we just wait for people to move out of them since price system houses don’t last long). In summary, unlike Communism, Technocracy can and should be implemented slowly (due to its radical changes). The only thing that has to be destroyed is the price system. In fact, Technology could become powerful enough (like nanotech) that the price system can't force scarcity anymore and Technate will naturally arise and there won't be any need for a revolution. But I'd rather not bet on that though.

And doesn't the implementation of Technocracy in one country requires its implementation in a high number of other countries to "survive"? Because as the economies are linked to each other, the "revolutionary" financial system of Technocracy would have a hard time maintaining itself.

You may have missed it but Technocracy's plan mentions that all of North America will have to have become part of the Technate in order for it to function. Also energy accounting is not a financial system. It's just a distribution system that tells who wants what, nothing more or nothing less.

It's good that you are asking questions. Technocracy is probably the hardest system to understand.
By A_Technocrat
Sweeper wrote:You finally got it right with these links, time to show another one I know these links.
Should been a sticky this one.

Yes, kudos to Kolzene for linking to the FAQ and other stuff.

And it was also debunked.

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