Fighting/Martial Arts: Size Means Nothing? - Politics | PoFo

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Thompson_NCL wrote:With all due respect Kman, you didn't strike me as the sort capable of crushing people. Have you spent a lot of time in the gym of late?

I dont need to go to a gym to stay strong, I am a former elite defensive footballer where it was my job to rough people up and shut down their game and I have shut down players who were on the youth national team, I have peasant strength and I am confident I can outwrestle 99% of the population. I went to a greco-roman wrestling session 2 weeks ago for shits and giggles and I tossed around my opponent (who was in better shape than I was at the time) like a ragdoll because I am a fucking beast.

I remember I had an extensive health check done on an unemployment course a few years back, one of the tests measured muscle amount in your body and the lady nurse who did the test said I had a very high amount of muscle in my body (much more than the other people on the course) and I was training very little at that time.

I also remember doing a pushing match with another guy when I was a blacksmith apprentice (we both pushed an empty carbage container on wheels at either end), this dude was a real gym rat, went there constantly (he had nice pecks too for it), I outwrestled him ofc because fuck training when you have good genes.
Last edited by Kman on 01 Mar 2013 02:56, edited 5 times in total.
Kman wrote:I dont need to go to a gym to stay strong, I am a former elite defensive footballer where it was my job to rough people up and shut down their game and I have shut down players who were on the youth national team

Before you edited your post on Fri 01 Mar 2013, 00:56, the "former elite defensive footballer" was your father. Did you just remember that it was you and not him, or were you playing back when Social_Critic was researching subatomic particles after fleeing Cuba?
Kman wrote:"You are destined to learn some difficult lessons................. sooner or later.

Why lol?

The music of time.
Demosthenes wrote:We've seen your pic, remember?

So? As if you can judge physical strength based on a face pic, look at Anderson Silva, the best fighter in the world, he looks like a fucking nerd but he is still strong as fuck. Some people are just born with very efficient muscles, they might not look special but when you get into close contact with them you realize that their muscles have a higher strength output per square inch than average.

Smertios wrote:Before you edited your post on Fri 01 Mar 2013, 00:56, the "former elite defensive footballer" was your father.

No, before I edited I had written that my father was a pro-footballer and I was also a former elite footballer myself, I just deleted it since I dont like to brag about my father's athletic success, I consider it a little crude, it is bad karma.

Smertios wrote:Did you just remember that it was you and not him, or were you playing back when Social_Critic was researching subatomic particles after fleeing Cuba?

Learn2read before you start accusing someone of lying, I never changed my story. I can also see why it is totally ridicilous to think that a guy who uses the internet could have played high level football when he was younger, nobody ever plays high level football in Denmark even though it is basically the national sport here.

Thompson_NCL wrote:Am I the only one who thought Kman was making a joke with his latest post? It was satire surely? And quite good satire.

Satire? Wtf are you talking about?
Last edited by Kman on 01 Mar 2013 11:26, edited 2 times in total.
Rei Murasame wrote:To be fair, I think Kman can probably crush people. He looks like a very gigantic guy, to me.

You do realize size means close to nothing, right?

Everyone knows that Helio Gracie, for example, fought Kimura for 13 minutes, despite him being 71 lbs heavier. Kimura won that one by a technicality, but that was one of the few defeats Helio Gracie ever had:

Later, in UFC 1, everyone got surprised when Royce Gracie won the tournament, despite being the smallest competitor. I didn't find footage from UFC 1 right now, but take the 2004 fight between Royce Gracie (180 lbs) and Akebono (486 lbs), for example. Royce Gracie submitted the 306-lbs-heavier Sumo fighter after 2.5 minutes:

Fat people usually suck at striking. They are too slow, and will have their face punched a thousand times before being able to throw a good punch. So they usually go for grappling. And their weight is only an advantage in stand-up grappling. If they can throw the opponent well enough to defeat him when he hits the ground, they will win. Otherwise, the fight will end on the ground. And weight means absolutely nothing in ground fighting. The person with the best skill will win.
layman wrote:Put a light weight next to a heavy weight and see what happens.

Didn't I just show a video of that? Actually, two videos...

Anyway, you can also have this guy:

Put him against any heavyweight and we'll see who wins...
Small guys were beating big guys for a few years in the mid nineties.

However, these were highly trained and often multi-disciplinary small guys fighting ex-boxers on the ground and such.

Not to mention: Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu does not seem like a good idea if we are talking about cement...

IDK, I also highly doubt that we are often dealing with that incredibly professional of fighters...

This is all moot.

What is the likelihood the guy you get in a fight with is a BJJ expert, and you are fighting in grass/sand? ETc.
I always see a lot of people claiming that BJJ is ineffective on cement, but I seriously don't see why. Unlike Judo, BJJ isn't focused on heavy throws. In Judo, points are scored only after perfect throws. The idea behind that is the fact that, in a rel-life situation, in a floor made of anything other than rubber, the perfect throw would probably get the opponent's spine broken. BJJ, on the other hand, doesn't put an emphasis on throws. BBJ practitioners usually grab the other guy's legs to take him down, then work on submitting him. I'd say that, if they were up against a well-trained Judoka, it is possible they would end up dead, fighting on cement. But, otherwise, it is probably the best martial art out there.

And history shows that. I have a lot of respect for the Gracies, but the truth is that they are very far from these noble martial art masters that people portray them as. They were involved in tons of street fights. Helio Gracie even ended up in jail in 1932, after fighting a wrestler that was claiming BJJ didn't work, and that the Gracies were charlatans. He only got out because his family was close to the president (Vargas, at the time). All those street fights ended up in the ground.

The only situation in which a BJJ fighter would be in disadvantage would be in the case of multiple opponents. In that situation, it definitely isn't a good idea to take the fight to the ground. You'll end up with one or two guys holding you, while the rest of them kick you to death.

And lol at mid nineties. Helio Gracie was defeating guys twice his size in the 1950s...
Smertios wrote:The only situation in which a BJJ fighter would be in disadvantage would be in the case of multiple opponents. In that situation, it definitely isn't a good idea to take the fight to the ground. You'll end up with one or two guys holding you, while the rest of them kick you to death.

Key fucking point right here! One is rarely going to be attacked by a single person.
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Re boxing Floyd Mayweather would be KO'd by any top 50 HW. But a lot of cruiser weights get good results against HWs. Chris Byrd/James Toney are good examples of people who rose up from lower weights and used their defensive skills to get UDs. Roy Jones Jr beating Ruiz is a classic example of skills trumping size. Maybe Haye beating Valuev (arguably) is another.
Smertios wrote:I didn't find footage from UFC 1 right now, but take the 2004 fight between Royce Gracie (180 lbs) and Akebono (486 lbs), for example. Royce Gracie submitted the 306-lbs-heavier Sumo fighter after 2.5 minutes:

That was actually one of the most competitive fights of Akebono's career. I don't know why people still bring this up.

UFC 1 must be on I think.
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