Am I a "true" Fascist holding some of these views...? - Politics | PoFo

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The non-democratic state: Platonism, Fascism, Theocracy, Monarchy etc.
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There are many aspects of Fascism which I love, and there are some which I am ambivalent towards. There are not any that I particularly dislike, however.

First, I consider myself socially liberal and pro-personal liberty. The importance of Fascism, as I understand it, is the overall well-being and preparedness of the nation. That, I feel, can be accomplished while still allowing people liberty in life, to make choices, have hobbies, and enjoy life. I am also in favor of homosexual rights, and I favor immigration as long as immigrants assimilate and contribute. If that is the case, I see no reason why we shouldn't consider them nationals and citizens. I am in favor of full drug legalization and administration through the state, with regulation, of course. I am in favor of state-administered brothels. I am an atheist.

I do not believe the aim of Fascism ought to be power or total control, at least not control for the sake of control. I believe that the whole point of that power, that hierarchy, is to provide for the people, not a living itself, but the means to a living, the opportunity to rise and empower oneself in whatever sphere one is interested. The high standard of living of the people ought to be a priority, and an earned reward of contribution to society.

I believe that while we ought to have a largely authoritarian state, there ought to be some sort of council which has its basis in popular vote in order to serve as a check and for advice to the authority. I believe that free speech can still co-exist with a Fascist state if it is made through public channels which are designed for discourse and complaint, and where the state can address concerns.

Finally, and most importantly, I am opposed to too much militarism. A nation ought to have adequate defense, but war is almost always destructive and causes untold misery, and so ought to be avoided. I would be in favor of a non-interventionist state, and the military should not be the holy grail of society (rather, the university, the scientist, and the artist ought to be the highest types).

I like corporatism, i.e, class collaboration. I like the idea of meritocracy and rising to the challenge. I like the idea of the state acting as a unifying force.

I do not respect all dictatorships or authoritarian regimes, because I feel most of them are havens of corruption and oppression for the sake of oppression, rather than empowerment of the people. For example, I despise states like North Korea or Stalinist Russia (historically). Those are dictatorships and they are authoritarian but it is not for the greater good.

Am I a Fascist?
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By nucklepunche
Am I a Fascist?

No. You sound a lot more like an old fashioned New Deal Democrat of the Roosevelt/Truman/JFK/LBJ tradition. In other words somebody who wants government to have a role in the economy but who is also strongly anti-communist and anti-socialist and moderately culturally conservative. It just seems you like the trappings of fascism more than the ideology itself.
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By Fasci XP
But I don't like democracy. I am an authoritarian, so I can't identify with FDR. And I am not an egalitarian. I am an elitist; I believe in meritocracy.
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By Quercus Robur
People are often wondering this :lol: Fascism is a slippery and not particularly illuminating term for people's beliefs. My impression is that unless you're very political it'd be difficult to actually be a fascist.

Fasci wrote:I like corporatism, i.e, class collaboration.
This seems typically fascist. But then you say:
Fasci wrote:A nation ought to have adequate defense, but war is almost always destructive and causes untold misery, and so ought to be avoided.
Well the main argument for corporatism seems to me that it is good for crisis economies, particularly war economies, so this is a little contradictory.
Fasci wrote:I consider myself socially liberal and pro-personal liberty.
This cripples the state's ability to control people and is normally justified by arguments as to the fallibility of authority - neither sentiment strikes me as compatible with fascism.
Fasci wrote:I do not believe the aim of Fascism ought to be power or total control,
Apparently 'fascists' can believe this, but power-worship seems to comes as close to a fascist belief system as I can make out.

My conclusion is that you're certainly not a cardboard cut-out fascist caricature :) I'd say that you're neither nationalist nor radical enough to come across as a fascist. Maybe your perception of yourself as fascist is due to a sense of guilt at the perceived illiberality of some of your views? It's just possible that elitism and forms of authoritarianism can be brought within a liberal framework.
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By Fasci XP
Guilt? I've nothing to be guilty about. Democracy is an abysmal failure and an atrocious theory.
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By Quercus Robur
Fasci wrote:Guilt? I've nothing to be guilty about. Democracy is an abysmal failure and an atrocious theory.
Oh well then, but some of your views do strike me as liberal.

Could you expand on what you think about democracy? Why is your advisory council thing elected by popular vote? (If pandering to voters degrades policy what would be the point of its advice, and if it doesn't have any power as well it seems rather unnecessary.)
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By starman2003
The high standard of living of the people ought to be a priority...

This is contrary to real world fascism, and communism. The whole point of an authoritarian system is to be able to enforce largely unpopular policies, which benefit the state, not the individual. Inasmuch as high standards of living strain the environment, and saving the latter will be part of the raison d'etre of future authoritarianism, it'll probably get lower priority than ever before.

...war is almost always destructive and causes untold misery...

The greatest fascist states sought to strengthen themselves vis a vis others, and dominate them, in the tradition of the original model for fascism--Imperial Rome. Peace yes, but only after the empire is established. ;)

...but it is not for the greater good.

In fact, Stalinist industrialization and militarization saved the russians from annihilation.

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