Totalitarian Nationalism: A conflict? - Politics | PoFo

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The non-democratic state: Platonism, Fascism, Theocracy, Monarchy etc.
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Windir wrote:The immigrations to Norway would have to come to an end. It is eating my people up. It is killing me people.

How so?

[ Jesse Edit: As Authoritarian Adherents is for on-topic posts exclusively, and your question raises an interesting point, I have made it into a thread in its own right. The question at hand for discussion is totalitarianism nationalist, a supporter of the concept of the strong nation-state, or internationalist, supporting a unified globe? Historically, it has been fiercely nationalistic, and even in the cases like the Soviet Union, which initially claimed internationalism, eventually mutated into a state of near 19th century nationalism. ]
By Windir-L'etat c'est moi
Maybe not all imigrations, but imigrations from Asia, Middle-east and africa. There are many criminal gangs in Norway. They mostly consist of refugees/imigrants from Middle-East, African and Asia. They use violence and spread terror and fear. Norwegian youth can no longer go out, on a saturday night, without fearing for their lives.

And by hell, one can not say that you are proud of beeing Norwegian! That would result being labeld a nazi and being beat up by a gang of forginers within a week.

That is the reality of the Norwegian youth of today. It is very very sad.
Sweden is even worse. For a couple of weeks ago, a Swedish nationalist was knifestabed and killed... becaus he was proud of Sweden. He was 14 years old...

I do not have anything against refugees/imigrants that earn their living and can behave acording to Norwegian norms and rules. But sadly, the largest part of the imigrants/refugees does not that. They act in gangs, and will beat the shit out of you if you 'Look on them the wrong way' og becaus you are in 'their part of town'.

Its sick. 'Their part of town' ? Its not even their fucking country.
Norway has had a naive imigrationspolicy. We need to look to the Kingdom of Denmark to see how to handle the imigration problem.

By Reichsführer Wilhelm
Middle eastern immigration into Scandinavia has had terrible results. And I agree with Windir, the situation is much worse in Sweden.

I think the real problem is that these immigrants do no truly consider their host countries their "home". They still hold loyalties to their historic homeland. I believe this contributes to the lack of respect given to property and the rights of others and hence the disproportionately large amount of crime committed by these groups.

I see similar parallels all around the world. Mexican immigrants putting out the Mexican flag during the Forth of July, demonstrating Filipino students burning the Australian flag for not considering the interesting of their real home, immigrant soccer teams in Norway threatening fans with decapitation, etc.
By Saf
Note: The following post is not ment to be offensive to any ethnic or religious groups. I do not advocate the principles in this post. The band which wrote this song has vehemently denied racism, only ideological/philosophical hatred of religion. I offer this only as an insight into Scandinavian nationalism in popular culture. I appreciate everyone's mature handling of this subject matter.

Lord Belial wrote:Sweden, mighty Sweden
The time has come for war
We must purify this land
These plains of forgotten glory

We must Unite!

Upon the mountains we shall stand
Guarding what must be ours alone again
Exterminate those who oppose us one by one
This is our land which must be purified

Purify Sweden!
Destroy all which is dedicated to god
Purify Sweden!
All fucking mosques must burn
Purify Sweden!
Molest all islamic believers
Purify Sweden!
Apostolic fathers must die

Solo: Fredrik

Fearless we stand amongst those we hate
Proud we´ll stand as we walk our land alone again
Buddha, allah and jesus fucking christ-the whore!
Must be erased from the memories of every Swedish born

We must Unite!

So hear us now-swear allegiance in the name of all Swedishness
Under the banner of the land of Sweden you all must fight or die
Let your hate rise with fury, let your fury show you the way
Guard and cleanse our land which must be ours alone again

Purify Sweden!
Destroy all which is dedicated to god
Purify Sweden!
All fucking mosques must burn
Purify Sweden!
Molest all islamic believers
Purify Sweden!
Apostolic fathers must die

Let the cleansing begin!!!
Though I am no advocate of totalitarianism, I say there is no conflict, because 'humanity' does not exist; there are only tribal affiliations, sometimes associated with 'race' and/or 'nation', though race is technically non-existent, in the same way that separate species are non-existent; and nation is quite an hallucination as well. I say there is no such thing as 'humanity', or any other species, because there is more variation among members of the same species than between species, and divisions between different species is often vague and ambiguous; same may be said of races. Again, the only thing of which we can be sure are tribal affiliations.
By Bricktop
Because I do not live in Norway, I cannot say it's been a bad or good thing, but I can say Windir, that you seem to exemplify one side of the debate. I would like to know if there are any other sides within this debate. Surely the majority of immigrants to Norway do not act this way?

Totalitarianism and Nationalism can work together. It has in the past, it probably will in the future. The idea of a nation is dug deep within the veins of men. It is in our nature to be nationalistic more than it is to be internationalistic. However, I oppose Nationalism.

By Windir-L'etat c'est moi
Roadblock wrote:Surely the majority of immigrants to Norway do not act this way?

And that is the sad part... they acutally do. There are a minority of imigrants that can behave and work like honest men. I have about fourt to five friends that are imigrants. One from Serbia, one from Russia, one from Khazakstahn, one from Lativa and one from Iraq. These people, that are my friends, belong to the minority. The work, earn their paycheck and the actually act like decent Norwegian citizens.
The majority on the other hand is quite diffrent. That is very sad, and a serrious problem here in Norway. One big part of the problem, is that many grown middle-eastern men do not acknowledge the fact, that the sexual minimum age of girls in Norway, is sixteen years. Alot of fourteen year old girls get tricked to have sex with older men/boys (about 20 years old) from the middle-eastern region.

By Bricktop
Hmm ok. Are there any media sources available in English detailing this phenomena in Norway? It would be much appreciated.

By Korimyr the Rat
It seems to me that unless the Total state is shaped around the pre-existing national values, nationalism, like religion, would be a contrary force to the proper indoctrination of all into the state.

Otherwise, national values must be extremely distorted and reshaped to fit into the state-- which will cause a disruptive counter-culture of people who remember the original values.
By Saf
Korimyr the Rat wrote:Otherwise, national values must be extremely distorted and reshaped to fit into the state-- which will cause a disruptive counter-culture of people who remember the original values.

Correct, unless the nationalistic values coincide with the state. If you can get the people to forget those values and rally around the power and greatness of their nation, however, it can be used.

There are three problems with nationalism:
1. In a country like the USA or Britain, the people are very attached to democracy, freedom, et al. These are basically considered traditions in these states.
2. The cosmopolitan nature of the USA and, increasingly, EU countries and Russia makes nationalism along strict nation lines more and more difficult. As Glinert has pointed out, Nazbols have trouble in Russia because who is to say what is Russian nation? So many Poles, Slovaks, Ukranians etc.
3. If the totalitarian state wants world conquest, the peoples and states it assimilates must stay subordinate because they are outside the nation.

The third problem can be discounted if the state doesn't want/need to expand.
By Bricktop
Saf wrote:The third problem can be discounted if the state doesn't want/need to expand.

However, should it not be the Totalist State's aim to expand? If this did not happen, we would be stuck with a state cut off from the world, like the DPRK..

Nationalism is inherently against a true Totalist state and is a barrier to the emergence of one. As Korimyr said, both this and religion are contrary to to the proper indoctrination of all into the state.

By Saf
Drummond wrote:However, should it not be the Totalist State's aim to expand? If this did not happen, we would be stuck with a state cut off from the world, like the DPRK..

I had in mind the stalemate of the three superstates in 1984... or look at the height of the cold war. America and USSR, had it gone on forever, would eventually have cut the world in half: capitalist and communist. At that point, the superstates would be too large to fight each other because of the massive destruction. Then, there would be no further need for expansion.

Nationalism is inherently against a true Totalist state and is a barrier to the emergence of one. As Korimyr said, both this and religion are contrary to to the proper indoctrination of all into the state.

Yes, there must be pride and dedication to the state, not to an ethnic/religious/national group.

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