Law of Form (Musica universalis) - Politics | PoFo

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The Medium is the mass-age, the medium is the message.

Everything is Music! Information in formation, animated form.

Consciousness may exist outside of time & space. In reality, all subjects interconnect and influence the outcome or result of human perception. The human sensorium may be fooled by mechanistic macro-properties because it must invent tools to extend its investigation in order to comprehend the micro-collisions which cause visible macro-properties. All THINGS must pass through portals to obtain and sustain their visible and naked characteristics. In other words, the photon (wave/particle) is one medium, the electron is one medium, the proton, etc, working together in harmony to determine the outcome of the-thing-in-itself. Humans possess the ability to rearrange the periodic table of experience so we may benefit from the nature of the universe. Nonetheless, we are one working part of the nature of the universe. Furthermore, religion, science, computers, pens, motor vehicles, are tools and technologies (extensions of human intention/attention) which activate new temporal experiences by serving mankind as portals of engagement. When we invent or discover something new, we are simply making new cognitive breakthroughs (patterns of association), reorganizing the known material world.

The artist shall always serve this dimension as our theoretical physician, any and all thoughts may eventually 'bleed-through' and manifest inside our physical reality (implemented by the triangle of formation: Thought, Will, Action). Of course, all interacting forms (physical and nonphysical) must obey the Law of Form, or science of perception. Meaning to say, energy and substance must be the result of each medium's metamorphic process. The body passes through the complex realm of gravity, the lung is shaped by the oxygen, the tone of voice be shaped by the human throat and the process we call elemental acoustic vibrational phenomena, etc. This chain of interplay can be seen economically as supply&demand, ecologically as bio-mimicry/biological information loop, spiritually as yin-yang (the visible spectrum of spiritual duality), physically as wave-particle duality.

Consider this kind of cohesive tapestry observed through life- when I cut up a pepper, the knife reshapes the pepper, but the sun dirt and nutrients had originally shaped the pepper, and the knife had been forged by the blacksmith; furthermore the blacksmith was formed by a mother&father who had once farmed peppers. See, everyTHING (all forms) must be the result of the vehicle or medium interacting with other vehicles/mediums, everything must be connected because all expressions must be the sum of all information working together to create one singularity (the united verse) we call the universe. Your vision or dream must be the reinterpretation of one fixed point in time/space within the Ouroboros of past/present/future, information gathered through life's information loop.

Today, we can visually represent the idea of cymatics and we are getting closer to understanding the process and nonlocal nature of sensory sensation. See, I think the inner-human experience will always be the same by default, but changes overtime through the filter of new communication tools. The human body acts as our original organic hardware appartus, it gave us the ability to 'channel' (transmit & receive) our emotions & thoughts by compressing bits of electrical brain activity into software components that traveled via word of mouth. We could send out 'information' through sound that surfed the medium of air molecules to exchange ideas or engage in communication and thus begin building civilization, starting with tribal art & oration. The medium called writing, encodes & decodes through sight instead of sound, so we distort time & space by recording or archiving sound via the written word/phonetic alphabet. The immediate happening can be compressed/stored to effectively bypass time & space, increasing human potential and expanding the scale of human civilization. Today, we're living in the electric field revolution. Time & space are no longer barriers for human communication/activity, ironically, we 'surf' the air like the caveman's voice box when it shattered/reorganized the silence/chaos of nature, through a new technology or new hardware (the telephone, computer, wifi, radio, etc). I believe that in order to leave planet Earth and become celestial creatures, we must complete the circle of resonance, and deconstruct light & sound. This process tends to be a very natural process, aligned with anthroposophy. As we map out nonlocal interface/interaction, we'll eliminate the hardware tools we had invented and relied upon to 'enhance' our communication (human software information) and finally understand the art of telepathy. Once we 'see' the material world as a representation of hidden process, recognize that space isn't empty, and start manipulating natural frequencies, I think we will discovery the process behind telepathy (when the subjective & objective become indistinguishable).

Visualize Yantra (space is not empty)

Hearing color

"It's that consciousness, not the objective material substrate of being, which should be regarded as the ultimate reality, there's no self-evident reason why dead matter should be given ontological primacy over living spirit. - Jordan B Peterson

"It's the consciousness of the individual that transforms the potential of chaos into habitable cosmos."
-Jordan B Peterson

Monad=Primordial Medium
"Other symbolic names for the Monad are ship, chariot, Proteus (a god capable of changing his form), Mnemosyne, and Polyonymous (having many names)." - Manly P Hall

Egg Web = Poetic Primordial Medium
Aum-fraum plane-net egg web
Prana-planet electroencephalogram
Ebb gleb (LAN)gauge
Hoofedspring, who fed the post-scriptural ring
Seed soul's open source sea shore
Had an appointment with the doc(Tor)
Flow through thy birth canal on thy citizenship
Corporation, corpse & patients
Cipher siphon Universe
Knowledge must know its ledge
/intellectual property

James Joyce channeling Proteus
"INELUCTABLE MODALITY OF THE VISIBLE: AT LEAST THAT IF NO MORE, thought through my eyes. Signatures of all things I am here to read, seaspawn and seawrack, the nearing tide, that rusty boot. Snotgreen, bluesilver, rust: coloured signs. Limits of the diaphane. But he adds: in bodies. Then he was aware of them bodies before of them coloured. How? By knocking his sconce against them, sure. Go easy. Bald he was and a millionaire, maestro di color che sanno. Limit of the diaphane in. Why in? Diaphane, adiaphane. If you can put your five fingers through it, it is a gate, if not a door. Shut your eyes and see.

Stephen closed his eyes to hear his boots crush crackling wrack and shells. You are walking through it howsomever. I am, a stride at a time. A very short space of time through very short times of space. Five, six: the nacheinander. Exactly: and that is the ineluctable modality of the audible. Open your eyes. No. Jesus! If I fell over a cliff that beetles o'er his base, fell through the nebeneinander ineluctably. I am getting on nicely in the dark. My ash sword hangs at my side. Tap with it: they do. My two feet in his boots are at the end of his legs, nebeneinander. Sounds solid: made by the mallet of Los Demiurgos. Am I walking into eternity along Sandymount strand?

God becomes man becomes fish becomes barnacle goose becomes featherbed mountain. Dead breaths I living breathe, tread dead dust, devour urinous offal from all dead.

A seachange this..."

-James Joyce

Proteus Bound: Visual Space in Use
Cornford's theme in 'The Invention of Space' is that 'normal' space for the Greeks was preliterate or acoustic space, which has suddenly reemerged in our twentieth-century world under the aegis of Einstein and relative theory. What we would call 'normal' or 'common-sense space' remains visual and Euclidean for us in the twentieth century, while the avant-garde or Einsteinian space is acoustic or simultaneous once again.

Visual space is a man-made artifact, whereas acoustic space is a natural environmental form. Visual space is space created and perceived by the eyes when they are abstracted or separated from the activity of the other senses. With respect to its properties, this space is a continuous, connected, homogeneous (uniform), and static container. Visual space is man-made in the basic sense that it is abstracted from the interplay with other senses and their specific modes. This abstraction occurs by the agency of the phonetic alphabet. the alphabet is the hidden ground of the figure of visual space.

Any continuum inherently presents a situation that is a figure minus a ground, such as a Euclidean straight line or plane. A continuum as such is infinite and featureless. Actually there can be no such thing as a continuum. In nature there are no figures-minus-grounds. In fact, in nature there are no figures at all- only a dynamic environmental mosaic that is discontinuous and diverse.

- Marshall McLuhan, Laws of Media: The New Science.

1 or 2 or e = functional human tools we use to organize things inside space/time. The real magic is in our consciousness, not in the number or letter. We gain power over material reality through our native interface (sensory resonance) by constructing cognitive patterns. Nonetheless, quantities and qualities or numbers and letters appear as natural phenomena in the all-at-once world (simultaneous happening/experience) we call reality.

We rearrange material reality in our image through conscious extension of human cognition

The Undivided Wholeness of All Things
Most mind-boggling of all are Bohm's fully developed ideas about wholeness. Because everything in the cosmos is made out of the seam- less holographic fabric of the implicate order, he believes it is as meaningless to view the universe as composed of "parts," as it is to view the different geysers in a fountain as separate from the water out of which they flow. An electron is not an "elementary particle." It is just a name given to a certain aspect of the holomovement. Dividing reality up into parts and then naming those parts is always arbitrary, a product of convention, because subatomic particles, and everything else in the universe, are no more separate from one another than different patterns in an ornate carpet.

This is a profound suggestion. In his general theory of relativity Einstein astounded the world when he said that space and time are not separate entities, but are smoothly linked and part of a larger whole he called the space-time continuum. Bohm takes this idea a giant step further. He says that everything in the universe is part of a continuum. Despite the apparent separateness of things at the explicate level, everything is a seamless extension of everything else, and ultimately even the implicate and explicate orders blend into each other.

Take a moment to consider this. Look at your hand. Now look at the light streaming from the lamp beside you. And at the dog resting at your feet. You are not merely made of the same things. You are the same thing. One thing. Unbroken. One enormous something that has extended its uncountable arms and appendages into all the apparent objects, atoms, restless oceans, and twinkling stars in the cosmos.

Bohm cautions that this does not mean the universe is a giant undif-ferentiated mass. Things can be part of an undivided whole and still possess their own unique qualities. To illustrate what he means he points to the little eddies and whirlpools that often form in a river. At a glance such eddies appear to be separate things and possess many individual characteristics such as size, rate, and direction of rotation, et cetera. But careful scrutiny reveals that it is impossible to determine where any given whirlpool ends and the river begins. Thus, Bohm is not suggesting that the differences between "things" is meaningless. He merely wants us to be aware constantly that dividing various aspects of the holomovement into "things" is always an abstraction, a way of making those aspects stand out in our perception by our way of thinking. In attempts to correct this, instead of calling different aspects of the holomovement "things," he prefers to call them "relatively independent subtotalities." 10

Indeed, Bohm believes that our almost universal tendency to fragment the world and ignore the dynamic interconnectedness of all things is responsible for many of our problems, not only in science but in our lives and our society as well. For instance, we believe we can extract the valuable parts of the earth without affecting the whole. We believe it is possible to treat parts of our body and not be concerned with the whole. We believe we can deal with various problems in our society, such as crime, poverty, and drug addiction, without addressing the problems in our society as a whole, and so on. In his writings Bohm argues passionately that our current way of fragmenting the world into parts not only doesn't work, but may even lead to our extinction.

-Talbot, Michael. "The Undivided Wholeness of All Things." The Holographic Universe. London: HarperCollins, 1996. 48-49. Print.

The Old Intellectual ([1...0...1...0] Study of Result)

The old intellectual pushes mechanistic causality and paradigms.
The old intellectual is obsessed with the rear-view mirror and Dogma.
The old intellectual is concerned with the epidermis layer of reality and tribal conflict
The old intellectual may be unaware of the simultaneous happening.

Says stuff like
"If everyone is an individualist, then they will be in constant competition with each other to aggrandise their own individuality at the expense of everyone else's individuality. This competition is experienced by the individual as a collective pressure against them from society as a whole. This is the paradox of liberal individualism - it is ultimately self-defeating, and living in a society dominated by a liberal individualist ideology can be an intensely frustrating experience. The truth is that there must be a dialectical balance between individualism and collectivism - the individual can only achieve self-fulfilment and live and work at their full potential within a certain social framework. If there is an obsession with social order and stability, then that society will ossify and suppress individualism and creativity (imperial China or the Ottoman Empire are good examples of this). But likewise, if there is unrestricted competition between individuals, and if that competition is regarded and treated as a zero-sum game, then all that will happen is that the loudest bullies will get their way and the nepotism of these bullies will ensure that an hereditary ruling class will appear which will end that competition between individuals anyway in favour of a rigid class hierarchy based on hereditary privilege. A one-sided liberal individualism is ultimately self-defeating - it abolishes itself. The dialectic between individualism and collectivism means that we can only truly achieve self-realisation as individuals by thinking socially, and we can only achieve collective social goals by thinking individually and by nurturing individual talent and initiative."

"Religion used to play that role, before capitalism came along and replaced the worship of God with the worship of Mammon. So long as capitalism is the dominant economic paradigm, I don't see any way that this sort of hostile competition and mutual hostility between the atomised individuals of modern society can be tamped down. Capitalism, after all, presupposes that people are atomised individuals in mutually antagonistic competition against each other."

And yet there is no argument by you, or anyone else, about the material reasons this occurs. There cannot be as it is well known that, in the last few decades, the right has succeeded in making universities in the US more like businesses.

This is not to say that the mainstream left was being necessarily progressive in, generally, attempting to keep a feudal institution afloat and awash in Ivy League corruption and whatnot.

But let's not kid ourselves here: this is all a marketing decision, born from institutional reforms made by capitalists and other rightwingers.

Just as Decky said, this is an employee being reprimanded by her boss; a professor under the thumb of a business man. Exactly as the right (and even your initial post) has wanted.

Then comes the feelings...then endless, whining, feelings the rightwing seems to need to spread soneveryone will see them as victims.

You're winning. Take the win. Don't sit here and cry about how you feel you might feel if someone said something to you at a college. Nobody cares.

I guess I care enough to be annoyed by the constant grovelling by rightwingers. But Christ, you're winning, the results are exactly as you were told they'd be, and now you weep and cry and bitch about imagined instances where your feelings might be hurt.

The New Intellectual ([1010] Study of Process)
Neoism (post-dogma), perpetual evolution, process, Law of Form

Quantum teleportation is a process by which quantum information (e.g. the exact state of an atom or photon) can be transmitted (exactly, in principle) from one location to another, with the help of classical communication and previously shared quantum entanglement between the sending and receiving location.


How can you not see the new math (quantum dialectic) for its practical & transcendental qualities? Quantum mechanics (micro systems) produce the [1010] instead of 1...0...1...0, we're augmenting and evolving away from linear logic (mechanistic causality). Quantum computations simultaneously simulate 1 & 0 (dialectical tension) to produce solutions to natural & man-made problems. Do you understand how that may abolish natural dialectical tension as one cognitive pattern within our material world? We can use quantum mechanics to solve and build macro-system equations thus we may mathematical build cognitive patterns for the program we call civilization (civilized awareness). Society (socioeconomic schematic) is now a programmable (technological Darwinism) construct. Ecological systems operate through hierarchical dialectical tension, and humans can calculate (deconstruct/reconstruct) new chains of association using quantum dialectic. Our material world is now one calculable layer of experience (epidermis of reality), and we can program its mechanistic causality. Is that not the end goal of tools and technology as an extension of ourselves? BTW, if the medium is not the mass-age, why do our cosmologies evolve alongside technological invention/discovery?

If you consider Wojciech H. Zurek's Quantum Darwinism theory, you may be able to grasp the idea I'm trying to present. If we can program the very small, we'll be able to program the very large, intelligently guiding our evolution. Call it 'intelligent selection.' In other words, with proper understanding, we may be able to pilot the wave. Post-structuralism & beyond.

From this view quantum Darwinism provides a Darwinian explanation at the basis of our reality, explaining the unfolding or evolution of our classical macroscopic world.

I'm integrating several other fields of research, suggesting this: Our tools/tech create information loops (because everything is connected and space is not empty) that structure our human evolution (spiritual, mental, physical, etc) If we recognize our ability to intelligently guide our evolution, we can transcend thus program the macro world. In evolutionary biology, convergent evolution is the process whereby organisms not closely related, independently evolve similar traits as a result of having to adapt to similar environments or ecological niches. Allow me to reiterate: The generation gap isn't social, the generation gap is neurological. How can we subscribe to the Darwinian theory of nature/evolution without recognizing human technology as environmental stimuli? In order for Darwinian theory to unify the field of experience and properly explain evolution, it must address the social-biological environment human technologies must create through our native interface. From our solid genetic hardware, to the newly discovered epi-genetic software, we're nurtured by the nature of technology.

Quantum field theory and critical phenomena illustrates the perpetual flow of information as vibratory process (wave/particle), and from this perspective we may understand that evolution must be motivated by all units of information which pass through time/space. Darwin failed to see the environment as one programmable system of interaction, thus he failed to include human artifacts as biological information loops. Alas, Are we in fact brainwashed and gene-washed by our own artifacts?

-The Universe

We show how pattern formation in Faraday waves may be manipulated by varying the harmonic content of the periodic forcing function. Our approach relies on the crucial influence of resonant triad interactions coupling pairs of critical standing wave modes with damped, spatio-temporally resonant modes. Under the assumption of weak damping and forcing, we perform a symmetry-based analysis that reveals the damped modes most relevant for pattern selection, and how the strength of the corresponding triad interactions depends on the forcing frequencies, amplitudes, and phases. In many cases, the further assumption of Hamiltonian structure in the inviscid limit determines whether the given triad interaction has an enhancing or suppressing effect on related patterns. Surprisingly, even for forcing functions with arbitrarily many frequency components, there are at most five frequencies that affect each of the important triad interactions at leading order. The relative phases of those forcing components play a key role, sometimes making the difference between an enhancing and suppressing effect. In numerical examples, we examine the validity of our results for larger values of the damping and forcing. Finally, we apply our findings to one-dimensional periodic patterns obtained with impulsive forcing and to two-dimensional superlattice patterns and quasipatterns obtained with multi-frequency
Last edited by RhetoricThug on 19 Jan 2017 04:51, edited 1 time in total.
A very interesting post. In fact more than just interesting.
If you've taken LSD you realise resonance and harmonics is everywhere.

Last edited by anarchist23 on 18 Jan 2017 13:28, edited 4 times in total.
anarchist23 wrote:A very interesting post. In fact more than just interesting.
If you've taken LSD you realise resonance and harmonics is everywhere.

I must apologise if in any way I upset you.
I never intended to.
Qualifying the claim: The Medium is the Message.

Thus far we may cite sound media, sense media, and physical media as we explore the claim- The Medium is the Message. As we investigate that unified field of experience, we may wish to use the art of gardening (horticulture) as our in-the-field qualifier or proof of claim. For the involved experience of cultivating plants and live organisms may elucidate the interplay between figures (information) & ground (information). Each plant and organism may be meta-for the dimensional folds which encompass the-thing-in-itself and the evolution or process of phenomenon. When you plant a seed (genetic sequence of information), the seed will be defined by the ground's medium and as the seed unfolds through space-time the growing media shapes the final result. Be it soil or indoor formula, the medium is the message.

What is Growing Media?

The material that your plants grow in is called the “growing medium”. Dozens of different ingredients are used in varying combinations to create homemade or commercial growing media. By understanding the functions of growing media, you can evaluate the qualities of individual types and select which ones might work best for your container vegetable garden. The choice is very important because your plants are dependent on a relatively small volume of growing medium. Unlike their cousins growing in garden soil, containerized plant roots cannot grow around obstacles or mine the soil far and wide for nutrients and water. ... wing-media

All contributing factors work together in harmony (or disharmony) to shape the figure as it sprouts to life from the ground. For humans, visible characteristics appear through the mind/matter interface, yet the invisible process must guide the appearance of observable properties. Thus we are left with the idiom, 'you are what you eat,' which unifies nature and nurture in one simultaneous happening incrementally divided by the space-time continuum as the human sensorium classifies experience in order to intellectualize each moment or relative translation within the NOW.

The idea that the seed is a self-contained thing-in-itself can be verified by the naturally occurring nature of its genetic expression. Without human intervention, the seed will eventually rise and fall through its genetic sequence returning to its primordial essence, the thing responsible for, yet beyond, human cognition. One curious property of human intervention- the fact that naturally occurring phenomena may be reshaped through the extension of our consciousness. One may study morphogenesis and come to the conclusion that humans evolved alongside plants and organisms thus we developed the ability read their temperament and therefore we have the power to properly diagnose and control plants and organisms. Which is really incredible statistically if you consider the fact that we're the only creature on planet earth to develop such extraordinary cognitive abilities.

Furthermore, the cybernetics behind other creatures, like bees, generate more evidence for the invisible process or idea that the medium is the message. Bees operate through electromagnetic media:

Bees and flowers communicate using electrical fields, researchers discover

Flowers' methods of communicating are at least as sophisticated as any devised by an advertising agency, according to a new study, published today in Science Express by researchers from the University of Bristol. The research shows for the first time that pollinators such as bumblebees are able to find and distinguish electric signals given out by flowers. However, for any advert to be successful, it has to reach, and be perceived by, its target audience.

Flowers often produce bright colours, patterns and enticing fragrance to attract their pollinators. Researchers at Bristol's School of Biological Sciences, led by Professor Daniel Robert, found that flowers also have their equivalent of a neon sign – patterns of electrical signals that can communicate information to the insect pollinator. These electrical signals can work in concert with the flower's other attractive signals and enhance flower power, or floral advertising power.

Plants are usually charged negatively and emit weak electric fields. On their side, bees acquire a positive charge, up to 200 Volts, as they fly through the air. No spark is produced as a charged bee approaches a charged flower, but certainly a small electric force builds up that can potentially convey information. Placing electrodes in the stems of Petunias, the researchers showed that when a bee lands, the flower's potential changes and remains so for several minutes. Could this be a way by which flowers tell bees another bee has recently been visiting? To their surprise, the researchers discovered that bumblebees can detect and distinguish between different floral electric fields. Also, when bees are given a learning test, they are faster at learning the difference between two colours when electric signals are also available. How then do bees detect electric fields? This is not yet known, although the researchers speculate that hairy bumblebees bristle up under the electrostatic force, just like one's hair in front of an old television screen.

Bumblebees and flowers have an electric relationship

The discovery of such electric detection has opened up a whole new understanding of insect perception and flower communication. Dr. Heather Whitney, a co-author of the study commented: "This novel communication channel reveals how flowers can potentially inform their pollinators about the honest status of their precious nectar and pollen reserves". Professor Robert said: "the last thing a flower wants is to attract a bee and then fail to provide nectar; a lesson in honest advertising since bees are good learners and would soon lose interest in such unrewarding flower".

"The co-evolution between flowers and bees has a long and beneficial history, so perhaps it's not entirely surprising that we are still discovering today how remarkably sophisticated their communication is", added Robert.

Read more at: ... s.html#jCp

Hopefully this post qualifies some material found in my original post. :)
Reactive puppets rejoice!
Upon seeing the video title, and the subtitle 'God is in the Neurons' I immediately thought of stuart Hammerof's stuff about microtubules (etc) within neurons being the element that links us to quantum states and tries to address a level of complexity beyond that of the simple computer model of the brain where neurons are simple on/off switches. Unfortunately this video doesn't really go into that and seems to favour the computer model somewhat especially when talking of a neural net around the planet which appears to be synonymous with the internet.

I got confused with the equation C=hf, where C is apparently a unit of consciousness. I'm aware of no such thing though, and it is this that broke the continuity for me and made the last third of the video more difficult to follow.
I've only viewed it once though so am going to give it a few more attempts.
I got confused with the equation C=hf, where C is apparently a unit of consciousness. I'm aware of no such thing though, and it is this that broke the continuity for me and made the last third of the video more difficult to follow.

Presumably, this refers to the quantisation of consciousness, in analogy to the canonical quantisation of classical physics to yield quantum physics. The 'h' is, presumably, the Planck constant (though in this context the 'reduced Planck constant', h, would have been more correct). The problem with this, however, is that consciousness is not an observable, and therefore cannot legitimately be quantised. It's also unclear what the complementary observable for consciousness would be, so there couldn't be any commutativity relation. Basically, this guy is trying to mathematise something which cannot and should not be mathematised. There is no theoretical or computational advantage to writing the equation 'C=hf'. What would you use it to calculate? What observable does 'C' represent? It's nonsense.
Exactly... h and f are both known in physics, but C is probably some vague hypothesis that hasn't been fleshed out. I'm going to give it a pass though, after all we take dark matter and dark energy seriously, and they are both intangibles that have been invented to fill a likely slot.
With C here, I'm vaguely reminded of something Hamerof said about the minimum event needed for us to become conscious of something, and maybe this is similar.

I would like to use this post to coin a new term, and that is "Quantumballs". I take this from Private Eye's term "Colemanballs", referring to the often unintelligible phrases from a certain sports presenter. In the early 00's they started to use the term 911balls which they used to describe the connection of the Twin Towers incident to anything mundane in order to give it gravitas.
In this sense, I'm referring to the verbal connection of hard science to speculative science, in order to give the latter more credibility. The Electric Universe people do this a lot (plasmaballs), and so do New Agers when talking of the 'Evolution of Consciousness' for instance (evolutionballs)
^Readers, stop paying attention to classical intellectuals, they produce rear-view mirror mirage. Like jakellballs & Potemkinballs.

These super-fast machines promise to revolutionise computing, harnessing the world of quantum mechanics to solve problems that are beyond reach for even the most advanced "classical" ones.

But the challenges of building practical, large-scale models have kept quantum computers confined to the lab.

The new blueprint, based on a modular design appears in Science Advances.

"We have produced a construction plan - a real blueprint to actually build a large-scale quantum computer," Winfried Hensinger, from the University of Sussex, told BBC News.

In classical computers, the unit of information is called a "bit" and can have a value of either 1 or 0. But its equivalent in a quantum system - the qubit (quantum bit) - can be both 1 and 0 at the same time.

This phenomenon opens the door for multiple calculations to be performed simultaneously. But the qubits need to be synchronised using a quantum effect known as entanglement, which Albert Einstein termed "spooky action at a distance".

But scientists have struggled to build devices with more than 10 or 15 qubits. Lab machines suffer from a kind of drop-out called decoherence, where qubits lose their ambiguity and become straightforward 1s and 0s - a technical obstacle to building practical quantum computers.

"If you go back in time to the first computers, they started with tens of bits. This is where the full field of quantum computing is right now," said Winfried Hensinger.

He added: "For some of the really exciting applications of quantum computers, such as inventing new drugs, or understanding the fabric of reality itself, understanding the Universe, designing new materials, instead of 10 or 15 quantum bits, I need a lot more qubits, maybe up to 10 billion quantum bits eventually."
Oh look... some noncontextualised copypasta regarding some fairly standard quantum mechanics.

It seems you are still using QM to give yourself a bit of mystique (quantumballs) but unfortunately this sort of thing is becoming more generally understood nowadays. You have two options now that people are catching up with these ideas:

1) Create a smokescreen by adding in barely related stuff about resonance, tranhumanist fantasies and bits of the Occult (etc etc), and then jump between them by refusing to focus, calling that baby language and referring to the forum as mental midgets.

2) Start to collate your thoughts and present them instead of simply dumping them in a pile over and over again.
The following are my thoughts: Quantum mechanics (micro systems) produce the [1010] instead of 1...0...1...0, we're augmenting and evolving away from linear logic (mechanistic causality). Quantum computations simultaneously simulate 1 & 0 (dialectical tension) to produce solutions to natural & man-made problems. Do you understand how that may abolish natural dialectical tension as one cognitive pattern within our material world? We can use quantum mechanics to solve and build macro-system equations thus we may mathematically build cognitive patterns for the program we call civilization (civilized awareness). See, I understand QM and what it actually MEANS. Jakellballs and Potemkinballs abuse the medium and fail to address my message. 20th, 19th, 18th (etc) century answers shall be obsolesced by quantum logic. :music:

jakell wrote:Oh look... some noncontextualised copypasta regarding some fairly standard quantum mechanics.

It seems you are still using QM to give yourself a bit of mystique (quantumballs) but unfortunately this sort of thing is becoming more generally understood nowadays. You have two options now that people are catching up with these ideas:

1) Create a smokescreen by adding in barely related stuff about resonance, tranhumanist fantasies and bits of the Occult (etc etc), and then jump between them by refusing to focus, calling that baby language and referring to the forum as mental midgets.

2) Start to collate your thoughts and present them instead of simply dumping them in a pile over and over again.
:lol: Hey bro, your perception isn't my problem. Give it a few years and you'll understand all the 'barely connected' material I consistently present. And hey, I'd love see folks actually catch up with these ideas. I'm not finding anything noteworthy, fresh or stimulating here... I'll sit back and let the 21st century trickle down to you guys. After-all, we're reactive puppets passing through media which continuously reshape our chemical composure. Volatile violin :violin: We're born classified due to a poverty of the visible spectrum. Alas, our relative translations collide and create tribal conflict ( btw, telepathy will bridge the subjective-objective gap and end tribal conflict). If you can, please stop feeding readers outdated gibberish. If you guys want to discuss outdated rear-view mirror perspectives, go start a thread called my relative translation of fixed perspective qualified through rear-view mirror mirage. Or go visit the dead ideology museum, join the blowhards, regurgitate tribal conflict, spew duality, make sure you give your tour guide (for instance, TIG may walk you through Communism) a nice tip before exiting the thread. :up: Straight up.

The universe is fundamentally unified and superficially diversified.

Note, I disagree with a few points, but I admire John Hagelin's perspective. :)
Now you're referencing the 21st century like there has been some groundbreaking paradigm shift in the last decade and a half.

There hasn't. The vast majority of stuff relating to QM was conceived of in the first third (maybe half) of the 20th century, and that rested upon 19th century science. I wouldn't dismiss the past so readily if I were you.
I will concede though that 'Quantumballs' is a more recent phenomena, a mixture of New Age (hippy New Age, not Alice Bailey's) romanticism and science fiction.
jakell wrote:Now you're referencing the 21st century like there has been some groundbreaking paradigm shift in the last decade and a half.

There hasn't. The vast majority of stuff relating to QM was conceived of in the first third (maybe half) of the 20th century, and that rested upon 19th century science. I wouldn't dismiss the past so readily if I were you.
I will concede though that 'Quantumballs' is a more recent phenomena, a mixture of New Age (hippy New Age, not Alice Bailey's) romanticism and science fiction.
Okay guy, if you're so sure of your perspective, I invite you to a podcast. Private message me if you want to join and debate this topic. If you decide to defend your posts in a voice to voice conversation I'll post a link... If not, you're just some fake pseudo-intellectual. In other words, readers, stop paying attention to these fake intellectuals. Look at Jakells post, bunch of bitching, no substance. :roll:
Now you're being melodramatic. There is no big contest or debate going on here, I'm just countering what you said with some calmer facts and opinions.

I was hoping you (or someone) would have come back on my claim that QM is pretty old and it's only the strangeness of it that gives it an up-to-date mystique. Certainly there has been stuff concerning semiconductors for instance, but I'm regarding that as technology rather than advances in the science (or pseudoscience), I'm willing to be schooled by someone in the know.
Last edited by jakell on 05 Feb 2017 23:31, edited 1 time in total.
Hamlet's palate may be immune to hemlock
I'm here to wreak havoc like a bold black-bald savage, and re-bandage thy static cabbage. How can you have an advantage over my all-inclusive lucid blueprint?

The medium is the message
The medium is the message
We're biochemical reactions
One poetic animated package
Metallic microlattice circling this circuit circus like rings round Saturn.

See, I wanted to debate you through rhetoric & rhyme, and make you look like one mumbling muppet mind; as I drop superimposed lines that smack your three-dimensional jaw line and restructure droopy droppings of decoherence (I offer rebates for prepaid word shoppers and coupons for adult diapers). Screeching squawk, blind bat bawk, shake me spear at the goon tribe! :O

Mare Tranquillitatis
Eye batter smatterings when deep frying bobble-head buying tongue tied men. Straddling quantum-wind, high above verbal duality, I shall watch you sink or swim in my pool of loony lunar hallucinogens as you skedaddle and paddle down that classic gravity crescent (20th century evanescence), reciting rear-view mirror mirage. I'm the deep blue bio-brew waiting to eat you at the end of life's stream... Luckily for this strange case (jakkel may vibrate and heckle, but I shan't metaphysically skin him alive for his hyde), not all rivers reach the all-seeing sea.
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