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By Sheep...
I've been reading quite a bit into Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini(sp?), Hussein and other lesser examples and have noticed that after reviewing all their policies and action a sort of 'distilled' form of governence appearing and that being the title of this topic power.
What really attracts it? The majority of the above listed had access to absolute power and some even used it, although some's actualization of such is debatable. Idealogies bias views so I decided not to really consider them when I researched them... well I'm ranting.

My first three questions are:

1.Why does it usually attract a certain person?

2. The idea of power has to be conceptualized in ones mind before you actually go about achieving it, and supposodly(sp?) we are all individuals so why does the realization of power usually the same through all walks of like; History could influence it, but what about before there was technically 'history'? (I guess this is two questions)

3. The struggle for power has led to significant gains for our species as a whole, so is it (power) really a bad thing?

Sorry about my spelling and grammer/grammar (or HOWEVER you spell it) I'm sort of under the influence :|
By S. P. Laroche
Well Sheep, here are my answers. If I have missed the point of any questions, just let me know.

1) Power is usually sought by the powerless, or those that were powerless at one time or another, through no fault of their own. Does it suprise anyone that most dicatators aren't that physically impossing?

2a) Perhaps there are multiple ways to achieve power, but only the simplest (Political) is usually sought? I don't really have an answer to this question.

2b) We never will no what happened before recorded history, because of the lack of any evidence for any assumptions, so I don't think this question has an answer.

3) Power, in and of itself, is not inherently bad or good, it just is. It's how that power is used that matters.

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