Were the Sodomites of the bible really homosexual? - Page 5 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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By Shadow Dragon
BDSM, swinging, etc. is also sexual variancy. It's all stuff that consenting adults do in the privacy of their bedrooms. Homosexuality fits into that category too. Sexual experimentation is normal.

Very well put. And to add to that, in my opinion setting laws and such against homosexuals sounds just as odd as having laws against likeing redheads over blondes.
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By Ter
I have read a bit here and there in this thread and you can consider me a "guest poster" here if you wish, but am I right to conclude that some people think the anus and the rectum is used for more than passing stool ?

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By Godstud
Yep, Ter. Also, sodomy, includes oral sex. So forget those BJ's you perverts! It's sodomy!!! :lol:
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By Potemkin
Not to mention the fact that the Bible condemns masturbation as a sin on the same level as homosexuality - Onan was struck dead by God for "spilling his seed on the ground". We're all fucking doomed! :eek: :lol:
By ninurta
Potemkin wrote:Not to mention the fact that the Bible condemns masturbation as a sin on the same level as homosexuality - Onan was struck dead by God for "spilling his seed on the ground". We're all fucking doomed! :eek: :lol:

That god is just sadistic and has an extreme case of powerthirsty rage. So it doesn't matter what he had his followers condemn in that book.

Except that he had people killed in Sodom and Gomorrah, and the fact that he refused Lot's daughters only reinforces the fact that the angels went in unannounced into a city which did not belong to them nor their god. The Canaanites were pagan, so were the Moabites, so regardless which you call that side of the Jordan, they were pagan.

As for rampant homosexuality, he didn't seem to mind when David was with Johnathan. So i think he just wanted to burn down a city for his sadistic pleasure.
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By Potemkin
As for rampant homosexuality, he didn't seem to mind when David was with Johnathan.

There's no evidence that David was having a homosexual relationship with Jonathan. The Bible states that they exchanged clothes as a sign of their friendship; a modern Western reader tends to interpret that as evidence that they were lovers, but they may simply have been asserting that they were blood brothers according to the cultural standards of the ancient Middle East.
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By Ter
Potemkin wrote:a modern Western reader tends to interpret that as evidence that they were lovers, but they may simply have been asserting that they were blood brothers according to the cultural standards of the ancient Middle East.

There was a code in the bible. When it says they "knew" each other, that meant they fucked. And they "begat" others, that were the babies.

In that light, exchanging clothes sounds heavy, you know what I mean ? Like maybe they exchanged underwear, you know ? Heavy signals here. Next thing you know, they are butt-fucking.

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By Nets
Pedophilia is nothing to do with homosexuality. Pedophilia is a deviancy caused by psychological problems.

I don't know why you can be so certain that pedophilia is a psychological deviancy but homosexuality is not.
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By Potemkin
I don't know why you can be so certain that pedophilia is a psychological deviancy but homosexuality is not.

It seems like a spurious and, to be honest, irrelevant distinction. The important difference is that pedophilia cannot involve informed consent and is therefore, by definition, abusive, whereas homosexuality takes place between consenting adults and is therefore difficult to classify as 'immoral' on non-religious grounds.
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By Nets
^ I already wrote that I agreed with that line of thinking. But it seems purely political to say one is deviance and one is not.
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By danholo
The bible does not forbid homosexuality, per se, just homosexual sex.

Actually, I think the Bible says something along the lines of not being allowed to "lay with a man as you do with a woman". I don't even know how that's possible.
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By Potemkin
I already wrote that I agreed with that line of thinking. But it seems purely political to say one is deviance and one is not.

Indeed. My personal view is that they are both forms of sexual deviance. However, this is not a moral judgment, merely a social/cultural one. The important point, especially from a legal perspective, is that one involves informed consent between two adults and the other does not. It is therefore difficult to condemn homosexuality on non-religious grounds as immoral or abusive, whereas pedophilia can be condemned on non-religious grounds as immoral and abusive.
By DanDaMan
The first thing a judge said in a court of law I was in was "The law has nothing to do with morals".
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By Potemkin
PS. How do you embed video in a post?

Code: Select all[youtube]UTqDSMv0OLY[/youtube]
By ninurta
Nets wrote: I don't know why you can be so certain that pedophilia is a psychological deviancy but homosexuality is not.

Because psychological deviancies are caused by abuse and chemical imbalances. Is homosexuality a neurological disorder? That is possible. But it is not a chemical imbalance
By DanDaMan
Pedophiles say they are "Born that way".
Therefore they have the same rights given to homosexuals.

Understand the LAW is not about morality.
It just knows it cannot discriminate.
By Diligent
Pedophiles say they are "Born that way".
Therefore they have the same rights given to homosexuals.

Understand the LAW is not about morality.
It just knows it cannot discriminate.

Who the fuck cares if they say they were born that way or not? If it is an act not between two consenting adults, then it is and shall always remain condemned. But the fear mongering talking-heads and moral entrepreneurs always seem to forget that point, don’t they? How convenient.

And to further add, homosexuality is not a “gateway drug” leading to Pedophilia -- to argue such is ridiculous. Take off the partisan blinders for a moment and understand that both Liberals and Conservatives consider pedophilia equally abhorrent -- in such that we do not want children or those that cannot defend or speak out for themselves to be harmed or sexually taken advantage of in any way. To think that granting homosexuals equal rights will eventually lead to the same lenience for pedophilia is paranoia bordering on insanity.
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By Donna
Understand the LAW is not about morality.

The law is about protecting the rights of the citizenry. The legal question of "pedophile rights" is irrelevant when the law is also concerning itself with protecting the rights of children.
By DanDaMan
Who the fuck cares if they say they were born that way or not? If it is an act not between two consenting adults, then it is and shall always remain condemned. But the fear mongering talking-heads and moral entrepreneurs always seem to forget that point, don’t they? How convenient.
On bonus for teaching sex ed in school is so that children can responsibly have sex at younger ages. The law will come down to meet this demand for more access to educated children.
Face it.... if two 14 year old kids can have sex legally, the only thing stopping an adult is ageism.

That's why homosexuals are for sex ed and tearing down the taboo of sodomy between males... the long for the early days of Greece.
Think about it... if boys are taught sodomy is not unnatural, adult males will have greater access to younger and younger males.
It won't happen overnight of course... it's a slow methodical pace.

This is why early homosexual groups openly took in boy lovers (NAMBLA) until the political heat got too hot.
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