So bad it's good - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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By Potemkin
I think you would enjoy Zardoz, Decky. Just make sure you watch it while drunk or stoned (preferably both). It's definitely a 2 six-pack movie.
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By Potemkin
Nothing can compare to the mighty Zardoz, Oxy. Nothing.
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By voxlashi
I agree, Zardoz is simply great. There are some very bizarre, almost Monty Pythonesque moments, but those are deliberately absurd. I remember picking it up because of Sean Connery's outfit and from having been described the opening scene. I found it to be genuinely brilliant, which isn't bad for a movie that featuring the words "the penis is evil" and Sean Connery in those clothes.
That looks like a tight movie True Politics.

My own so bad it's good is:
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By OnTPath
Well, so bad it's good, is of course a relative subjective assessment (age of the Viewer), but here are my two cents of low budget
or very old productions relatively unknown:

- Godzilla, the Showa series
- Flash Gordon 1980 (Music by Queen , Freddie "....FLASH....ahahhhhaaaa...")
- Dark Star, John Carpenter 1974 (Existenitial philosophical dialog with a bomb, Space surf scene at the end).
- Kozure Okami all 70 TV episodes (Lone Wolf and Cub)
- All Jonathan Price (All Price Films are extremly subversive on all levels, and yet his play transcends things, a mastery of arts totally gone)
- Death Machine (a Brad Dourif show giving an anotherwise lame story extreme fire)
- Battle of the World (1961)
- Battle Star Galactica The Promised Land (1989) An absolute MUST, a film with no happy-end, because the Zylons sadly fail, but until then you can hate every single second and pray that THIS time the Zylons will disintegrate the Bonanza and everything on it, WON't happen though. But no other film let you hate so intensly for so long, because no other film to my knowledge contains such depth and detail in hatefulness than this masterpiece). I was 17 back then and hated it as intensly as now, strange isn't it ? Not for everyday's use, once or twice is sufficient but a MUST.

Sean Connery in Zardos, is unforgetable, the whole movie is done as one remembers a dream, fractured, some scenes shining on, fading, replaced by others, atleast it seems to me.
The scene with the free women wouldn't be tolerated anymore today of course, getting the Sexism label attached.
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By Godstud
Flash Gordon(1980)

Battle Beyond the Stars(1980)

Earth Girls Are Easy (1988)

Masters of the Universe(1987)

In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale(2007) Jason Statham, burt Reynolds, etc.... horribe but good at the same time.
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By Potemkin
Any movie made by the legendary Uwe Boll pretty much qualifies.

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By Potemkin
Fatal Deviation

Somebody actually thought that 'Fatal Deviation' would be a good movie title?
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