On Iraq and the American Public - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Watching the news on a day to day basis the US occupation/liberation/whatever of Iraq seems to be becoming a low grade gureilla war of attrition. It seems like daily you hear of 1 or 2 US soldiers being killed in ambushes, mine attacks, bombings or what have you. One of the priniciple reasons for entering the war was the threat of Iraq gaining WMD and then representing a strategic threat to the US. However, no WMD have been found, nor has a program been found, AND American soldiers are dying almost daily. So the question is, given the questionable veracity of some of the reasons for going to war, and given the deaths of the " sons and daughters of America", how long will it take before public opinion turns on this issue?
Last edited by FCP on 11 Jul 2003 04:23, edited 2 times in total.
By briansmith
FCP wrote:So the question is, given the questionable veracity of some of the reasons for going to war, and given the deaths of the " sons and daughters of America", how long will it take before public opinion turns on this issue?

Here's the answer to this question as best as I can give it:

The media and the military, together, made Bush. During the 2000 election campaign, the military men -- banking on Bush's promise that he would not engage in nation-building -- voted for Bush in droves, fully expecting he would raise pay & benefits as well as keep them out of war. The media tried to gloss over the fact that the Governor of Texas couldn't find his own rectum with two hands and a flashlight.

Once his Presidency began, the media honeymoon was soon over. The military squinted its collective eyes, wondering why their benefits were not being improved as were promised.

Then 9/11 took place, and Bush's approval ratings jumped 30% in one day. What did he do? Um, nothing, actually. The media jumped back on his bandwagon and so did an angry, racist military that -- until now -- had been with him in every lie he wanted to tell and every country he, Halliburton, and Bechtel wanted to take over.

Iraq has changed all of this. The media show is over now. "Shock and Awe" was awful when it happened here. When it was "Shock and Awe" in Baghdad, not only were the American people supposed to cheer, but the Iraqi people were supposed to cheer too!

The media is out for the story, and Cowboy Bush's renegade, ignorant responses to the 9/11 attack was the story up until now. It's not the story anymore. The media sees a Vietnam growing in Iraq, right along side the sane, good people who tried to prevent this war from ever taking place. The Bushistas said, because the Iraqis did not nuke our troops on the way in, "Where are all the body bags you `libruls` were talking about? Hmmmm? We won! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!"

Since MISSION ACCOMPLISHED, when Lieutenant Bush had a trained, skilled Navy pilot land him on an aircraft carrier so he could "prance around," as General Wesley Clark, Ret., called it, in a flightsuit with a stuffed crotch, there have been, if I recall, 70+ American soldiers dead and hundreds wounded.

Sure, "wounded" is what FOX News tells you. "Wounded" doesn't explain that a 20 year old American man with a wife and a six month old child back at home got both his legs blown off by an angry taxi driver. FOX News doesn't tell you that the lives of hundreds of men have been destroyed -- all for Halliburton and Bush-Cheney'04. FOX News doesn't tell you the story of the man who will never be able to play in the park with his little daughter because his President sent him into Iraq to play policeman for the Oil Ministry. Neither does Ari Fleischer, Scott McClellan, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, or George W. Bush himself.

They lied to us about weapons of mass destruction. Wolfowitz admitted it and then forced news sources to retract the article, presumably under great threats. They lied to us about what we would do when we got there. They lied to us about how long our soldiers would be there. They lied to us about what their priorities were.

There were weapons of mass destruction everywhere according to Donald Rumsfeld. We were going to allow the Iraqis to have freedom and democracy. We were going to have soldiers there for a little while, then they would get their government started, and we would leave. They told us freedom, democracy, and safety were their priorities, but they let the nuclear facilities be looted while the Oil Ministry was protected.

The media knew it all along, just like the rest of us, but the Bush junta forced them into the same spin game that Fleischer and FOX News have been in since the beginning of the Bush 2000 campaign. The media knows now, though, that the story isn't in the holy Bush.

The story is in the quagmire that is Iraq. The military knows that Bush has spread them too thin, and yet he asks more and more from them. In a safe place, Bush says "Bring 'em on" on behalf of the 200,000 soldiers in Iraq that will be "brought 'em on" to. He's too afraid to go to Iraq himself. He's too afraid to even go to Liberia, the place where he's treated like more of a god than even on FOX News.

"Bring 'em on" Bush ran like a little girl to a bunker in Nebraska when the shiite hit the fan on September 11th, but he's sure a tough guy in that flightsuit and with that American flag pin on his lapel.

The military is disgusted. The media is tired of being played like Bush's little bitch. The story isn't in Bush's sainthood anymore. The story is in Bush's downfall.

When you make a man so great, so powerful, so strong as the media and the hype-crew made Bush, the only way to go is down. Bush is going down, and he is falling hard.

The media sees what's happening now. The American people see what's happening now. Support for the war effort is plummeting. Support for the President is plummeting. Halliburton's oil pipeline coming from Iraq isn't helping the family of five in Dayton, Ohio, that is having trouble getting food on the table seven nights a week.

The truth is coming, FCP. The Army officially debunked the lies that the Bush administration and FOX News hyped about the "hero" Jessica Lynch who actually, as those of us on the left knew all along, wasn't a hero at all. We read news sources besides WorldNet Daily. We watch news sources besides FOX News. We listen to news sources besides Rush Limbaugh. We knew it all along, the Army knew it all along, and together with a media that is fed up with being the President's bitch -- we will take him down.
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Having access to CNN and Fox, in the last few weeks, at least with CNN it seems to me the focus is changing. Do you think public opinion is changing?
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By Boondock Saint
I am a little more to the right of TSaler ... BUT ...

I don't find my views all that different then his ... perhaps I disagree with a few details ... but honestly ... part of me was hoping someone would take a pot shot at Bush while he was in Africa and off the fucker ... then again that would be even worse ... then Chaney would have the reins (like he doesnt already :roll: ) and it would give the right even more reason to wage war left and right.

There is a lot of grumbling going on, right now its deep inside the belly of America ... Americans are still kind of 'we kicked ass' ... and are a little confused as to whats going on ... but the 'we kicked ass' is turning into 'what the fuck? Why are the liberated happy masses of Iraq now dancing on our humvees after shooting them with RPG's?'

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