Young adult women in late 20s, early 30s are dying at greater rate than before - Politics | PoFo

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US millennial women are now more likely to die in their late 20s and early 30s than any generation since the World War II era

U.S. millennial women saw their well-being decline, a first in modern times.

Homicide, maternal mortality, and suicide rates have all increased for women aged 25 to 34.

According to a report published by the Washington DC-based non-profit Population Reference Bureau, which studied the well-being of women aged 25 to 34 from each generation of Americans.

It found that women born between 1981 and 1999 (widely classified as millennials) have seen the first drop in well-being since the Silent Generation as they live through young adulthood.

"Women today are more likely to die during their late 20s and early 30s than at any other point in the previous three generations"​

Business Insider US millennial women are now more likely to die in their late 20s and early 30s than any generation since the World War II era, by Matthew Loh, Business Insider, December 11, 2023

It may be another sign of decreased standards of living in the country.

I suspect at least part of it has to do with break-down in the family structure. Young women in U.S. society are increasingly winding up alone, or go through a string of very short-term relationships.
time wrote: Life expectancy in America fell sharply in 2020. It fell again in 2021. The COVID-19 pandemic certainly played a role, but that’s not the whole story. During this same time period, eight of the ten leading causes of death also increased. Even maternal and child and adolescent mortality increased. In August 2022, federal health officials released new data showing that across all demographic groups, Americans are dying younger.

It's not just women, which blows the air out of the "women are sluts so they die" theory. :roll:
This whole idea of women in their prime reproductive years not living long is concerning.

I always wanted to be a mother. Even as a little girl I would think of my children's possible names and how I would dress them, and feed them and so on.

I see such loneliness in women nowadays. They just do not feel like they are going to be successful finding a mate or a husband or someone to love them.

Some women are not very pretty and because they are not pretty no one talks to them, or dates them or even bothers to get to know them at all.

I find it all dreadfully unfair.

Other women feel like they can't get married and have a decent career. They have to choose either a career or being a wife and mother and can't do both. That is also sad.

And other women just settle for relationships with men that are horrible.

But, then there are men who choose women for their looks and for their own sense of prestige. Trophy wives come to mind.

Women have limited socializing opportunities in a world that is about COVID, lockdowns, and remote work, or where their jobs are about alienating circumstances.

Many women are overworked and underpaid. They take care of their kids, work full time and then also have to attend their elderly parents. Sandwiched between too many responsibilities.

It is unfair.
Puffer Fish wrote:US millennial women are now more likely to die in their late 20s and early 30s than any generation since the World War II era

U.S. millennial women saw their well-being decline, a first in modern times.

Homicide, maternal mortality, and suicide rates have all increased for women aged 25 to 34.

And drug ODs, which, thanks to the evil and insane policy of drug prohibition, now kill twice as many Americans each year than were killed in 10 years in Vietnam.
Tainari88 wrote:I see such loneliness in women nowadays. They just do not feel like they are going to be successful finding a mate or a husband or someone to love them.

As a man with a wife and four kids, I can tell you exactly why they are not going to be successful finding a mate or husband or someone to love them: their woke, gender-fluid, third-wave feminism has made them hostile to men and unlovable. "Feminism" is actually an absurd and deceitful misnomer, as it is an ideology that is violently anti-feminine, and demands that women be held to masculine standards of life success: achievement of wealth, power, status, and dominance in the workplace rather than the feminine values of affiliation, comfort, and nurturance in the home.
Some women are not very pretty and because they are not pretty no one talks to them, or dates them or even bothers to get to know them at all.

It's true that men care about status, and a low-value woman lowers their status. But women typically have a very inaccurate idea of what would make them higher-value, and spend a lot of money and effort on things that actually reduce their relationship market value, like nail art, tattoos, trendy, unfeminine clothing and hairstyles, etc. Just looking healthy is not that hard. You don't have to be rail-thin: as long as your waist is less than half your height, you probably won't suffer the health problems associated with obesity, and most men won't object to a few extra pounds, especially if you can keep your waist smaller than 80% of your hip measurement. One thing men don't value is your education and career, as long as you are showing that you are a responsible, economically self-supporting adult.
I find it all dreadfully unfair.

You aren't the only one: the proportion of men in their 20s who have not had sex in the last year is significantly higher than the proportion of women.
Other women feel like they can't get married and have a decent career. They have to choose either a career or being a wife and mother and can't do both. That is also sad.

Facts are stubborn things, and feminism has sold women a bill of goods: "having it all." The fact is, few women have the emotional energy to outcompete men in the career market, and very, very few have the energy to raise young children while performing a full-time job as well as male or female competitors who are not raising children. Having it all is a feminist lie.
And other women just settle for relationships with men that are horrible.

Women are even more focused on getting the highest-value partner possible than men. This leads them to pursue the top few percent of men even though they know that those men can and do enjoy as many women as they can handle -- and often more. What is the motive for such men to give up their oriental-potentate sex lives to settle down with one woman? You've heard of people in countries that don't allow free elections "voting with their feet" by leaving? Well, women in the Internet dating age are voting for polygamy with a different part of their anatomy. How else do you explain how popular shows like "Big Love" and "Sister Wives" are with women?
But, then there are men who choose women for their looks and for their own sense of prestige. Trophy wives come to mind.

Like Melania...

Yes, it's true many men are shallow that way -- but so are many women.
Women have limited socializing opportunities in a world that is about COVID, lockdowns, and remote work, or where their jobs are about alienating circumstances.

They have the Internet. Unfortunately, the Internet is all about marketing.
Many women are overworked and underpaid. They take care of their kids, work full time and then also have to attend their elderly parents. Sandwiched between too many responsibilities.

It is unfair.

IMO, most women with pre-school children should not even be trying to hold down jobs. What is the point? They have to pay for child care, just end up paying more income tax, and are constantly exhausted and can't do a good job either at work or with their kids. Are a few women able to do it all? Sure. And if that's what they want, more power to them. But holding that up as a standard has been a disaster for women.
Truth To Power wrote:As a man with a wife and four kids, I can tell you exactly why they are not going to be successful finding a mate or husband or someone to love them: their woke, gender-fluid, third-wave feminism has made them hostile to men and unlovable. "Feminism" is actually an absurd and deceitful misnomer, as it is an ideology that is violently anti-feminine, and demands that women be held to masculine standards of life success: achievement of wealth, power, status, and dominance in the workplace rather than the feminine values of affiliation, comfort, and nurturance in the home.

It's true that men care about status, and a low-value woman lowers their status. But women typically have a very inaccurate idea of what would make them higher-value, and spend a lot of money and effort on things that actually reduce their relationship market value, like nail art, tattoos, trendy, unfeminine clothing and hairstyles, etc. Just looking healthy is not that hard. You don't have to be rail-thin: as long as your waist is less than half your height, you probably won't suffer the health problems associated with obesity, and most men won't object to a few extra pounds, especially if you can keep your waist smaller than 80% of your hip measurement. One thing men don't value is your education and career, as long as you are showing that you are a responsible, economically self-supporting adult.

You aren't the only one: the proportion of men in their 20s who have not had sex in the last year is significantly higher than the proportion of women.

Facts are stubborn things, and feminism has sold women a bill of goods: "having it all." The fact is, few women have the emotional energy to outcompete men in the career market, and very, very few have the energy to raise young children while performing a full-time job as well as male or female competitors who are not raising children. Having it all is a feminist lie.

Women are even more focused on getting the highest-value partner possible than men. This leads them to pursue the top few percent of men even though they know that those men can and do enjoy as many women as they can handle -- and often more. What is the motive for such men to give up their oriental-potentate sex lives to settle down with one woman? You've heard of people in countries that don't allow free elections "voting with their feet" by leaving? Well, women in the Internet dating age are voting for polygamy with a different part of their anatomy. How else do you explain how popular shows like "Big Love" and "Sister Wives" are with women?

Like Melania...

Yes, it's true many men are shallow that way -- but so are many women.

They have the Internet. Unfortunately, the Internet is all about marketing.

IMO, most women with pre-school children should not even be trying to hold down jobs. What is the point? They have to pay for child care, just end up paying more income tax, and are constantly exhausted and can't do a good job either at work or with their kids. Are a few women able to do it all? Sure. And if that's what they want, more power to them. But holding that up as a standard has been a disaster for women.

I do not really get why men are hostile to women over feminism? For me feminism should be about women being able to vote for political candidates. It means being able to get a divorce if she thinks the marriage does not work. It means splitting property rights fairly and equally between the husband and wife. It means being treated the same as male colleagues and getting paid the same for the same type of work with the same seniority. If she wants to be a scientist that someone will not tell her women are not good at science, try something else out, because women are not good at math or science or engineering or computers. etc.

I think the problem is when you see a bunch of women who are outright Gold Star lesbians trying to tell the males out there that they want to compete with men and beat them at being the best at whatever men do well, whether that is using a machine gun or drinking alcohol to excess at a bar. For me that is stupid feminism and really counterproductive. I am not interested in unfeminine feminism TTP. I never will be. I do not think women have to be masculine in order to be seeking just circumstances in their societies or just pay scales for the work they do.

I have heard it all. Seen it all.

One woman who claimed to be a feminist told me once, that unless I had sex with a woman I was betraying my sex. I laughed so hard I nearly peed in my pants.

I told her, 'I love women. I loved my mother, my aunties, my cousins, my neighbors, my classmates, my teachers and so many other women I have admired, loved and liked over the years. I did not have to feel sexual attraction towards a woman to be a feminist. I just need to like justice in general for all human beings. And as far as I know...women are human beings. Don't you agree?'

I will never like masculine clothing or ugly male shoes. I do not care what the world thinks about that.

No, women should be loved for being who they are as individuals. Not because of the money they have in the bank. Or anything else that is superficial. If she is fat or skinny, has a small waist or not.

It does not matter eh?

Who she is inside and her spirit and mind and heart should be enough of an attraction to be able to find someone to share her life with.

I find it all quite difficult to think that it has gotten so complicated TTP.
Pants-of-dog wrote:The increase in maternal mortality was predicted when Roe vs Wade was overturned.

Looks like that prediction was entirely accurate.

That is not necessarily true either.
To try to verify the possible validity of that conjecture, you would need to see if the rise in the maternal mortality rate occurred only in Pro-Life states rather than Pro-Choice states (because Roe vs Wade being overturned had no effect on Pro-Choice states) and whether the rise in maternal mortality coincides with the same time period that it was overturned.

I suspect you are too lazy to make any effort to try to do that.

Here is one quick thing I did find:
"New York State is ranked 30th in the nation in its maternal mortality rate, and this rate has been on the rise over the past two decades." (March 2019 report)

It suggests you may not be correct.
Tainari88 wrote:Some women are not very pretty and because they are not pretty no one talks to them, or dates them or even bothers to get to know them at all.

More than half the time it's because they're overweight.

This is not something that is impossible for the woman to change.

If she weighs more than the men she's trying to date, it might be time to cut down on the carbs and hit the treadmill.
Truth To Power wrote:As a man with a wife and four kids, I can tell you exactly why they are not going to be successful finding a mate or husband or someone to love them: their woke, gender-fluid, third-wave feminism has made them hostile to men and unlovable. "Feminism" is actually an absurd and deceitful misnomer, as it is an ideology that is violently anti-feminine, and demands that women be held to masculine standards of life success: achievement of wealth, power, status, and dominance in the workplace rather than the feminine values of affiliation, comfort, and nurturance in the home.

One of my family members is a young man who has complained to me that all of the women he has dated have little understanding of what commitment means. He says it's hard to find a woman who will not cheat, going out with some other guy behind his back. And he's dated many young women. It's a sign of the times.
A lot of young women these days are completely blatant about it too, and have labeled themselves "polyamorous".
I suppose they never had a good parental example.

Of course, young women (those who are even half-decently attractive) have an infinite number of options, before they hit the age of 32 or so. After that, their ability to keep living that carefree lifestyle of infinite options and no commitments rapidly diminishes.

I think Feminism has sent the message to young women to "Go out there and f*** like men", without much consideration to where that will cause these women to end up.

Is it any surprise that a young woman who's decided to let herself be used as a sperm receptacle by more men than she can count, and currently is unable to find a man who cares for her and wants to stick around, might be feeling suicidal?

I don't know for sure, but this is one possible explanation.
Puffer Fish wrote:More than half the time it's because they're overweight.

This is not something that is impossible for the woman to change.

If she weighs more than the men she's trying to date, it might be time to cut down on the carbs and hit the treadmill.

I wonder how men would feel if they are judged exclusively by their looks? Hmm.

Let me see:

Hmm. Ugly guy. Can't date that man.

But he has money. I might date him the superficial dumb woman says.


Oh uh, he needs to lose some weight and fix his ugly face first.

I think men if they had to face being judged by their looks with brutal honesty? Most of them would be severely insecure Puffer Fish.

Lol. I wonder if you can get a hint eh? :lol:
Unthinking Majority wrote:I invite you to research what occurs during an abortion. ... on-ban-roe

I invite you to research what occurs when states ban abortion:

    The six states with the highest maternal mortality rates in the nation each quickly banned abortion following the decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, fueling concerns about more children being born in areas with poor health outcomes and with fewer safety net programs for mothers and children.

    Why it matters: U.S. women already were likelier to die during or after pregnancy than anywhere else in the developed world, and public health experts predict things will get worse in the post-Roe landscape as health providers weigh legal exposure against clinical decisions.

    Driving the news: Arkansas, Kentucky, Alabama, Tennessee, Louisiana and Mississippi top the CDC's list of states with the highest maternal mortality, each with more than 30 deaths per 100,000 live births. Each had "trigger" laws, or abortion bans that took effect in the immediate aftermath of the Supreme Court eliminating a federal right to the procedure.

    Maternal death rates in states with "trigger" laws are on average almost two times higher than those in states with laws protecting abortion access.
    Most of those states are identified as having "maternity care deserts" that lack hospitals offering obstetric care, birth centers and no obstetric providers.
    The combination of more restrictive abortion laws, more births and insufficient care could leave those states "completely unprepared for the ramifications in the lives and health and wellbeing of women and children and families that these bans are going to cause," said Andrea Miller, president of the National Institute for Reproductive Health, which advocates for access to abortion care.
    The maternal death rate in the U.S. could increase by 24% if a nationwide abortion ban was enacted, according to a University of Colorado study.
    If abortion was illegal in the 26 states that have either already banned abortion or are likely to do so, there would have been 64 more maternal deaths in 2020, the research — which is not yet peer-reviewed — found.

So yes, banning abortion kills people.

But, you say, I am still a better and more moral person than Pants-of-dog because banning abortion saves the lives if countless fetuses!

Too bad that is wrong too.

Anyway, @wat0n seems to be correct that the data precedes the overturning of RvW.

Which means that the maternal mortality rate will almost certainly get even worse.
Pants-of-dog wrote:So yes, banning abortion kills people.

Maybe, maybe not.

But as we've explained to you, that is unlikely to be the reason for the increase in death rates being discussed.

(You also have to consider that even if restrictions on abortion do kill some women, the effect on overall maternal mortality statistics could still be very small. From the research I've looked into, the majority of the time when women end up dying from pregnancy it was unexpected, and it was difficult for doctors to predict that she was going to die or to be able to save her. In the cases where there are problems, it's more common for doctors to tell women "You have a 10% chance of dying if you continue this pregnancy" or something like that)
Tainari88 wrote:I wonder how men would feel if they are judged exclusively by their looks? Hmm.

Men get judged more on their income and what they can provide to the woman and her (future) children.

Which still is pretty stressful on a man.

(Just look at the depression and suicide rates of unemployed men)

When it comes to the younger age group, it's actually pretty tough for young men, and extremely competitive.
I know of plenty of very good looking younger guys who still have to struggle to be able to get a girl, often a girl who is a notch below what I would have thought would be in their same "league".

I'm talking about guys who have a muscular body, stay healthy, with a nice looking face, and they still have to struggle to be able to find a girl who is interested in them.
Never mind the hopelessness of the "average" guy.

80% of young women seem to be going after the top 5% tier of men.
This is creating a huge gender imbalance in that age group. Much has been written about this.

Of course after the age of about 30 to 35 these young women, who had so much fun and had so many "options", get kicked to the curb and start getting desperate.

( related thread: Alex Youseff on Hookup Culture )
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