NZ and Aus to send forces to the Solomons - Politics | PoFo

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New Zealand will commit 200 troops and about 30 extra police to an Australian-led rescue plan for the lawless and near-bankrupt Solomon Islands, Foreign Minister Phil Goff said on Sunday.

Australia will contribute the bulk of a force of up to 2,000 multinational troops, police and support staff, the biggest military deployment in the South Pacific since World War Two.

Goff said that the Solomons, a former British protectorate known as "The Happy Isles," was on the verge of collapse and the police element of the force would probably be there for some years.

"Because law and order has broken down completely, that means the Solomon Islands economy is near to collapse," Goff told reporters after meeting Australian counterpart Alexander Downer.

"It also has enormous implications because of its impact on security and stability of the region," he said in Adelaide.

The Australian newspaper reported on Friday that Canberra is working on a 10-year rescue operation for the Solomons that could cost up to $1.3 billion.

Clashes between rival militias from Guadalcanal and Malaita islands, mainly over land disputes, have claimed hundreds of lives in the Solomons over the past five years.

Australia and New Zealand have both said they are ready for rapid deployment but are still waiting for a formal invitation from the Solomons, where parliament will sit on July 8.

Downer and Goff will use a meeting of regional foreign ministers in Sydney on Monday to gather support for the plan.

While committing up to 200 troops and increasing the number of New Zealand police in the Solomons from 10 to 40, Goff also said New Zealand would have to consider doubling the $8 million in aid it currently gives to the Solomons.

The Solomons, scene of some of the fiercest fighting of the Pacific theatre of World War Two, lie about 1,800 kilometres northeast of Australia.
By Ocker
Hmm, I don't really understand the situation besides what I have read in the papers etc.

Let's just hope it doesn't turn into a Somalia type of 'war'.
By CasX
This might be in bad taste...but there does seem to be a likeness.





Just my (irrelevant) two cents.

Anyway, I'm not too sure of the situation either. Proctor?
I know the government there is rather useless, anyway :hmm:
By Proctor
Ah, South Pacific politics, my specialty. :)

The nation is messed up real bad. The actual government has all but lost power, and the majority of the islands are controlled by warlords. Not very nice warlords at that, the kind that like to chop people's heads off.

Add this to the fact that the economy has collapsed, they were hit by a major cyclone last year, they have the greatest national debt per capita of any nation in the world, Parliament was closed earlier this year because they couldn't afford to keep it running, get rich quick schemes are running rampant, and all banks have been closed after threats of terrorism, and you begin to get a feeling for the problem.

The summit in Sydney saw many Pacific nations pledge assistance of some kind. Australia will lead the force, and I imagine New Zealand will give the second biggest support. France has hinted they might help out, with military and police stationed in New Caledonia.

With many nations supporting, it would seem to be a rather formidable force. But another problem arises; that most of the nations have very minimal law enforcement in the first place. Many don't have an armed force, relying on New Zealand for support.

What has been decided is that police will be sent in to support the Solomon police, not take over from them. As the New Zealand Foreign Minister said (paraphrased), "there are three levels of action. The first is additional police to assist the Solomon Police. The second is an armed group of peace keepers, that will be used only when necessary to deal with militants. This is only for backup that does not fall under the jurisdiction of the Solomon Police. And third, and perhaps most importantly, is financial assistance to help rebuild. Blah blah blah."

All we have to do now is wait for the Parliamant to meet and declare a State of Emergency, which is necessary under their constitution before armed personnel from another country can be sent in.

More info here:
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By Mark
This is thread number 1337 8)

Anyway- uh...I can't believe so much news never makes Europe. "World News" never really is world news :hmm:
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