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By Ocker
Nox wrote:
Ocker wrote:
Let me see if I get this straight ... the Kiwi's and Oz are at odds ... and America is at fault ...


No, the Australian and New Zealand government 'are at odds', due to their conflicting views on something that is mostly centered around the American government.

I let this slide before, but since the topic has been ressurected, I can't let it go again:


I have to be careful about too much laughter ... I don't want to die again ... someone might not revive me.

The drivel on this quote is of epic proportions and shows a pathetic level of "it's not my fault" and "the devil made me do it" projection. Some folks here need to wake up, grow up, and get with reality.


Tell me what the hell is drivel about my post if it is entirely relevant to the original article? Like I said you arrogant ass, it is to do with the American government, not the Americans, stop fishing for anti-Americanism that isn't there.


Hey, leave NSW alone! :p It's not bad if you stay away from Sydney :knife: . The Blue Mountains are where I want to retire.
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By Yeddi
I'm sure all the melbournians hate you too Efrem
By Efrem Da King
My grandad doesn't!!

Haha GOTCHA!!!

Learn to take a joke, I was quoteing austin powers.
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By Yeddi
Melbournians aren't a race, its not even a nationality.

And i do understand jokes, i just didn't find that one funny, this is more my style (Yes i'm the Eddie character)

Now in an atempt to get this on topic >

Kiwi's and Aussies have always been close, we share a common heritage, common history, a common language save some wierd accents, and our soldiers have died together fighting the same wars on the same battlefield. i don't see that changing. we will always be mates, but like true mates we laugh at each other adn joke about each other, but no harm is meant.
By Thin Spirits
Yeddi wrote:Kiwi's and Aussies have always been close, we share a common heritage, common history, a common language save some wierd accents, and our soldiers have died together fighting the same wars on the same battlefield. i don't see that changing. we will always be mates, but like true mates we laugh at each other adn joke about each other, but no harm is meant.

Exactly. We love you, Kiwi, sheep-fucking bastards. :p
By Thin Spirits
Shhhhh. dont tell anyone that fact! Besides, I bet your sheep are a lot nicer than ours, and prettier too :)

And its a matter of relativity... We have more sheep as a whole but you have a higher sheep to person ratio than us. Which suggests that the kiwis have found alternative breeding techniques :p

Only messing with you guys, to be honest I'd prefer to pay out a Pom. And currently I have a bit more respect for the current leadership of NZ than what the Howard conservative government in Australia is doing in relation to America.
By Efrem Da King
Political Intrest wrote:Uh one point...

You have more sheep than us.

YEs but we also have about 8 times your population, and we lack the sheep fetish.

BTW melbs are a race, BUT a melb can very easily be assimilated. I know certain people that have lived in NSW for all thier lives pretty much but still remain melbs, and people that drop their "melbness" almost instantly.
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By Yeddi
pretell what is "melbness"?

And there are only 3 races in classic anthropology: Caucasian, Mongoloid, and Negroid. I don't see "melb" there.

Interesting fact, nearly all groups of people have a select stereotype that has sex with sheep... interesting isn't it.
By CasX
Yeddi wrote:Kiwi's and Aussies have always been close, we share a common heritage, common history, a common language save some wierd accents, and our soldiers have died together fighting the same wars on the same battlefield. i don't see that changing. we will always be mates, but like true mates we laugh at each other adn joke about each other, but no harm is meant.

I agree, but the disturbing thing is that my original post came from a Howard government official.
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By Yeddi
Are you serious?! :eh:

That government is evil. Maybe it is an attempt to distence Australia from NZ in order to impress the US :hmm:
By Thin Spirits
Yeddi wrote:Are you serious?! :eh:

That government is evil. Maybe it is an attempt to distence Australia from NZ in order to impress the US :hmm:

I was going to criticise your labelling the Howard government as 'evil'. But now I think about it, following the Amercan realist approach to foreign policy probably equates to selling your soul...
The Howard government is very politically suave, John Howard may be highly conservative but he is certainly smart enough to stick with that approach and effectively keep himself in power, even if its at the expense of turning a blind eye to our close neighbours....

And I'm not just speaking of New Zealand, we seem to be pissing off a few other S.E. nations these days too, most noteably Malaysia...

I honestly believe this approach will change as Australia grows a bit older... believe it or not many of the actions of the Howard government are backed by a large conservative (older, uneducated etc) population of Australia... and in a democratic country, well the majority still rules. As our politicians change, so will views and policies... It would be stupid for Australia to keep ignoring its neighbours, most noteably when we woulf have so much to gain from trade with them.

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