South Korean President forces defectors back to North, to their probable deaths - Politics | PoFo

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Two fishermen in a boat from North Korea tried to make their way to South Korea and were intercepted by South Korean authorities.

North Korea made the claim that the two had murdered 16 others who had been in the boat.
But many believe there is no evidence for this claim and that North Korea does not actually believe this. Journalists who have researched this incident strongly suspect that North Korea wanted the two for other reasons. Either unknown reasons, or the government did not want to let the fisherman escape, because escaping North Korea is considered a very serious crime.

However, the South Korean President Moon Jae-in made the decision to return the two fisherman to North Korea, in an attempt to appease the North and try to maintain better relations between the two countries. A video of the two men being returned to North Korean authorities shows that the two were very much resisting and seemed to be in great fear about being handed over. They may have feared being executed, possibly torture, or the extremely inhumane treatment in a North Korean prison camp.

There are many in South Korea who are saying that the President's decision to return them against their will, knowing what would likely happen to them, amounted to "cruel treatment". The President is getting a lot of criticism from human rights groups.

Greg Scarlatoui, director of the Committee of Human Rights in North Korea, said the South Koreans, by handing the fishermen over three days after capturing their boat in South Korean waters, had "issued a death sentence." And that this sends a message that South Korea "no longer provides a safe haven" for defectors.

Daily NK, a website in South Korea with risky mobile phone contacts inside North Korea, has reported the two were beheaded two months after the handover.​

Of course North Korean courts have no transparency. No information has been made available exactly what the evidence was against the two men, or where they are or what has happened to them.

Under South Korean law, defectors (defectors from the North are considered "Korean citizens") are entitled to due process once they arrive in the South. These fishermen were not given due process.

The cruel return of two fishermen shows why we must stand up to North Korea, The Hill, Donald Kirk, July 25, 2022 ... an.578958/

Hypothetically, how would North Korea even know that the two men had murdered 16 others who were in their boat? Did those 16 others set out in that boat and then disappear? So since South Korean authorities only found 2 persons in the boat, the North Korean government assumes they must have killed the other 16 ?
No information has been released about the South Korean authorities finding any evidence of traces of blood in the boat. Many believe that North Korea's claims are absurd and are extremely likely just to have been a pretext to try to get the fishermen handed over.

Congressman Chris Smith (Republican, New Jersey) said he was "shocked and startled" after seeing photographs and video of the fishermen as they were "forced to return to communist North Korea against their will and without due process."
"A thorough investigation is needed to determine who in the Korean bureaucracy had ordered their return and for what possible justification."​
Hirohito raped 200,000 women, mostly Korean. Some were killed between Thailand, or Japan, or Australia, or Manchuria. The Geisha were poorly equipped for their employment contract. Its called Southern Comfort Women. Hirohito has the nicest voice in the world. aw. All the men worked in the mine with John Henry. Some of them lived, some of them died. The Koreans that stayed in Japan afterwards today are called Somethin'. Zainichi..Zuchini.... World War 2 reconciliation now Asia's like , Asia.... The South Korean government is from the provisional government of 1917 that met most the time in China against the government of Japan, and an annexation treaty by Japan of Korea in 1910 by international law has no force of signature or force and is a simple stick of Japan to claim something, the annexation simply says King of Korea gives Korea to King of Japan, which isn't an agreement. The King and Queen were probably killed and all dissent was squashed like the 'sam-il' independence movement of 1917-1919 20,000 killed/injured. Shinto is a state-ceremony "Supra-religion" supra-religion exempts it from being religion, its above religion, its respect to the state (Huh?!) so everyone of all faiths and everyone has to attend the shinto shrines, now japanese politicians have insensitive attitudes at shinto observances. Japanese soldiers were shinto representatives and you had to bow like a shinto shrine. Because they're the Emperor who rapes people, again, he's rapey. Nice voice.
South Korea's tumultuous governance includes the humiliation of American Occupation and "satellite state" talk and "domino theory". They just as well put ex-japanese back in charge or called them the guilty like japanese. Syngman Rhee the first president even though there was an election had spent his life in the USA. His biography is for Americans too. He's got an Austrian wife, the first President of Korea. The North invaded the South aggressively in a costly war , Asia is too populated for another option I'd say. They were repulsed but China stepped in surprisingly and returns a stalemate. There have been military takeovers like Park Chung hee. There's been 6 republics and prevention of liberties. I heard in the 60's North Korea might have pulled ahead people thought but its half the population and even mountainous , plus it became isolationist, or it looks isolationist today. The royalty were removed another american heavy hand with Syngman Rhee , see all thats left was Japanese sympathetic kings, the South should have claim to historical enquiry. Kim Il Sung is a Russian essentially .Have you noticed Russian advisors, Russian alliance at that time of the war and there was no China communist split, and the flavor of communism is russian. The Russians made an agreement with the Americans to split Korea at the end of Japans war in 1946. The Americans hardly could arrive to enforce that agreement. Kim il Sung is a Russian tank commander when he arrived. Jefferson Davis has a theory of government, it could be the death of him, but Jefferson Davis has a theory of Government, its Confederacy... And whenever these Two Koreas look to Government, its JEFFERSON DAVIS. He could sit it out at the DMZ, to receive money from the States, and the confederate powers of the States are entirely intact, and the sovereign powers of the states are entirely intact when Jefferson Davis implements the Confederacy of Korea. They already built a building. I mean who built the building? Somebody built those 2 bunkhouses, I'm saying.

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