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By Tintin Storm
Weapons that are designed and manufactured in Russia, is one of the best in the world. Russian designers make incredible weapons, which deserve special attention. For example, the Kalashnikov assault rifle, which is widely used in almost all countries of the world. In order to keep up with new products and news in the world of weapons, we need to get acquainted with new models. Russia's armament in 2019 will amaze with its practicality and power.

The rocket with its own nuclear power plant as part of a strategic complex is a fundamentally new approach that was successfully tested in 2017, and whose introduction to the troops develops in 2018 and 2019. This is a multipurpose nuclear missile of unlimited range, capable of independently bypassing air defense and missile defense. The hypersonic air-to-missile air-to-air missile complex "Kinzhal" has no world analogues, as well as many other developments representing the armament of Russia in 2019. It already has experienced combat duties in the Southern Military District. The missiles will be included in the arsenal of a new generation of SU-57, they are almost invisible to the radar and airborne protection of enemy aircraft at the expense of speed. Also, they are named by experts abroad as one of the main trump cards of Russian military aircraft.

Such a new weapon of Russia, like the MiG-35 of “4 ++” generation is a transitional link to the 5th generation fighter. The ceiling for work is 16 km, the range depending on the armament (cargo) is from 800 to 1,400 km. This is in many ways a very advanced development, requiring less cost than fifth-generation fighter jets, but at the same time capable of competing with them, and superior in capabilities to fourth-generation aircraft. In the meantime, the fifth-generation fighters of the Perspective aviation complex of front aviation have already been developed by Russian scientists and technicians, and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is beginning to acquire them.

In 2019, the Russian military will begin to receive equipment "Ratnik-2" with a passive exoskeleton - a lever-hinged mechanical device, allowing to reduce the load on the musculoskeletal system of the fighter. At the "Army-2018" forum, the Central Research Institute of Precision Engineering presented a sample of the exoskeleton, which is put on in a minute and removed in 20 seconds. However, the supply of "Ratnik-2" will be limited. The Ministry of Defense and specialists of the Central Scientific Research Institute of Precision Engineering are planning to re-equip the army with the equipment of the third generation Ratnik-3. The first will receive it Airborne troops. Deliveries to them can begin in 2025. The active exoskeleton repeats the human biomechanics and takes into account its anatomical features. According to the designers, on the tests of this exoskeleton the fighter was able to fire from a machine gun, holding it in one hand. An active exoskeleton will help the soldier move faster and more effectively hit targets.

Also, it became known that the "Kalibr" ground-based missile system is going to be developed in a variant not only ship-based, but also land-based. The reason for this decision was the possible withdrawal of the States from the INF Treaty. The new long-range version of the Russian "Kalibr" missile is capable of hitting targets at a distance of 4.5 thousand kilometers.

It should be noted that on February 23, 2019, the experts of the American magazine The Popular Mechanics commented on the video of the tests of the unmanned submersible "Poseidon", previously published by the Russian Ministry of Defense. As the author of the article notes, thanks to "deep diving and high speed" the Russian "torpedo of the apocalypse" will be extremely difficult to intercept and almost impossible to stop. The drone is designed to attack coastal targets, such as a submarine base, a port, or a coastal city. In his opinion, this Russian weapon is designed to retaliate in the event of a nuclear attack.

It should be recalled that the first time on the development of "Poseidon" Russian President Vladimir Putin said in March last year. He said that these unmanned underwater vehicles will be able to cover intercontinental distances at a speed that is a multiple of the speed of all types of modern submarines. Such weapons can be equipped not only with conventional but also with nuclear ammunition. This will allow "Poseidon" to hit a wide range of targets, including aircraft carrier groups, coastal fortifications and infrastructure. Moreover, on Wednesday, February 20, in a message to the Federal Assembly, V. Putin announced that the first nuclear submarine, the carrier of the unmanned complex, would be launched into the spring of 2019.
At the meeting of the «Valdai» International Discussion Club in October 2017, Russian President Vladimir Putin, referring to Russia's retaliatory steps toward the US withdrawal from the INF Treaty, stated that from Russia «the respond will be instant, I want to say and warn about this, instant and mirror respond». V. Putin stressed that Russia is keeping its commitments «as long as the American partners comply with the terms of the previous agreements».
As it is known, the successes of the USSR in missile technologies prompted the United States to impose in 1987 the General Secretary of the CPSU, Mikhail Gorbachev, an agreement on their limitations. In addition to them, Washington didn’t like the «Molodets» ballistic missile railway complex, which was put into service on November 28, 1987. Because the strategic missiles with nuclear warheads «rolling around» by rail were quite difficult to distinguish from simple passenger or freight trains, but it was even more difficult to resist the launch of the missiles. It should be noted that by the end of 1989, a total of 56 launchers were deployed in the territory of the RSFSR and the Ukrainian SSR.
The second reason for «dislike» for the Russian ballistic missile railway complexes was purely technical. The fact is that at that time, the US experts understood their problems with the development of modern intercontinental ballistic missiles, and indeed with some military developments. For example, attempts to create an analogue of the «Molodets» by specialists from «Boeing», «Martin Marietta», «Westinghouse Marine Division» and «St. Louis Refrigerator Car Company» did not succeed. Also, the subsequent collapse of the USSR in 1991 contributed to a change in the views of the Pentagon’s leadership on such projects, which resulted in their stopping. And an important reason was also the high cost of the projects and complexity in construction.
However, the collapse of the USSR directly affected the fate of the «Molodets» ballistic missile railway complex. First of all, the rockets that were used by the «Molodets» were produced at the plant, which remained on the territory of Ukraine. Secondly, ballistic missile railway complexes that were on duty in Ukraine were removed from it since 1992 and sent for recycling. Thirdly, the two treaties on the reduction of strategic offensive arms, signed at the time by Gorbachev and Yeltsin, first limited the movement of the «Molodets» through the territory of Russia, and then completely completed his combat duty.
Therefore, in our days, against the background of the already complicated relations between the USA and Russia, the government of V. Putin decided not to try to restore the project «Molodets», but to immediately develop a modern version – «Barguzin». According to the tactical and technical requirements issued by the Ministry of Defense of Russia to the Moscow Institute of Heating Engineering, the new ballistic missile railway complex should have included cars that are indistinguishable from standard refrigerator cars not only in terms of dimensions, but also in terms of weights. The fact is that to ensure the combat duty of the «Molodets» ballistic missile railway complex, the railroad workers had to take measures to strengthen the railway lines, and this flew into a large penny. Therefore, the new launch complex with a missile had to fit into the specified parameters in order not to carry out additional costly measures. Consequently, it was necessary to solve the main issue - to choose the appropriate rocket.

The RS-24 with a weight of 49 tons was selected as a missile (it has only 4 warheads, but the «Barguzin» has twice as many launchers, and the RS-24 warheads are able to overcome existing and advanced missile defense systems), which allowed the base of a standard freight wagon with a carrying capacity of up to 68 tons. Thus, the new ballistic missile railway complex was not only easier, but also became truly indistinguishable for all types of air and space intelligence of a potential enemy. So, one can undoubtedly consider «Barguzin» ballistic missile railway complex as yet another hypersonic response to NATO and US strategists.

Why did the United States insist on the destruction of the «Well done» and now are very unhappy with the «Barguzin»? It is all about the concept of war: if Russia always plays from defense (retaliatory strike), then the US military doctrine is always attacking (preventive disarming strike). Therefore, against such an attacking strategy, «missile trains» is a very good «antidote», since they cannot be destroyed with an accurate strike, and in response to the aggression, «Yars» missiles will arrive at the exact address of the aggressor.

It should be recalled here that on February 1, 2019, the US president Donald Trump, in his official statement, announced that the United States will begin the process of withdrawing from the INF Treaty on February 2. Also, D. Trump blamed Russia for allegedly «violating the treaty with impunity, secretly developing and deploying a banned rocket system that poses a threat to US allies and American troops outside the US», but there was no evidence provided, but only bearing no meaning, conjectures and conjectures of the American government.

Currently, work on the «Barguzin» complex has been suspended, but the US withdrawal from the INF Treaty can give this project the green light - and then powerful and destructive «rocket trains» will travel along the Russian railways, ready to give an «instant and mirror response» to the phenomena representing a threat to the security of the Russian Federation.
The famous American information and analytical publication "The National Interest" praised the Russian missile cruisers "Peter the Great", "Admiral Nakhimov", "Kirov" and "Admiral Lazarev" (of the Orlan project). According to the authors of the material, these combat ships are among the most deadly in the world and are not inferior in their firepower to Western opponents.
Military experts from the United States say that these surface ships have become a serious means of confrontation for the “status quo” in the Asia-Pacific region between the leading world powers. In the course of last year’s congratulations to servicemen, shipbuilders, engineers and veterans on the Day of the Russian Navy, Defense Minister of the Russian Federation Army General Sergei Shoigu recalled that the Russian navy was over three hundred years old. Also, the defense minister said that the fleet, as before, "was and remains a symbol of the power of the Russian Federation and serves as a reliable pillar of its national security."
Moreover, Sergei Shoigu in early March 2019 reported that the Russian Navy in 2019 will receive new ships: the frigate “Admiral of the Katasonov Navy”, the corvette “Gremyashchyi”, the large landing ship “Peter Morgunov”, small missile ships “Mercury” and “ Ingushetia ", patrol ship "Dmitry Rogachev. He also spoke about two new nuclear and one diesel submarines, which will also strengthen the Russian fleet. In addition, 11 ships and vessels will pass through factory repair.
In «The National Interest», journalists from the United States noted the large size of Russian missile cruisers, as well as their high firepower. As an example, they cited ships of the type "Kirov" of project 1144, which are up to 250 meters long and at the same time reach speeds of up to 32 sea knots. Such excellent speed characteristics are provided through the use of a combined nuclear-steam power plant.
Oleg Ponomarenko, a military expert of the Russian Center for Strategic Conjuncture, agreed with the assessment of Western experts in relation to these missile cruisers and noted that "their lethality is correct."
«NI» did not forget to mention that in the near future, the Russian Navy cruisers «Peter the Great» and «Admiral Nakhimov» will receive the latest Russian hypersonic anti-ship missiles «Zircon». Modern weapons will significantly increase the combat capabilities and firepower of these ships, since the «Zircon» has a tremendous speed of up to 8 mach. It should be recalled that the latest tests of the new cruise missile on December 10, 2018 proved its enormous potential. The main feature of the «Zircon» is the impossibility of its interception by modern anti-missile and air defense systems.
It can be concluded that due to its unique characteristics, regular modernization and the newest weapon system, Russian cruisers will continue to be the most deadly warships and will continue to ensure the protection of Russia's state interests in the world arena.
The American media analyzed the capabilities of the 40-mm Russian "Koster" firearm grenade launchers used in Soviet times and the new Russian GP-34, and also compared them with their analogue M203 used by the US military.

"The National Interest" calls Russian firearm grenade launchers "best friends" of the "Kalashnikov" assault rifles and "horror on the battlefield". "In general, the GP-25 and M203 were fairly uniformly picked up grenade launchers during the Cold War" writes the publishing house.

The publishing house notes that the GP-25 entered service in the late 1970s and was attached to AKM, AK-74 and AK-74M assault rifles. Until now, it is considered the most common grenade launcher. Also, GP-25 has several major differences from the M203. We are talking about ammunition, trigger mechanism and advantageous features of the sight. In particular, the GP-25 has an effective aiming range of 400 meters, while in the American M203 it is only 250 meters. Moreover, the GP-25 comes with a large number of accessories.

The American publishing house admits that the VOG-25 grenade launcher of the Russian sub-holder contains more explosives, but for some reason it doubts that the effectiveness of target destruction increases three to four times due to this. Meanwhile, tests that compared shots with VOGs from the GP-25 and the American M-406 grenades from the M203 grenade launcher demonstrated just such results.

Among the disadvantages of the GP-25 is its higher danger for the shooter than the M203. Moreover, there is not enough reliable fixation of the grenade before firing, which can lead to its falling out of the grenade launcher, when firing is conducted from positions that are on a high ground. But it also says that a grenade can get stuck in a grenade launcher, and it is difficult to remove it using the built-in extractor.

"The National Interest" has to admit that "All these problems are solved in the new GP-34, which is distinguished by improved grenade retention, greater safety and an extractor". In this case, the rate of fire GP-34 and M203 is called comparable.
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By Tintin Storm
The decline in the nuclear industry began in the 1980s, and the accident at the Japanese nuclear power plant «Fukushima», caused by the devastating tsunami, finally knocked down the industry. In just two years, the share of atomic energy in world electricity production fell to 11% - and it has not recovered to its previous level. Thus, against the background of a general decline in the nuclear industry, the market for the development and export of new reactors was undermined by one single country - Russia.

As it is known, 10 nuclear power plants controlled by the «RosEnergoAtom» concern are operated in the Russian Federation. Also, Russia ranks first in the world in the construction of nuclear power plants abroad. Currently, foreign activities in the field of nuclear energy are carried out by companies within the structure of the state corporation «Rosatom», which in turn takes first place in the world in the number of NPP construction projects abroad - 34 power units in 12 countries around the world Middle East, North Africa, Asia-Pacific and CIS countries). At the moment, Russia has no serious rivals in the export of atomic technologies.

However, many environmentalists from Europe and the United States speak out against the activities of Russian nuclear power plants, citing the fact that nuclear energy is extremely dangerous, recalling the historical events of the disasters at the Japanese Fukushima nuclear power plant and the Ukrainian Chernobyl nuclear power plant. However, to cite as an example the events that occurred 10 to 30 years ago is not reasonable.

Modern nuclear power plants, in particular in Russia, are created with high levels of security and safety. They meet the highest requirements of supervisory authorities, including protection from contamination by radionuclides and other harmful substances, and in the event of an accident, scientists are developing ways to reduce the risk of environmental impacts of nuclear power plants. To address this issue, development of safer in design reactors with impressive internal indicators of self-defense and self-compensation is being carried out. NPPs are built with multiple redundant protection systems.

Also, Russian NPPs practically do not pollute the environment, and the energy resources of nuclear fuel (uranium, plutonium, and others) substantially exceed the energy resources of the natural reserves of organic, fuel (oil, coal, natural gas, and others). This opens up broad prospects for meeting the rapidly growing fuel needs.
The journalist of the German edition "Stern" called the acquisition by Turkey of four battalions of the S-400 "Triumph" anti-aircraft missile system a "nightmare" for NATO, and also that these air defense systems could become a serious problem for the West. He noted that the technical equipment of Russian weapons is superior to American. Moreover, according to his words, the deal with Russia is more profitable for the Turkish side, since the cost of its military equipment is two times less. "For the Kremlin, the anti-aircraft missile system is a bestseller, while for NATO it is a nightmare", Gernot Krumper writes in his article.

The author of the article says that the exact characteristics of this military equipment are unknown to Western countries. Meanwhile, Russia claims that one of its possibilities is the defeat of the "invisible" US military aircraft. And the fact that Ankara and other countries prefer to buy Russian weapons, and not American, indicates that Russia was able to convince the heads of state of the respective capabilities of their systems. "Only the presence of Russian division in Syria led to the fact that Western fighters could no longer control the airspace, or each sortie became unpredictable", the author writes.

Furthermore, according to his words, the anti-aircraft missile systems manufactured in Russia proved to be more profitable for Turkey. They are considered more advanced than the US "Patriot" missile defense system, and at the same time cheaper. Now Turkey, having purchased weapons, has embarked on the path of "less dependence on NATO".

According to the head of the Turkish Foreign Ministry, Mevlut Cavusoglu, Ankara can order additional S-400s from Russia. The Turkish side is implementing this idea, if it is not allowed to purchase the American missile defense system "Patriot". He explained that Ankara would also be forced to buy planes from another country if Washington refuses to sell fifth-generation F-35 fighter-bombers to it.

According to the American side, the F-35 American fighter-bombers and the Russian S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems cannot be armed with the Turkish army because it is technically impossible. And on April 1, 2019, it became known that the United States canceled the supply of materials for F-35 fighters for Turkey. The reason was the acquisition by the country of the Russian S-400 air defense system, "Reuters" reported, citing sources.

The US Department of Defense demanded from Turkey an "unconditional refusal" of the Russian S-400. However, the authorities of the country do not intend to do this, even in the case of the purchase of the US "Patriot" air defense system. The administration of the head of the Turkish state believes that these topics are "not related to each other".

It should be recalled that the agreement on the acquisition of Russian air defense systems S-400 was concluded between Ankara and Moscow in September 2017. As part of the agreement between the countries, four anti-aircraft divisions should be delivered to Turkey.
Turkish officials appealed directly to President Donald Trump this week to waive potential US sanctions if Turkey takes delivery of the Russian S-400 air defense system.

But any possible exemption would face significant obstacles in Congress even if Trump got on board.

The sanctions risk comes from a 2017 law, the Countering America’s Adversaries through Sanctions Act (CAATSA), targeting the Russian military and defense industry and its customers. Turkish presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin told reporters in Washington on Tuesday that Ankara “will expect President Trump to use his power for a waiver on that issue.”

Read more: ... z5lfOtHhaE

Turkey is likely to face sanctions over the purchase as it violated NATO rules. Pompeo said that Ankara would be kicked out of the F-35 program if it takes delivery of the S-400. Ankara cannot expect President Trump to use his power for a waiver. The Trump administration placed tough sanctions on Turkey last August, and at one point vowed to “devastate” the country’s economy.
Last edited by ThirdTerm on 20 Apr 2019 22:13, edited 1 time in total.
layman wrote:Surface to air missles have always underperformed. The Russians outperform in this single area which is probably of limited use.

I would have thought that at a time of missile warfare, where most "civilized" countries are loath to put boots on the grounds, the ability to intercept those missiles would be of great importance. The Russians claimed to have intercepted most of the 100 odd missiles launched by the US, UK and France against Syria last year with a system that predates the S-400. If true, the West is in serious trouble.
ThirdTerm wrote:The Trump administration placed tough sanctions on Turkey last August, and at one point vowed to “devastate” the country’s economy.

CNN wrote:President Donald Trump said Sunday the US would "devastate Turkey economically" if the NATO-allied country attacks Kurds in the region.

"Will devastate Turkey economically if they hit Kurds," but followed up in a second tweet, "Likewise, do not want the Kurds to provoke Turkey."

Trump threatens to 'devastate' Turkey's economy if they attack Kurds in Syria

I remember this because it was one of the rare occasions when I agreed with him.
@Atlantis i doubt the Russians were telling the truth.

Both in Vietnam and in Iraq, quite a few allied planes were shot down but far more by traditional anti aircraft guns. Having said this, the Sam battery’s we’re indirectly helping there by forcing planes to fly low.

I am not an expert on these matters but I know that in the 60s many people thought these systems would render planes obsolete. They turned out to be a bit of a disappointment.

The newest systems may be “game changers” but we can file the under “unproven”
The British press anxiously apprehended statements by Russian President Vladimir Putin that the tests of the Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile had already reached the final stage. The Russian president said this at a meeting with the generals of the Ministry of Defense and prosecutors on the occasion of his appointment to higher positions and the assignment of titles to them.
In the British tabloid «Daily Express», they noted that this intercontinental ballistic missile is Russia's most powerful nuclear missile. "The largest beast - known as Satana-2 - is close to deployment. Thus, very soon a rocket will be put into service, which can destroy England and Wales," the agency stated. The alarm at the publication caused the information that this missile system can be adopted for two years. The new complex is able to attack targets, both through the North and the South Pole.
Also, the publication reminded of the other "deadly weapons" of Russia - the hypersonic «Kinzhal» rocket and the «Peresvet» laser system, which have already been put on combat duty.
"The invincible hypersonic weapon emerged from the underground mine of the Plesetsk cosmodrome, then stopped as if floating above the ground, and then rushed towards its target in a cloud of white smoke," the journalists of the newspaper described their feelings.
Moreover, the «Daily Express» recalled that the new surface ships of the Navy and nuclear submarines will be armed, including the hypersonic «Zircon» rocket, which has no analogues in the world in terms of range and speed. «This rocket is designed to destroy American cities in the event of a nuclear war,» say British journalists.
At the same time, the «Daily Express» claims that now «US officials are more and more worried about the potential threat from a hypersonic weapon that «Sarmat» can carry. It can move at a speed five or more times faster than the speed of sound». «Sarmat» is a heavy liquid intercontinental ballistic missile. The new complex is able to attack targets, both through the North and the South Pole. The missile is capable of delivering warheads along trajectories that significantly impede their destruction.
“Successfully undergoing final testing” is a carefully worded statement if there ever was one. This can suggest any number of timelines, depending on the scale of the “final testing” and how far along Sarmat is in that process; it can put Sarmat’s delivery date anywhere from right-around-the-corner to several years away. Skepticism would not be wholly unfounded, given Sarmat’s prolific history of delays. Ejection tests originally slated for 2015 were pushed back to 2016, and then again to the end of 2017; the 2017 tests revealed serious technical flaws with the ejection mechanism, further complicating Sarmat development. The US State Department, for their part, made light of the situation with the creation of a new SARMAT, or “senior advisor for Russian malign activities and trends,” post. ... at-we-know

Sarmat was originally planned to be completed by 2021 but recent tests revealed serious technical flaws with the ejection mechanism, delaying Sarmat development. Probably Sarmat will not be deployable until 2025 and the US State Department made light of it. We are wasting tons of money on weapons which will never be used for propaganda purposes.

ThirdTerm wrote:Turkey is likely to face sanctions over the purchase as it violated NATO rules. Pompeo said that Ankara would be kicked out of the F-35 program if it takes delivery of the S-400. Ankara cannot expect President Trump to use his power for a waiver. The Trump administration placed tough sanctions on Turkey last August, and at one point vowed to “devastate” the country’s economy.

America is bluffing. You can't keep Turkey in NATO with such threats.

Turkey's possible departure from NATO means massive military shrinkage for the West. It is major development and game changer thing. Probably most important development in international politics in last four decades.

We are fed up with America and other hypocrites.

The West's closest military partner since Cuba crisis switches to other side. This is a big deal.
It is known that the weapons at the disposal of Russia have always been the most reliable, powerful and killing in the world. And, of course, just as time does not stand still, so does the development of the defense system.
Thus, a new «Boomerang» combat platform appeared in service of the Russian army, which many experts already called the best armored personnel carrier in the world: «this is speed, protection and modularity». Moreover, enhanced armor allows protecting the crew from mines, land mines, shelling with large-caliber weapons. Active protection built into the upper hemisphere is able to protect the machine from anti-tank missiles and projectiles. With the help of modules on the «Boomerang» it is possible to install a machine gun, a 30-mm or 57-mm cannon, and even a 100-mm gun, and the speed and maneuverability of this machine allows quickly move and deploy units in the right area. Furthermore, it is armed with four «Kornet» complexes, with a range of up to 10 km, which may well hit a tank. Also, it is possible to unload the landing party from the stern, and not from the side hatches, as was the case in the former BTR-80.

Also, it is impossible to disregard the development of the T-14 tank, which in the USA was called a revolution in tank building, and also reported that NATO has no competitor among the combat vehicles. Thus, the observer of the American publishing house of «The National Interest», Mark Episcopos, in his article noted the power of the 7.62-mm machine gun «Armata», which is equipped with a special device that allows to remotely reloading the weapon. The sealing mechanism protects it from water ingress into the electric trap during precipitation or when overcoming water obstacles. The T-14 tank also has a heavy 12.7-mm machine gun «Kord», capable of penetrating light armor. Moreover, this tank is equipped with reactive dynamic armor, uninhabited turret, laser-guided missiles and a rough surface, thanks to which it is easier to blend into uneven terrain, and it is easier and safer to move along armor covered with special material, since it does not slip.

The newest 2B25 «Gall» mortars began to enter the Russian army, which are characterized by almost complete noiselessness, making it very difficult to detect the position from which the shooting is being conducted. In early May 2019, several dozen such mortars were received by Special Forces units. The 82B «Gall», a silent mortar of 82 mm caliber, was developed by the «Nizhny Novgorod Central Research Institute «Burevestnik», and according to the manufacturer, the maximum range of the product is 1200 m, the minimum is 100 m, the rate of fire is 15 shots per minute if the fire is fired at one the point. It is possible to bring a mortar into a combat position from a traveling one in just 30 seconds; it is able to work at an ambient temperature of minus 50 to plus 50 degrees Celsius, a crew of two men. Also, the undoubted advantage of the 2B25 mortar is the stealthness of the firing position and the suddenness of its use due to the noiselessness, flamelessness and smokelessness of shooting, due to the peculiarities of the design scheme and the use of the silent 3PO35 shot.
blackjack21 wrote:Clearly, it's bullshit. You can't change altitude and direction constantly at Mach 27. The missile would rip apart from the G forces alone. Maybe they can approach from a very high altitude and accelerate at the final stage of flight, but you cannot realistically change direction constantly at Mach 27. I wonder who they are targeting with this propaganda. Clearly, it has to be people who don't understand physics.

Well, assuming a Mach 27 missile can be deployed, rapid vector changes will be unnecessary. The US has no current or proposed defense against a hypersonic missile.

The larger question of "strength" depends on the purpose of your military force. Is it external force projection? Or is it a regional sphere of defense? It's cheaper to do the latter - and not just a little cheaper, but massively so.

*The costs of a carrier group versus the cost of the single stealthed sub it would require to sink a carrier.
*The costs of a cutting edge S-400/S-500 air defense versus the B-2 and F-22
*The cost of maintaining a military to support a global empire versus the cost to defend a much smaller defensive theater.
*The tide is turning against the cutting edge offensive tech of the 70s and 80s in favor of distributed defense tech, in terms of both cost and effectiveness.
*The US is substantially behind Russia in basics like air support aircraft and air defense systems.

The US is writing political checks its military cannot cash.

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