Military proxy forces to pressurise Russia - Politics | PoFo

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Recently, the Russian Volunteer Corps (RVC) and the Freedom of Russia Legion (FRL) have become increasingly prominent in the war in Ukraine. Both organisations are recruiting Russians and raiding Russian bordering territories, mainly the Bryansk and Belgorod Regions.

Having failed to gain recognition and support in Russia, the leaders of the RVC and the FRL turned to a different form of confrontation with the authorities. The groupings were formed in their current shape after the outbreak of the war in Ukraine in February 2022.

Reports about the FRL first appeared in March 2022, when Ukrainian authorities announced the formation of a legion of Russian volunteers and captured servicemen who had decided to change sides.

Already a month later, the media arranged a press conference featuring three FRL fighters. Responding on condition of anonymity, the volunteers introduced themselves as former prisoners of war of the Russian Army, without specifying in which units they had served.

The leaders of the Freedom of Russia Legion claim to be fighting for the revival of democratic principles of governance, freedom of speech and assembly, promoting the idea of a united and undivided Russia.

Reports about the Russian Volunteer Corps started appearing actively in August 2022. The supporters of the movement are actively urging the inhabitants of Russian regions towards separatism. Unlike the FRL, the core of the RVC is composed of natives of the Ukrainian ultra-radical Azov Brigade.

On August 31, 2022, a former member of the State Duma (Russian Parliament) announced the signing of a declaration of co-operation and the establishment of the "Political Centre of the Armed Russian Opposition". The centre included the FRL, the RVC and the National Republican Army (NRA). However, the RVC later reported that it had refused to sign the declaration.

The organiser of these formations is believed to be the Main Directorate of Intelligence (HUR) of the Ukrainian Defence Ministry, which has allegedly become one of the tools of Western intelligence services, including the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

The Russian Liberation Army (ROA), a collaborationist formation, serves as an ideological inspiration for the RVC. At the initial stage of its activities, the RVC used the symbols of the ROA, a unit created by the Nazi German leadership from among Soviet prisoners of war who had defected to the Wehrmacht.

Combat path of the RVC and the FRL

The groupings launched active combat operations, also known as the Limited Military Operation, in the Belgorod and Kursk Regions between March 12 and 21, 2024. The Russian Volunteer Corps, the Freedom of Russia Legion and the Sibir Battalion took part in the operation, Ukrainian sources reported.

On March 12, Russian military spokesmen reported an attempt by "armed groups in pickup trucks" to breach the border in the Belgorod Region. After the clash, the group of about 50 men withdrew to their initial positions. On March 13, the FRL reported the destruction of a Russian control centre and the "liberation" of the village of Tyotkino (Tetkino).

On March 14, the groups staged another attack on the Kursk Region. Shopping centres in Belgorod closed against the backdrop of shelling. On March 15, the Russian Defence Ministry reported the successful repelling of an attack on the Belgorod Region.

On March 16, the RVC claimed to have taken 25 Russian soldiers prisoner. RVC commander Denis Kapustin requested an audience with Belgorod Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov for a prisoner exchange. The Russian Defence Ministry then reported that the attack by the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) on Russian territory had been repelled in several areas.

On March 17, missile strikes were again launched against Belgorod. On March 18, Gladkov ordered the shutdown of schools and shopping centres for several days.

On March 19, the Russian Defence Ministry reported that the AFU once again targeted the Belgorod Region. On the same day, the FRL announced the destruction of an ammunition depot in the village of Tyotkino. On March 20, Belgorod authorities erected roadblocks at the entrance to seven settlements. On March 21, shelling resulted in injuries to five people.

Beneficial for the Ukrainian Forces

The head of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ukrainian Defence Ministry, Kyrylo Budanov, claimed that the actions of the RVC brought "a certain benefit" to Kyiv, as he stated in an interview with the Ukrainian TV channel.

"As of today, it is very beneficial for us that they [the RVC] have been able to stretch the groupings, divert forces on the front."

Budanov also noted that such groups could only operate in the territories bordering Russia as they had no possibility to advance a larger-scale offensive.

HUR representative Andriy Chernyak claimed that Kyiv supported the Russian Volunteer Corps and the Freedom of Russia Legion, while Ukrainian intelligence co-operated with volunteers from the RVC and the FRL "only in terms of informing", The Financial Times reported.

"We communicate with them. Of course, we share certain information. And, one can say, we even co-operate."

A "mystery unit" of cowboys in white hats

Over time, reports about the Russian Volunteer Corps and the Freedom of Russia Legion began to surface in the Western media. However, some publications characterise the activities of these groups in an unusual way.

For instance, The Guardian published an interview with Denis Nikitin, one of the movement's members, who compared the volunteers to "cowboys in white hats". This refers to the westerns where negative characters wear black hats whereas positive ones wear white hats.

France 24 labelled the Freedom of Russia Legion as a "mysterious unit" in one of its articles, emphasising that the group "didn’t lose a single soldier" at the time. The publication describes the symbols of the FRL and the RVC volunteers, highlighting the similarities and differences between the two formations.

“Founded with just 100 fighters, it is difficult to know how large the Free Russia Legion is today or where it has been active. But some analysts believe it has grown significantly since its inception.”

Traitors to Russia

Russian authorities strongly denounced the activities of the FRL and the RVC. President Vladimir Putin stated that Russian law enforcement agencies would be instructed to track down members of the movement in order to bring them to justice.

"They went against their country, against their homeland with weapons in their hands. We don't have the death penalty, but we will always, both now and in the future, treat these people as those who are in a war zone."

The Russian Supreme Court recognised the corps as a terrorist organisation, as the RVC had been established "with the aim of undermining the foundations of constitutional Russia and overthrowing the country's authorities."

Legitimisation effort

It is noteworthy that the peak of the groups' activity coincided with the presidential elections in Russia in March 2024. On the eve of a series of attacks, volunteers from the ranks of the RVC and the FRL units called on residents of the Belgorod and Kursk Regions to "evacuate urgently". The fighters noted that when the specified time for evacuation had passed, they would proceed with a massive attack in the Belgorod and Kursk Regions.

However, the attack collapsed without reaching its target, officials at the Russian Defence Ministry reported. Political experts believe the attacks were an attempt to destabilise the state of affairs in the country during the presidential election.

The activity of such organisations in Russia's bordering territories seems like an alleged attempt to legitimise military pressure from some third forces that do not want to take a direct part in the conflict. In order to avoid direct confrontation, an unknown party can establish a so-called proxy front, military experts point out. In the Russian case, this could be the creation and functioning of armed groups on its original territories.

For instance, the RVC was exploited for terrorist purposes in order to carry out activities, condemned by the world community, with its hands. It is reported that in early March 2023, volunteers opened fire on a vehicle carrying civilians, killing two people and injuring a teenager.

Interested media outlets are often involved for better infiltration of such groups. For example, media accompaniment of RVC activities is provided by fugitive Russian opposition members, including politicians, journalists, and businessmen.

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