Are you an Action Liberal or a Movement Liberal - Politics | PoFo

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Modern liberalism. Civil rights and liberties, State responsibility to the people (welfare).
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I just read an interesting survey of liberal books by Jonathan Alter on the New York Times website. In the article, he makes reference to "a tactical split within liberalism itself," between two groups of people he calls "action liberals" and "movement liberals."

'Think of it as a distinction between "action liberals" and "movement liberals." Action liberals are policy-oriented pragmatists who use their heads to get something important done, even if their arid deal-making and Big Money connections often turn off the base. Movement liberals can sometimes specialize in logical arguments (e.g., Garry Wills), but they are more often dreamy idealists whose hearts and moral imagination can power the deepest social change (notably the women's movement and the civil rights movement).'

Not everyone will be completely satisfied with this distinction, as it is not entirely flattering to either side. Especially given the fact that Alter clearly identifies with one side, and his perspective colors the way he describes the split. (You can read the article for more info.)

Nonetheless, this distinction between "action liberals" and "movement liberals" resonated with me, as this appears to be the "divide" that we see here on Democratic Underground every day (particularly when we discuss the Obama Administration). I especially appreciate the fact that he described the split as "tactical" rather than ideological or values-based.

Anyway, I was interested to find out what percentage of people would identify with either side.

Based on Alter's description in the article, do you think you are more of an "action liberal" or a "movement liberal"?
By Mazhi
What's Democratic Underground?
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By Donna
I've never heard of these terms before. I'm a fuck-shit-up commie anarchist.
By CounterChaos
Movement liberals can sometimes specialize in logical arguments (e.g., Garry Wills), but they are more often dreamy idealists whose hearts and moral imagination can power the deepest social change (notably the woman's movement and the civil rights movement).'

That describes me....Fighting an uphill battle-but armed with a sharp sword.

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