Global Multiculturalism, Immigration, And International Population Demographic Changes - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Joka wrote:For the United States yes as I've only gone through information regarding it. As you may know there are a lot of western nations to go through concerning data, information, and trends. A long list of other nations we have to go through.

Please note that the evidence concerning the US does not support your claim about immigration. It is about average ages, death rates and birth rates for the different races already living in the country.

No, I'm almost certain you were getting excited at the prospects of revenge politics directed against a newly created white population minority. Call it intuition on my part.

It is illogical for you to believe that I hope for some anti-white cruelty in the mythical upcoming race war, when I have explicitly claimed that I do not think there will be a race war to begin with.

Also, less than 50% is a trend or pattern that most likely is irreversible meaning overtime that number will increasingly likely shrink more and more. You're not great with this whole foresight and long term thinking stuff, are you? It shows.

Sure. Seeing as how this does not support your claim anyway, I have no problems with this statement. ... ted_States

Pants-of-dog wrote:Please note that the evidence concerning the US does not support your claim about immigration. It is about average ages, death rates and birth rates for the different races already living in the country.

It is illogical for you to believe that I hope for some anti-white cruelty in the mythical upcoming race war, when I have explicitly claimed that I do not think there will be a race war to begin with.

Sure. Seeing as how this does not support your claim anyway, I have no problems with this statement.


My claim on what exactly? Be more specific.

You're right the future is going to be all sunshine and lolipops because humanity is so beyond its primal based emotions or instincts that fuels all conflict. I'm glad we have individuals like you around to tell us all how wonderful the world is and how everything is going to be just fine. You're the one that said something to the effect of white people deserving it, remember?

Was the edit where you added the part where you voiced your fears about how blacks and Hispanics will treat white people?

It is a common fear among white people that they will be treated the same way white people have treated other races.

Please note that I never said anything about blacks or hispanics, you interjected that.
Last edited by Joka on 04 Apr 2017 00:30, edited 3 times in total.
Joka wrote:My claim on what exactly? Be specific.

For the seventh or eighth time, you claimed that modern immigration patterns in the last few years are unsustainable because they will lead to US and European nations being minorities in their own countries.

You're right the future is going to be all sunshine and lolipops because humanity is so beyond is primal based emotions or instincts that fuels conflict. I'm glad we have individuals like you around to tell us all how wonderful the world is. You're the one that something to effect of deserving, remember?

Your weird ideas about my feelings are not relevant.

Please present the evidence that you claimed you would. Thank you.
Pants-of-dog wrote:For the seventh or eighth time, you claimed that modern immigration patterns in the last few years are unsustainable because they will lead to US and European nations being minorities in their own countries.

Your weird ideas about my feelings are not relevant.

Please present the evidence that you claimed you would. Thank you.

Yes, I did stand by and say that. And? What hasn't been proven? Tell me why it hasn't in your own words.

Also, are you an economics man? Meaning, how well do you know or understand economics?


By 2031, the Toronto region's white population will be the new "visible minority," according to a Statistics Canada study.

The city and its suburbs are expected to surpass the 50 per cent visible minority mark in 2017. By 2031, almost 63 per cent of the region's population will be from a visible minority community, says the study released Tuesday.

For decades Toronto has proudly worn the title of "most diverse." But never before have the numbers shown so clearly just how much more diverse we are about to become.

Minority populations will more than double in the next 20 years – from 2.3 million in 2006 to 5.6 million in 2031. ... _2031.html
Last edited by Joka on 04 Apr 2017 00:42, edited 1 time in total.
By Joka - 03 Apr 2017, 23:28

I think the plan all along is to make all nations indistinguishable from each other in terms of race, ethnicity, identity, culture, language, custom, religion, and so on in that when the day arrives for absolute power consolidation of the entire planet takes place the abolition of independent nation states will be all that much easier to initiate or contain. Globalization and unlimited global immigration is a precursor to an eventual centralized one world government super structure where people can cry conspiracy theorist all they want which in no way diminishes that statement or argument. This I think is the global end game hypothesizing something of a global game theory.

Those on the left of politics promote global population homogeneity as 'diversity'.

In their absolute ignorance they fail to see that taken to it's logical conclusion, that 'homogeneity' eradicates 'diversity'.

In their pursuit of abolishing nationality in favour of 'internationalism', they think that they can eliminate the idea of diverse nationality, along with it's attendant national pride, culture & identity.

If ever there was an example of why it will never work for the duration, then what better case is there other than Scotland & the SNP.

The Labour Party are just Conservatives with a small 'c', highly resistant to change, unless it has a component that is by it's nature, 'subversive' to the natural order of 'nationality'.

Ever since 1945,the Labour Party have had a policy objective that includes 'equality', 'internationalism', 'gay' rights & other equally alien policies that impose a real cost on those whom they desire to deceive, such as the 'working class'.

Thankfully, the 'working class' no longer identifies itself with the Labour Party, because, since 1945, Labour have took them as fools all of the time & these people have had that brutally exposed to them through mass uncontrolled migration.
Nonsense wrote:By Joka - 03 Apr 2017, 23:28

I think the plan all along is to make all nations indistinguishable from each other in terms of race, ethnicity, identity, culture, language, custom, religion, and so on in that when the day arrives for absolute power consolidation of the entire planet takes place the abolition of independent nation states will be all that much easier to initiate or contain. Globalization and unlimited global immigration is a precursor to an eventual centralized one world government super structure where people can cry conspiracy theorist all they want which in no way diminishes that statement or argument. This I think is the global end game hypothesizing something of a global game theory.

Those on the left of politics promote global population homogeneity as 'diversity'.

In their absolute ignorance they fail to see that taken to it's logical conclusion, that 'homogeneity' eradicates 'diversity'.

In their pursuit of abolishing nationality in favour of 'internationalism', they think that they can eliminate the idea of diverse nationality, along with it's attendant national pride, culture & identity.

If ever there was an example of why it will never work for the duration, then what better case is there other than Scotland & the SNP.

The Labour Party are just Conservatives with a small 'c', highly resistant to change, unless it has a component that is by it's nature, 'subversive' to the natural order of 'nationality'.

Ever since 1945,the Labour Party have had a policy objective that includes 'equality', 'internationalism', 'gay' rights & other equally alien policies that impose a real cost on those whom they desire to deceive, such as the 'working class'.

Thankfully, the 'working class' no longer identifies itself with the Labour Party, because, since 1945, Labour have took them as fools all of the time & these people have had that brutally exposed to them through mass uncontrolled migration.

Those on the left of politics promote global population homogeneity as 'diversity'.

In their absolute ignorance they fail to see that taken to it's logical conclusion, that 'homogeneity' eradicates 'diversity'.

In their pursuit of abolishing nationality in favour of 'internationalism', they think that they can eliminate the idea of diverse nationality, along with it's attendant national pride, culture & identity.

I agree with that sentiment and it is such what motivated me to make this thread along with others like it, moreover I don't think this global population homogeneity movement will stop once the west is gone either as it will keep going unimpeded like into areas of Asia, Middle East, and all other portions of the world.


I don't think this is all by accident as I believe this is all very much coordinated and organized with the useful idiots in between that just go along with it out of conforming ideological populism.
Joka wrote:Yes, I did stand by and say that. And? What hasn't been proven? Tell me why it hasn't in your own words.

Because your evidence does not support your claim.

Also, are you an economics man? Meaning, how well do you know or understand economics?

Canada- ... _2031.html

You are not going to support your claim with evidence.

At this point, you seem to be unsure as to what you claimed. Despite the fact that I have repeated it so often.
Joka wrote:I think the plan all along is to make all nations indistinguishable from each other in terms of race, ethnicity, identity, culture, language, custom, religion, and so on in that when the day arrives for absolute power consolidation of the entire planet takes place the abolition of independent nation states will be all that much easier to initiate or contain. Globalization and unlimited global immigration is a precursor to an eventual centralized one world government super structure where people can cry conspiracy theorist all they want which in no way diminishes that statement or argument. This I think is the global end game hypothesizing something of a global game theory.

If this scenario does arise there will be no possibility of retaining democracy. Multi-ethnic societies do not function well as democracies and often require authoritarian leadership to maintain any sort of cohesion. If Europeans want to continue to live in liberal societies they will need to understand that their democracies are only a result of very specific conditions.

Additionally the communities which settle in Europe often do not hold liberal values. Muslims would most certainly want to run their societies on the basis of their values, including European societies. There is nothing wrong with Muslim values and every nationality or religious group will influence the country in which they have settled proportionate to their numbers. Europeans did the same in Oceania, the Americas and Siberia. However Europeans and Muslims will fundamentally disagree about certain subjects. The result will be friction and instability.
Nonsense wrote:The figures I quoted WERE(stating the obvious)of 'child-bearing' age.. duh!

No, you didn't quote any figures about people of child bearing age. You quoted one figure about births, and then gave a wildly incorrect claim about the ratio of births to UK-born and foreign born people. I used the figures about the child-bearing cohort to show how wrong your number was.

Why does that sound 'unlikely'?

Out of any live population, that proportion of which is the largest would naturally have the largest number of deaths over any given time, the indigenous people, who currently are the largest proportion, particularly of elder people, will have the higher rate of deaths over any given period.

Because when you talk about a death rate, that normally means "deaths per 1,000 people" (or whatever). Saying the death rate is higher for the indigenous population sounds like saying they have shorter lives. It's the difference between the number of deaths and the rate of deaths. If you just meant "the older generation which has a high proportion of UK-born people will die out", well, yeah. That is obvious.

FYI, I am not 'paranoid'.

And yet you say "it's no good quoting census data, it's even more dodgy than raw data that's been 'treated' by the O.N.S that comes from 'real' statistical data." Yeah, that's paranoid. You quote ONS data when you feel it supports your ideas, and then dismiss it as 'dodgy' when it doesn't.
By Prosthetic Conscience -  04 Apr 2017, 18:06

Are you in your dotage or something, maybe you require a 'prosthetic' organ transplant from shoulder height upwards?? :p :knife:

Does it not seem pretty obvious, that when talking about births to mothers, that it means women of 'child-bearing age', otherwise, how do you think these births are produced? :roll: :roll:

Must be a case of, immaculate 'misconception' on your part. :lol: :lol:

"If you just meant "the older generation which has a high proportion of UK-born people will die out", well, yeah. That is obvious".

Yet you felt it necessary to construe the other red herrings before the realisation of what actually meant became 'obvious',we live in hope. :p :p

" You quote ONS data when you feel it supports your ideas, and then dismiss it as 'dodgy' when it doesn't".

NOT true, I treat ALL ONS data that is released as rather like processed food, it comes into the O.N.S as RAW & is spit out the other end as 'fact'(according to the O.N.S).

I think you will find that 'cynicism' is not 'paranoia', however, whatever. :roll: :roll:
@Nonsense, let's be clear: you posted bullshit about a "4 to 1 ratio". To show what you were posting was bullshit, I gave some figures about the proportions of UK born and non-UK born people of child-bearing age, and compared it to the number of births, to show what the real ratio is. This was necessary, because you had never talked about what the adult ratios were, only the new-borns. I suspect you are incapable of following the argument, though. Someone told you the bullshit about a "4 to 1 ratio", and you believed it, because you are incapable of working out why it's bullshit, and because it supports your paranoia about immigrants.

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