More idiocy from Modern Liberal thinking... - Page 6 - Politics | PoFo

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Modern liberalism. Civil rights and liberties, State responsibility to the people (welfare).
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DDM will not answer your questions. That is because he is a troll. Everytime one makes a point he simply opens another troll. Look at the idiotic sig and the avatar. Trolls within trolls.
By DanDaMan
DanDaMan wrote:
You say it was bad then and still ignore it's bad now.
Will you admit that there was a notable improvement?
Massive improvement since we elected a black man, some would argue.
But the truth is the Democratic progressive policy has enslaved them to handouts and poverty. Not until they learn to stand on their own will things get better for them.
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By Rei Murasame
DanDaMan wrote:Massive improvement since we elected a black man, some would argue.

Again the evasion, everytime I ask about "since 1960", you try to weasel the subject around to Barack Obama.
By DanDaMan
Massive improvement since we elected a black man, some would argue.

Again the evasion, everytime I ask about "since 1960", you try to weasel the subject around to Barack Obama.
Well, aside from the housing projects being gone... They haven't really fared all that well, eh?
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By Rei Murasame
DanDaMan wrote:Well, aside from the housing projects being gone... They haven't really fared all that well, eh?

Care to back up that claim with some facts?
By DanDaMan
#13442382 ... _kids.html
Unstable families, unstable lives. Compared to peers in two-parent homes, black children in single-parent households are more likely to engage in troublesome behavior, and perform poorly in school.
Source: Tom Luster and Hariette Pipes McAdoo, "Factors Related to the Achievement and Adjustment of Young African-American Children." Child Development 65 (1994): 1080-1094

A virus that causes cervical cancer is by far the most common sexually transmitted infection in teen girls aged 14 to 19, while the highest overall prevalence is among black girls - nearly half the blacks studied had at least one STD. ... 246&page=1
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By Rei Murasame
Is that an improvement on their situation since 1960, or a worsening? Do they suck more now, or less, in your view?
By DanDaMan
Is that an improvement on their situation since 1960, or a worsening? Do they suck more now, or less, in your view?
Since we're talking in general terms... I say America is doing better with race since we elected a black man. I think the blacks themselves haven't done any better since 70% of them have no father in the house and suffer high rates of STD's. And many still expect an entitlement. All of which I think is greatly caused by the entitlements we give them.
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By Rei Murasame
DanDaMan wrote:Since we're talking in general terms... I say America is doing better with race since we elected a black man.

How about since 1960?
By DanDaMan
Since we're talking in general terms... I say America is doing better with race since we elected a black man. I think the blacks themselves haven't done any better since 70% of them have no father in the house and suffer high rates of STD's. And many still expect an entitlement. All of which I think is greatly caused by the entitlements we give them.
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By Rei Murasame
DanDaMan wrote:Since we're talking in general terms... I say America is doing better with race since we elected a black man.

How about since 1960?
By DanDaMan
I gave you my opinion. What more do you want? Maybe you should ask this guy?

He just wants to kill a few white babies.
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By Scartol
DanDaMan wrote:I gave you my opinion. What more do you want?

If I may be so bold as to butt in, Dan, I think what Rei Murasame wants is an answer to the question that has been repeated four times -- What are your thoughts about the situation of black folks in the US since 1960? It seems fairly straightforward, and I have to agree with the earlier comment PBVBROOK made about you constantly diverting the discussion to Obama -- that's certainly what you're doing here.

If I were to discuss the situation of black folks in the US since 1960, I might discuss events and information from the 1960s, the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, the first eight years of the 21st century, and then discuss events after the election of Barack Obama.

But that's just me.
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By grypo
Why is it so typical for people to blame the most unlikely event to rationalize their perception of reality. Oh yeah, I forgot how white people's opposition to welfare is rooted deeply in racial politics. And no, no one's a racist, they just fill out the neoconservative white stereotype quite nicely. While welfare may be a disincentive and progressive policy may be lacking, forgetting the fact whites destroyed African culture; kidnapped their ancestors; enslaved, tortured, and killed them; then set up systematic racial discrimination for another hundred or so years which pretty much sealed their economic fate before passing a few social laws. Of course that all fell apart when the drugs came and Reagan set up the war on drugs based primarily in poor black neighborhoods, as evidenced by drug use versus criminal incarceration rates. Young black males will turn to the only money available, get caught, and are already denied "the American Dream" before they are out of their teen years. I hate to the bearer of bad news, but social laws aren't going away, whether they work or not. The system that caste blacks into economic oblivion is the same system that sets up affirmative action. You can't have a the appearance of a fair economic system when access to resources is divided along racial lines. So that is why Jesse Jackson exists. You should be happy, it's a small price to free people of the guilt. So blame welfare, but it doesn't matter. Some will take advantage, some will make it out, but for the most part, so far, efforts to assist black culture in the US have failed, but the attempt to help sure a hell didn't cause the problem. It goes way further than that.
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By Rei Murasame
Scartol is right, you need to answer the question properly, Dan.

Plus, I would add that you bringing out some guy in a video screaming about "Black Power" is a totally different topic from what I am asking about. I'm asking about the main body of the African-American community, not the radical fringe. If this were a topic about the radical fringe then I would approach it completely differently, but it isn't about them, and you know it.

Good post Grypo
By DanDaMan
The system that caste blacks into economic oblivion is the same system that sets up affirmative action. You can't have a the appearance of a fair economic system when access to resources is divided along racial lines.
Agreed. So... how do we end Affirmative Action?

Plus, I would add that you bringing out some guy in a video screaming about "Black Power" is a totally different topic from what I am asking about. I'm asking about the main body of the African-American community
I think the 70% fatherless rate and 50% STD rate is pretty good indicator of how bad it is for blacks. Do I have stats for the 60's? No. You going to tell me it was worse?
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By Meslocusist
Why would she tell you about it when she is asking for your opinion?

The question was: What do you think of the position of African-Americans as a whole, now, as compared to their position in the year 1960?
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By grypo
Agreed. So... how do we end Affirmative Action?

You don't. You deal with these policies because they give the appearance of economic equality. The system is healthier with them, even if the policies don't work. The ultimate failure of liberal economies is that people who feel denied appropriate resources will constantly work to enact policies that undermine the system. Just be glad there isn't another all out revolt. Welfare is a cheap safeguard. If it makes you feel any better, whites stole from blacks for generations . Maybe this will equal out someday.
By DanDaMan
The question was: What do you think of the position of African-Americans as a whole, now, as compared to their position in the year 1960?
Better with regard to race acceptance since America elected a black man.
Since I don't know the fatherless rate of the 60's and STD rates I would assume they can't be much worse than 70% and 50% respectively.
That's my opinion.

Just be glad there isn't another all out revolt. Welfare is a cheap safeguard.
Soon the value of the dollar will plung so much their welfare will buy little. They will riot when their free ride is over. They will probably blame the white banks and rightfully so.
Too bad they wont blame themselves for not bettering and preparing themselves in their own communities.
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