Progressive Democrats vs. Liberal Democrats. Any difference? - Politics | PoFo

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Modern liberalism. Civil rights and liberties, State responsibility to the people (welfare).
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Just like the title says, I am wondering what is the difference between Liberal Democrats and Progressive Democrats.

Are the "Progressive Democrats" to the Left of "Liberal Democrats"?

Far Left?

Would you consider Progressive Democrats more radical than the Liberal Democrats?

Tea Party Republicans are considered to be Far-Right radical Republicans.

So, would the "Occupy Democrats" movement be mostly comprised of Liberal Democrats or Progressive Democrats?

Do the Progressives lean way further to the Left than Liberals?
Generally, since at least Kennedy, the most reactionary elements in the US had been painting the word, "liberal," as someone that was soft of the communists, and thus everything that was un-American.

This wasn't limited to the GOP, this was also a battle for the soul of the Democratic Party. On the one hand you had the party that traditionally been that of immigrants (do remember, Jefferson was an advocate of Citizen Genet's conception of an, "Empire of Liberty," that would tie all kinds of nationalities together). This portion had been increasingly controlled by Eastern Immigrants via rather corrupt political machines (the most notorious being Boss Tweed organizing and controlling the Irish vote, but this extended to Germanic farmers settling the West). Opposed to this were the Dixiecrats, the heirs of plantation owners that had never forgiven the Republicans for Lincoln, even if they hated the immigrant wing of the Party.

But, anyway, after the immigrant wing got control of the Democrats, the Dixiecrats fought for the soul of the Party by trying to defend it against, "Liberals." The GOP, of course, was quick to come on board to seek out any dirty liberals, and come to the rescue of the Dixiecrats by explaining to the world that they hated black people more than anybody else.

The end result being that, "Liberal," became a slur both inside and outside the Democratic Party. A lot of Democrats have clung to it proudly to define themselves. Some tried to find another word that wasn't as scary, and they settled on, "Progressive," though this was largely in reference to, "The Progressive Era," which kind of was a reactionary thing to do, looking back at restoring a glorious past, in its own way.

But Dagoth Ur is ultimately correct when the politically charged labels come off.

The Democrats and Republicans are both, "Liberal." And, "Progressive," leaves a lot to be desired as a term for the above mentioned reasons.
Liberal Democrats, in the New Deal/Great Society mode, simply don't exist today. Oh there a few outliers like Warren and Sanders, but they are most noticeable by their rarity and their marginalization.

The ultrareactionary crowd, by contrast, are so numerous there debates have to be scheduled in relays.

The problem with progressive Democrats is that their reforms are temporary. There is very little left ratchet effect. Reversing or privatising SS and Medicare is part of the right catechism, and many Dems worship at the same altar. A similar process is underway in the UK, and most of Europe.

This is not a normal swing of the pendulum by any means. Rather it is a long term and serious effort, engineered from above.
to OP.

to get a grip on the larger scope between family households and global governance following specfic ideologies classifying genetic results into citizens of societal evolution there has to be a complete comprehension of the fabric weaving social chain of commands from the inside out in each theater of social justification in thinking the world is but a stage.

Top down is actually inside out with outside in being the less significant than those operating as the inner circle as academia trains brains of incoming ancestors to act as their ancestry has for generations hoping nobody finds out what real was prior to humanity considered the human geneology as classified by political theories and spiritual theologies creating conflicting inaccurate interpretations devised for the purpose of getting people worshipping symbolic values rather than accepting the self evident results of specific natural displacement as one of a kind ancestors regardless the species of plant and animal, pedator or prey, male or female replacement.

Now my specific general opinion is valid because Progressive democrat rules on the global application and a liberal democrat is national, state, city, household. 5 layers of denying the same thing on a different level of interpretation about being self contained and self evident time doesn't move anything when nothing here remains the same as before all the time one exists currently displaced physically, conception to extinction.
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