Political Correctness is fascism pretending to be Manners - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Modern liberalism. Civil rights and liberties, State responsibility to the people (welfare).
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It is the old Communism, that predated Fascism, which was just a reaction to Commie - Violence and tyranny.
Political correctness is language and thought control. It dumbs down society. Hate speech laws are the next step for when they think they can't keep things under control any longer. They'll find ways to justify the imprisonment of those who question the agenda of those in power. And nothing will stop them as the majority is brainwashed by political correctness.
It is probably better to say that political correctness is totalitarianism rather than fascism though obviously fascism is a kind of totalitarianism but it is not the only kind the others being some theocracies and communism.

Political Correctness is nothing more than manners. It used to be that complicated manners were largely confined to the upper classes and the educated. Now they are more universally applied. Political correctness, as it is usually described is only important to people who really, in their hear of hearts, want to call the gardener a darkie so they can feel superior.

People who complain about political correctness have insecurity problems. It seems that they feel that if there is nobody to look down upon then THEY must be at the bottom of the pile.

My favorite question for those who complain about political correctness is; "what would you like to say that you can't say because of political correctness?"
Drlee wrote:Political Correctness is nothing more than manners.

People didn't have their manners pilloried on national television in earlier times, nor did they have mobs demanding that their employers fire them. It's a little more than just manners. If you punch someone in the face, you can be charged with assault. If you do it while shouting a "politically incorrect" expletive, you can be charged with a hate crime too. When the state is involved, it's not manners.
This is how people just see things differently. If someone on POFO shows me disrespect, I don’t like it but I don’t report it. Some of you feel it should be reported. I don’t because I see it as their problem and not mine.
This applies to political correctness. Yes, I believe people should treat me with respect, but if they don’t I don’t see any reason to punish them because I don’t feel harmed.
How am I harmed by them being an idiot? That is giving them power over me I don’t accept.
SolarCross wrote:NicePoliticalCorrectness Bot: You're a racist, nazi, cis scum, white male, misogynistic, homophobic, Islamophobic, Trumpanzee, transablist MORON!

Normal person: Is that political correctness?

NicePoliticalCorrectness Bot: Yes, and it is just good manners.

Normal person: :eh:


This truth in humor has to hurt. :)
Dr Lee said, "People who complain about political correctness have insecurity problems. It seems that they feel that if there is nobody to look down upon then THEY must be at the bottom of the pile."

So far nobody argued with this.

My favorite question for those who complain about political correctness is; "what would you like to say that you can't say because of political correctness?"

So far nobody answered this. Give it a try One Degree. What would you like to say that is politically incorrect.

Political correctness is nothing more than manners. We live in a world where boorish and ignorant people have a greater potential for being exposed. The fact that 50 years ago I could more or less freely use a derogatory racial term was because nobody found out. Nobody who cared. On the other hand, if I had used it at work on an airline I would have been fired then too.

Yes we have laws now baring some kinds of destructive behavior. We always have. When the Arizona Revised Statutes were written in 1956, it was illegal to use swear words in front of a woman or child. You could go to jail for this. Was that political correctness? Also in 1956 homosexual acts were illegal in most states. In fact, oral sex even between married individuals was illegal in many states.

Is the fact that one can lose one's job over bad manners anything new? Of course not. People have been fired for embarrassing the company since companies came into being. Holding on to that thought. What happened? Well. People used to have a very limited scope of influence and notoriety. But if word got back to the boss that you were a drunk, or abused your wife, or insulted a customer, you were gone. Fired.

So now someone posts on their facebook page that they work at Acme Dynamite Factory and then two page later use a racial slur and they are surprised when they are fired. This is not political correctness run wild. It is just the traditional, natural and completely justified result of an act of incredible dumbassery.

There really is no such thing as political correctness.
Drlee wrote:Dr Lee said, "People who complain about political correctness have insecurity problems. It seems that they feel that if there is nobody to look down upon then THEY must be at the bottom of the pile."

So far nobody argued with this.

Before taking a victory lap, keep in mind that arguing the point is against the forum rules. PoFo does not believe in free speech.

Drlee wrote:What would you like to say that is politically incorrect.

Political correctness is nothing more than manners.

No, it is not. Try using the n-word on this forum. Hell, I wrote a thread and referred to Dianne Feinstein as "Demented Dianne," and you campaigned to have the title--MY TITLE--changed to something YOU found less offensive. Since the thread has authors, the moderators in effect change the words of an author. You find absolutely no problem with that. I find it to be unethical and dishonest, because it attributes to someone words that they did not choose or express themselves.

Drlee wrote:We live in a world where boorish and ignorant people have a greater potential for being exposed.

Not everyone operates with powerful feelings of guilt or shame like you do.

Drlee wrote:The fact that 50 years ago I could more or less freely use a derogatory racial term was because nobody found out. Nobody who cared.

40 years ago you could write a movie like Blazing Saddles lampooning racism using derogatory racial terms to poke fun at racism. Today, you cannot make that film. Most comedians are politically left of center. They are lamenting political correctness, because one formula for humor is pain+time. That is, what was once painful becomes funny with time and some reframing.

Amazon put Smokey and the Bandit in its trending list following the death of Burt Reynolds. So I watched that. There is a scene where Jackie Gleason looks at a black sheriff, then at his son and says, "What is this world coming to?" That could not be made today either.

Shit. There are schools that are pulling "To Kill a Mockingbird" and "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" because a bunch of left wing bedwetters cannot handle the honest use of how people spoke in the Jim Crow South or along the Mississippi River during the 19th Century.

Drlee wrote:On the other hand, if I had used it at work on an airline I would have been fired then too.

Well let's take the case of Paula Dean. She was asked during the Obama years whether she had ever used racist language, and she assented that she had when she was growing up when it was common in the South. They used that as a pretext to create a political kerfuffle and cancel her show.

You have stated here that racist attitudes were common with your parents up to a point, when they (and you) changed; and thereafter, anyone who spoke with the same language and attitudes you used to speak with are condemned as ignorant and hateful. Yet, by the Paula Dean standard, you could be fired from your job for something you never did on the job, on the air, or in the last 10 years with the mob mentality of today's political left.

Drlee wrote:When the Arizona Revised Statutes were written in 1956, it was illegal to use swear words in front of a woman or child. You could go to jail for this.

Yes. That is the operation of law. It was controlled by the legislature, executive and courts. Who controls political correctness? Where is the due process? Where is the written law? Where is notice? What are the standards of proof? What is an acceptable punishment? What is the statue of limitations? For using foul language in front of women and children, that could be definitively answered.

Drlee wrote:Was that political correctness?

That is the operation of law.

Drlee wrote:Also in 1956 homosexual acts were illegal in most states.

Yes. Anal sex between men and/or men and animals has been known to spread illness since Biblical times, well before there was a germ theory of disease. Yet, it was decriminalized by people who knew very well about the germ theory of disease. 35M people have died from HIV/AIDS alone since 1980--a plague of biblical proportions.

Drlee wrote:In fact, oral sex even between married individuals was illegal in many states.

Yes. Our founding fathers were natalists. They wanted children, and lots of them. They would have hung the LGBTQIA+ crowd by the neck.

Drlee wrote:But if word got back to the boss that you were a drunk, or abused your wife, or insulted a customer, you were gone. Fired.

In many states, only the latter case would be tolerated. Without a public figure morals clause, firing someone for drinking alcohol on their own time or firing them for domestic issues is actionable in a court of law. Heck, I used to work for attorneys back during the economic downturn. One of them had an office on 22 Battery Street in San Francisco--an older building. The corner office in the suite had a built in bar, because it was common courtesy to offer someone an alcoholic drink at one point in society too.

Drlee wrote:So now someone posts on their facebook page that they work at Acme Dynamite Factory and then two page later use a racial slur and they are surprised when they are fired. This is not political correctness run wild. It is just the traditional, natural and completely justified result of an act of incredible dumbassery.

There really is no such thing as political correctness.

It's not all "completely justified." It often involves litigation. Your idea of "justification" is because people might use such public comments in a court of law to try to establish a basis for some sort of discrimination law suit. This is one reason some people do not like Civil Rights legislation, such as your beloved Barry Goldwater.
We must stop National Socialism!

We need Socialism for the Nation!

In an alternate reality somewhere, the Nazis won WWII but then they became liberals some 60 years later (as most of the west has done since) and this basically means that Antifa rules Europe. It's a dark dimension in which Hillary is President of the United States...
George Carlin - Political Correctness is fascism pretending to be Manners.

The rise of modern political correctness (PC) is a great example of the cunning way in which social engineers such as the New World Order manipulators operate. Political correctness is speech and behavior censorship or control. It is intolerance disguised as tolerance. As George Carlin said, it is fascism pretending to be manners. It is running amok not just in Universities but now almost everywhere in society. Just as Orwell laid out so precisely in 1984, political correctness is the Newspeak which is threatening to limit our ability to freely speak and think, by reducing the number of available words in our vocabulary.

Political correctness is trying to make “having your feelings hurt” or “getting offended” morally or legally equivalent with harassment. It dictates what you can and can’t say, based on how “offensive” a word is. Since when did “feeling offended” or “having your feelings hurt” become such an important issue that it legally justifies restricting everyone’s freedom?

The PC police wants us to refer to "illegal aliens" as "undocumented immigrant" because they do not want to acknowledge them as criminals for breaking our border laws. Donald Trump got heckled for using the term “anchor baby” by a PC journalist, who wanted him to say “the American born child of an undocumented immigrant”.

The PC crowd aim to tell us what we can and can’t say – or can and can’t think. If we allow it, then we give up our individual freedom of speech, and our freedom of thought is replaced by group think like the left wing main stream media is attempting to dictate to all viewers. One host on MSNBC actullay said that it was their job to tell people what to think. The real agenda of political correctness is to stifle objective investigation and free speech.

Who was the women News anchor on NBC that was recently fired for a politically incorrect opinion on a Halloween costume?

It was Megyn Kelly, who is reported to have said, "What is racist? Because you get in trouble if you are a white person who puts on blackface for Halloween or a black person who puts on whiteface for Halloween," she said during a segment. "When I was a kid, that was OK as long as you were dressing up like a character."
Hindsite wrote:Who was the women News anchor on NBC that was recently fired for a politically incorrect opinion on a Halloween costume?

It was Megyn Kelly, who is reported to have said, "What is racist? Because you get in trouble if you are a white person who puts on blackface for Halloween or a black person who puts on whiteface for Halloween," she said during a segment. "When I was a kid, that was OK as long as you were dressing up like a character."

Actually felt sorry for her. She lost her job just for stating an objective fact... Lol. Shouldn't have left Fox just for cash, she's learn't the hard way!

I better not see any NBC honchos let their white kids dress as Black Panther this Halloween! Practise what you preach you cunts!
colliric wrote:Actually felt sorry for her. She lost her job just for stating an objective fact... Lol. Shouldn't have left Fox just for cash, she's learn't the hard way!

I better not see any NBC honchos let their white kids dress as Black Panther this Halloween! Practise what you preach you cunts!

She may not have a job to go to, but I got a feeling she may get a lot of money from NBC, so I don't feel sorry for her at this point. I think she will be better off leaving that network now.
You think billionaires buy and create massive multimedia companies in order to maximise free speech, collilrc? They buy them so that they can maximise their own speech. Of course they will fire those who say the wrong thing and undermine their profits or ideology.

blackjack21 wrote:I find it to be unethical and dishonest, because it attributes to someone words that they did not choose or express themselves.

I take it you don't follow the news since headlines are regularly changed by editors without consulting the original reporter or journalist.
I did answer your questions. You just did not accept the answers because they were not a confession of racist intent. Your questions were a feeble attempt to charge racism against anyone who disagrees with political correctness. I see no need to just repeat what I have made clear already about the elements of coercion and punishment.
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