Western Wall crisis again - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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It's happened before in 1926, now again in 2017.

Now the Israeli Right are turning on American Reform Jews, etc, diverting attention from Netanhayu's govt. for producing this rubbish



“Inappropriate and insolent.” That’s how Rabbi Abraham Gordimer, a member of the Rabbinical Council of America and the New York Bar, dubbed Reform Jewish protests against the government’s decision to freeze plans for a pluralistic prayer space at the Western Wall.
Rabbi Gordimer’s comments, published on the right-leaning Arutz Sheva website in English, were mild compared to the wave of bile heaped upon the followers of Reform Judaism in Israel’s right-wing Hebrew press. Readers would have been forgiven for forgetting that the government itself had approved the plan last year after four years of negotiations brokered by Jewish Agency Chairman Natan Sharansky.

Far-right lawmaker Betzalel Smotrich (Habayit Hayehudi) accused the Reform movement of “dragging Diaspora Jews into a fight.” He said responsibility for the crisis lay with “a small fringe group of a few dozen activists in the Israeli Reform movement. They don’t care about the right of an individual to pray according to his beliefs.”

A profile of Reform leader Rick Jacobs in Israel's Maariv daily newspaper and the NRG website portrayed him as an “extreme left,” pro-BDS “gangster” as one of the many Israelis who circulated the story on social media described him. A commentary on Channel 20 accused him of being a “selective Zionist” and creating a platform for anti-Semitic propaganda.

In its full coverage of “The Reform storm,” Arutz Sheva offered Hebrew readers a broad range of insights into just how beneath contempt the Reform movement should be held. “Their struggle at the Western Wall is against not just the establishment, but the majority of the Israeli people,” opined one contributor. A video clip was accompanied by the suggestion that “Patriots are wondering whether the Reform movement is religious or political.”
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By Ter
Zionist Nationalist wrote:Those orthodox bastards need to be put in place. they feel like they control the country.
unfortunately the government is afraid of them because without them there is no coalition

Those orthodox have been kingmaker since always. I found it unforgivable that on the only day off for the working people, the Egged buses were not allowed to operate. And they came knocking on the glass of the terrace where I sat with a girlfriend and called me a shabbesgoy !
Personally I think it's a bit disingenuous to complain against the ultra-Orthodox in this case and surprisingly I really don't mind Netanyahu capitulating to their will. Reform Judaism is a perversion of Torah, Conservative Judaism less so. I don't think they should have any say what happens in a place that is considered holy as they are the very antithesis of holy themselves. For them to complain about religious matters for not being accepted while not accepting Judaism is a farce in my opinion. Judaism doesn't require to follow the religion if you don't want to - changing it to fit your own beliefs to make you feel more comfortable and then imposing those distorted beliefs on people and communities who want to preserve tradition is a different matter.

So, I actually support the Orthodox on this matter, sorry to say, as I generally don't. Of course there are problems and corruption within Orthodoxy that need mending IMO, but preaching by non-religious ideologues towards religious people won't get anywhere.

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