Do Israelis know their vaccine is muslim invention - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in the nations of the Middle East.

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colliric wrote:I've read the Talmudic verses concerning how Religious Jews are meant to view ALL non-jewish people as dogs.

Thankfully most of them, the more liberal orthodox and reform Jews, ignore those verses just as most Muslims ignore the extreme anti-semitism that is rife throughout the Quran.

But they do in fact exist in the Religious text and fundamentalist Jewish extremists follow those beliefs and publically express them, just as the fundamentalist Muslims express extreme anti-semitic views. That's why the Zionist Israelis wandering the street found it easy as a mob to lynch that innocent Arab on video in the streets earlier this week, with no regrets. Heck even Jesus expressed that unhelpful view on at least one occasion in the New Testament and was humbled and outsmarted by the Samaritan woman.

The nice thing with montheism, is it is contradicting, so you can pick up what you want.
I have watched videos of this couple for a while. They can speak Turkish. I felt that they are not strong believers. I would describe them more Turkish than Muslim. But it iss safe to assume that they are completely Turkish in terms of culture like majority of Turkish immigrantts in Germany. Obsession with tea is alone a proof of that. :lol:
Gardener wrote:Regardless, they had absolutely nothing to do with the creation of the vaccine, and very little to do with it's production.

Israel has created and produced its own Covid-19 vaccine. No Muslim country has done this.

Vaccine was developed directly with own work of this couple. They just signed a contract with Pfizer for global distribution.

It is safe to say that the vaccine is very much Turkish. So it means that all of you, including Israelis, owe their lives to Turkish biotechnology. ;)
Gardener wrote:I think your facts are mistaken.
So who signed the contract with these "Turks" ? Pfizer or BioNTech ? After all, the vaccine was a joint production by both of these German companies ?

Biontech is this couple's company. They founded it.

Pfizer has nothing to do with the work. It is just an American company who sensed Biontech success earlier. They invested in Biontech.
Istanbuller wrote:Vaccine was developed directly with own work of this couple. They just signed a contract with Pfizer for global distribution.

It is safe to say that the vaccine is very much Turkish. So it means that all of you, including Israelis, owe their lives to Turkish biotechnology. ;)

Biontech was created in 2008 by the German Biochemist Uğur Şahin, and his then wife Özlem Türeci. Both of these are German, and entered Germany at the age of around 4. They attended German schools and German universities, where they learned everything they new about Human Medicine and BioChemistry. Their entire environment was German. They had few - if any - links to Turkey.

There was zero Turkish or Muslim involvement in the production of the BioNTech/Pfizer vaccine.
No Muslim country has made ANY contribution to immunology in general, and Covid vaccines in general.
Gardener wrote:No Muslim country has made ANY contribution to immunology in general,

This is inaccurate. Edward Jenner, the man credited with inventing vaccines, was in constant communication with Muslims scholars at the time who were doing similar work, and he relied heavily on their knowledge and research.

The history of disease is very interesting.
Pants-of-dog wrote:This is inaccurate. Edward Jenner, the man credited with inventing vaccines, was in constant communication with Muslims scholars at the time who were doing similar work, and he relied heavily on their knowledge and research.

The history of disease is very interesting.

Hmm... yes, it appears that you are correct. Recall, however, that we are going back to 1799, and the Muslim version of innoculation was only a few steps above Shamanism. (though - it could be argued - better in practice than what was available in the West).

Nevertheless; in terms of the modern era; name one major pharmaceutical research organisation in a muslim-majority nation ? The assertion by @Sandzak in the opening post is incorrect.
Gardener wrote:Hmm... yes, it appears that you are correct. Recall, however, that we are going back to 1799, and the Muslim version of innoculation was only a few steps above Shamanism. (though - it could be argued - better in practice than what was available in the West).

Nevertheless; in terms of the modern era; name one major pharmaceutical research organisation in a muslim-majority nation ? The assertion by @Sandzak in the opening post is incorrect.

At the time, London had no sewage system, and there were repeated cholera outbreaks that killed many. The relationship between disease and using sewer water was not discovered until much later.
Pants-of-dog wrote:
At the time, London had no sewage system, and there were repeated cholera outbreaks that killed many. The relationship between disease and using sewer water was not discovered until much later.

By a London doctor for whom math was a hobby. It was the first practical application of statistics, and it changed the world.
Pants-of-dog wrote:At the time, London had no sewage system, and there were repeated cholera outbreaks that killed many. The relationship between disease and using sewer water was not discovered until much later.

True, but irrelevant to the thread.

late wrote:By a London doctor for whom math was a hobby. It was the first practical application of statistics, and it changed the world.

Indeed.. it was a remarkable story. John Snow and the famous Broad Street Pump ! ... a_outbreak
Gardener wrote:True, but irrelevant to the thread.

It does seem a bit relevant, since it illustrates how English culture (and European cultures in general) at the time did not take a scientific approach to public health, despite their advances in science in general.

We see this still in terms of high levels of vaccine hesitancy.
Pants-of-dog wrote:It does seem a bit relevant, since it illustrates how English culture (and European cultures in general) at the time did not take a scientific approach to public health, despite their advances in science in general.

Ummm.. that's a bit unfair. Public Health DID exist, and it DID follow the science, in as far as the Science existed ?

We see this still in terms of high levels of vaccine hesitancy.

I don't think that is an English cultural thing ? The hesitancy is from the Caribbean and Pakistani/Bangladeshi communities rather than the indigenous English communities ?
Gardener wrote:Ummm.. that's a bit unfair. Public Health DID exist, and it DID follow the science, in as far as the Science existed ?

Since I just gave an example contradicting this claim that you make here, this claim of yours seems doubtful.

I don't think that is an English cultural thing ? The hesitancy is from the Caribbean and Pakistani/Bangladeshi communities rather than the indigenous English communities ?

Is it?

Here the vaccine hesitancy is from the right. It seems politically specific rather than cultural.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Since I just gave an example contradicting this claim that you make here, this claim of yours seems doubtful.

No, your example is false, as I have pointed out.

Is it?

Here the vaccine hesitancy is from the right. It seems politically specific rather than cultural.

Truly ? That is certainly the narrative in the USA mainstream media. However, the CDC race statistics seem to tell a different story ? ... ethnicity/

The English experience seems similar, in that the takeup of the vaccine in the Afro-Caribbean and Pakistani/Bangladeshi communities is below par !
Gardener wrote:No, your example is false, as I have pointed out.

No. You simply disagreed without providing any support for your position.

Truly ?

    Hesitancy is higher than average in Alberta, among those with high school education, and among those in the 30-44 age group. People who self-describe as “right of centre” are considerably more likely than those on the left to reject the idea of being vaccinated.

So yes, truly.
Pants-of-dog wrote:No. You simply disagreed without providing any support for your position.

Did I ? What 'example' did you give ? I've read back and can't find it ?

    Hesitancy is higher than average in Alberta, among those with high school education, and among those in the 30-44 age group. People who self-describe as “right of centre” are considerably more likely than those on the left to reject the idea of being vaccinated.

So yes, truly.

Ummm..yeeeeesss.. and people (in the same survey) who describe themselves as 'center' are even higher ? (albeit barely). You've got to watch out for those darned Canadian Centrists !
Gardener wrote:Did I ? What 'example' did you give ? I've read back and can't find it ?

Cholera outbreaks due to lack of proper sewage treatment.

Ummm..yeeeeesss.. and people (in the same survey) who describe themselves as 'center' are even higher ? (albeit barely). You've got to watch out for those darned Canadian Centrists !

No. The survey shows that 8% of centrists say they will never take the vaccine while 15% of right wingers do.

You should show evidence for your claim that vaccine hesitancy in England is most closely associated with ethnicity.
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