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Jewish Hero Federman Condemned To Another 6 Months Of Brutal Imprisonment


Jewish hero Noam Federman is rotting in jail solely because Israel's Bolshevik authorities fear his popularity


Heroic Jewish pioneers and other right-wing Jews demonstrate for Noam Federman's release from Israeli Bolshevik captivity (March 4, 2004)

Jewish hero Noam Federman - who has already spent six months in Israeli prison under the most brutal conditions imaginable - was condemned to another six-month prison term last week.

Noam has been incarcerated under Israel's infamously anti-democratic "administrative detention" law, which permits the Bolshevik politicians who run Israel to imprison right-wing Jewish dissidents with no right to a trial, no charges, no right to an attorney, no right to outside visits - indeed, no rights at all.


Noam's beautiful wife Elisheva speaks on his behalf (The banner reads "Free Noam Federman!")

The "administrative detention" law was originally placed on the books by the tyrannical British colonialists who illegally occupied the Land of Israel before the rebirth of Jewish nationhood in 1948.

After 1948, Bolshevik politicians decided to keep the law even though no free nation in the world has such totalitarian legislation on its books.

Israel's Stalinist prosecutors, police and Shabak (the Israeli equivalent of the KGB) tried to charge Noam with all sorts of criminal offenses over the years. Noam was indicted dozens of times but found not guilty over and over and over again.


Noam's daughters Isca, 12, and Sapir, 11, wrote pleas for their father which they read at the demonstration on his behalf (Isca is wearing a shirt with stickers reading "Free Noam Federman!")

Even Israel's notoriously left-wing judges were forced to repeatedly acquit Noam because the charges against him were so obviously preposterous.

After so many unsuccessful attempts to frame Noam, the Bolshevik regime decided to resort to "administrative detention" - where no evidence is required.

The reason Israel's Bolshevik rulers want to silence Noam is because of his leadership role in exposing the sheer insanity of Israel's suicidal policies.


Arab terrorists use children as human shields during recent fighting in the Gaza District (March 8, 2004) (Surrounded by Arab street urchins, the Muslim terrorist in the left-hand photograph reloads his automatic rifle)

Noam Federman, like Baruch Marzel and other right-wing Jewish dissidents, is an inspiration to heroic Jews such as the Hilltop Youth, who are determined to stop left-wing Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's suicidal plans to retreat from Judea, Samaria and the Gaza District in order to create an independent PLO terrorist state.

Sharon and his evil Defense Minster, Shaul Mofaz, want to break the will of the noble 230,000 Jewish men, women and children who live in Yesha. (Yesha is the Hebrew acronym for Judea, Samaria and the Gaza District - sacred Jewish Biblical lands which G-d enabled little Israel to miraculously liberate in the 1967 Six Day War.)


Jewish hero Moshe Feiglen, who represents the only genuine right-wing faction in the Likud Party, speaks for Noam Federman's freedom


Member of Knesset (Israeli Parliament) Nissim Zeev of the Shas Party speaks on Noam Federman's behalf

Noam is loved and admired by so many Israeli Jewish youth - who revere his idealism, courage and self-sacrifice, and view him as a true Jewish role model.

Here is an exchange that recently took place in Hebrew between young Israeli Jews who were arguing politics on the left-wing Yediot Aharanot (Israel's largest newspaper) web site:

LIKUDNIK: I can't believe how far to the left Sharon has gone. Sharon is proposing what only the extreme left used to propose.

HUMANE LIBERAL SOCIAL DEMOCRAT: Even your leader Sharon now sees that we can't stay in Judea, Samaria and Gaza any longer. We have to end the occupation before it consumes us.

HAIFA SOLDIER: If we leave Yesha, the Arabs will still attack us but we'll be much weaker.

SMOKE GRASS: You right-wingers make me want to vomit. How much longer can we rule over another people?

HAIFA SOLDIER: You want to vomit because you've been smoking too much pot.

JEWISH SETTLER: The only answer is to transfer the Arabs out of Israel. Instead of listening to Sharon, Netanyahu, Peres and the rest of the phonies, we should listen to Noam Federman.

LIKUDNIK: Federman is a real hero. I'm ashamed of what my country is doing to this great hero.

SMOKE GRASS: Federman is a terrorist. He should get 20 years.

AVI: Federman is a terrorist? But the Arab murderers you like. Why don't you smoke yourself to death, Smoke Grass?

IDO: If we had more Jews like Noam Federman, the Arabs would not be winning.

SARIT: I voted Labor, but I respect Federman. I disagree with him, but I respect him. At least, he's honest.

HUMANE LIBERAL SOCIAL DEMOCRAT: Federman, Marzel, the Hilltop Youth, they're all teaching Jewish youth to hate Arabs. Racism is immoral and un-Jewish.

MARGALIT: I was a leftist until I saw how Noam Federman was persecuted and tortured for his beliefs. Noam, the Hilltop Youth, they have made me believe in Zionism again.

SMOKE GRASS: This is supposed to be a progressive web site. Why don't you Jewish fascists go to your own web sites?

IDO: We can't! Our web sites have been shut down by you Bolshevik fascists. You talk about fascism while you throw Jewish saints like Noam Federman in prison without any charges and without any trial?

MERETZ: I hate what Federman stands for, but I disagree with putting him in prison. Federman is in prison because Sharon fears that his political opinions will spread and that Jews will regard removing the Arabs as a legitimate opinion.

HEBRON FOREVER: It's OK to advocate removing the Jews in Yesha, but forbidden to advocate removing the Arabs.

SHARABI: The establishment fears Noam Federman because he reminds us of what a great people we could be if only we were willing to sacrifice and have faith again.

The exchange above is not unusual when Noam's name comes up on Israeli web sites, message boards and chat rooms. Many of the young Jews expressing their views clearly regard Noam as a great Jewish hero.

This is something Sharon, Mofaz and the rest of Israel's Bolshevik Establishment regard as intolerable. If Noam Federman, Baruch Marzel and the Hilltop Youth succeed in inspiring a large segment of Israeli Jewish youth to non-violently resist the suicidal Sharon plan to unilaterally flee from Yesha, it will make the creation of an independent PLO terrorist state impossible. And there is no doubt that when Israeli Jewish youth are exposed to a Jewish hero like Noam, a large segment of them are filled with Jewish pride, Jewish self-respect and a renewed Jewish devotion to the Land of Israel.

We plead with our many loyal readers to take action now to save Noam Federman.

Below our two weekly articles is a special section of JTF.ORG devoted to freeing Noam, SAVE NOAM FEDERMAN'S LIFE! Help free the Jewish hero from prison! Please do not commit the sin of ignoring our campaign to get as many people as possible to fax and e-mail Sharon and Mofaz in order to urge that Noam's utterly unjust imprisonment end immediately.


Fax and e-mail Ariel Sharon and Shaul Mofaz on behalf of Noam Federman! (Beset by scandal and disaffection within his own party, Sharon will respond if enough pressure is put on him)


The late, unlamented Muslim terrorist Sheik Ahmed Yassin and a few of his many, many terrorist followers

In addition, JTF proudly raises funds on behalf of the campaign in Israel to set Noam free so that he can return to where he belongs - in Chevron (Hebron) with his beautiful wife and his beautiful seven children.

Let us send Noam a message that although he is in solitary confinement, he is not alone!

To help with JTF's urgent campaign to save Noam Federman, we strongly urge our many loyal readers - both Jews and righteous Gentiles - to immediately do the following four things:


Jewish hero and JTF ally Baruch Marzel speaks for Noam Federman

First, if you are a wealthy Jew or a wealthy righteous Gentile, and you have wealthy friends and associates, you can hold a fundraising cocktail party for JTF. Even if you are not wealthy - but have wealthy friends and associates - you can organize a cocktail party. If you wish to hold a cocktail party, please contact JTF.

Second, make out a generous check or money order (which can be anonymous) to "JTF" and send it out right away. If you prefer, you can mail a cash donation.

Third, zealously spread the word about the JTF.ORG web site. Posting portions of JTF.ORG on popular internet message boards is especially effective. We do get many new hits when we are posted.

Fourth, please remember to include the "Jewish Task Force (JTF)" in your will.



Israeli Jews gather under a poster in eastern Jerusalem depicting the 1,500 innocent Jewish men, women and children murdered by Arab Muslim Nazi terrorists since October 2000


Like mother, like son (January 2004) (Female suicide bomber Reem Raiyshi killed herself murdering innocent Jews at an Israeli checkpoint but left behind a son ready to follow in her footsteps)


A terrible Muslim suicide bombing in a Jerusalem coffee shop murdered 11 innocent Jews, including the young woman shown above
By Warrior Monk

by Baruch Merzel & Barbara Ginsberg

Imagine! A trial behind closed doors. Lawyer and defendant whisked out of the courtroom when charges were presented. Sounds like what happened under the KGB in Soviet Russia. No – it is not Russia, nor the KGB. I’m writing about the Shabak (General Security Service) in Israel, and the democratic trial denied to Noam Federman. This is called “Administrative Detention,” no trial, no known charges.

Noam was initially placed under “House Arrest” for one year. Again, no trial, no known charges. He was not allowed out to pray in a minyan, burn chometz for Passover, get a haircut, etc. When he appeared before the judge about a week before Rosh Hashanah (10/03), to ask permission to pray with a minyan for the High Holidays, Noam was hurriedly taken away and incarcerated under dangerous and harsh conditions in Ashmoret Prison. Thus, began his 6 months under “Administrative Detention”. He has no defense, because he is not allowed to know the charges against him. This “Administrative Detention” can be renewed again for another 6 months and then renewed yet again and again and again.

While in prison Noam Federman was urinating blood and his kidneys hurt. It took many hours to convince the authorities to get him a doctor. He was then brought to the hospital in chains. Diagnosed with kidney stones, he was handed medication and sent back to prison the same day.

He sat in a cell the size of someone’s bathroom. Through the walls he was able to hear the threats of some of the deadliest Arab terrorists who promised to kill him in prison. It was a prison flooded with cockroaches, lizards and G-d knows what other crawling insects. He was not allowed any contact with the outside world. By the way, Noam never got to pray with a minyan for the High Holidays. He never was able to pray, as he was not permitted a prayer book or allowed out of his cell for more than 10 minutes all day.

Noam was allowed to attend his daughter’s Bat Mitzva for only two hours, but in leg and hand chains. All the time Noam’s hand chain was attached to a police officer, cutting off private contact with his wife. No friends were allowed to attend.

For seven weeks Noam had been on a hunger strike, only drinking water and lost 45 pounds. He was only asking to be incarcerated in another prison, a prison without hardened terrorists, where his life wouldn’t be threatened daily.

“Jewish Civil Rights In Israel” poured thousands of dollars into publicity: newspaper ads, posters displayed in all parts Israel, stickers and demonstrations. This led to internet and media publicity, which asked the public to write letters to the Prime Minister, Defense Minister and other MK’s. Thus, began a large public outcry and intense pressure to the government.. Noam’s wife, Elisheva, daily kept the pressure boiling, and spoke in the Knesset on International Human Rights Day. Finally consent was given to transfer Noam to a prison near Ashkelon, to less harsh conditions. Federman’s hunger strike ended.

“Administrative Detention” was enacted during the British Mandate against members of the underground movements. One of the Jewish heroes incarcerated under this law was Noam’s Federman’s father. Now, the law is being used by Jews against Jews. Jews who want nothing more than to save Jewish lives and save Israel from continued disasters. Jews who love Israel. The first one to be incarcerated under “Administrative Detention” by other Jews was Rabbi Meir Kahane, may G-d avenge his blood.

Who will be next? It can be leaders and activists of the Hilltops. Also it can be leaders of outspoken right-wing organizations. Or it can be influential right-wing writers or newscasters. A good guess is that it can be leaders and activists living in Hebron, Tapuach and other parts of Judea, Samaria and Gaza. The list is endless. To quiet opposition to government policies as was done in the past, Israel did away with the very democracy that they so proudly speak about.

Noam Federman is a testing balloon, as stated by Noam’s laywer, Naftali Wurtzberger.

Yakov Perry, former head of the Shin Bet said, “put 15 activists in Administrative Detention and that will solve the problem of dismantling settlements.” (Quote from Israel’s widely read newspaper, Yediot Ahronot 11/14/03)

Unbelievable words from a former Shin Bet man. Shin Bet being the General Secret Service of Israel.

The government does not want anyone around that can possibly stop or delay the uprooting of settlements in Judea, Samaria and Gaza and the handing over of land to Arab murderers.

Federman knows the legal system. He has published a pamphlet explaining how to undergo a GSS interrogation without incriminating yourself or others. The use of this pamphlet has proven to be an embarrassment to the GSS, and has diminished from its prestige.

Federman had to be put out of commission. Federman had to be broken. Try as they may, and they certainly do try – it will not work.

Do you, my friends want to see Noam Federman made into another Jonathan Pollard? Do you want to see dozens of activists incarcerated under “Adminstrative Detention.” ? Do you want to see huge portions of Judea, Samaria and Gaza handed over to the Arab terrorists? Do you want to see Hebron and parts of Jerusalem in the terrorist hands? I strongly believe not!

Please help!. We need to STOP the “Administrative Detention” of Jews, so they can continue fighting against the “suicidal” policies of an “insane” government We need financial help for publicity: newspaper ads, stickers and flyers. We need financial help to retain lawyers and to fund Federman’s wife and seven children, as well as anyone else who fits the government’s profile of one who constitutes a danger to their “suicidal policies.”

Help get Noam Federman out of jail. Help save Israel. This can be done only by way of a very LOUD OUTCRY. An outcry that will put a huge dent in the government’s insane policies. An outcry that will ultimately prevent these policies altogether.

Please, send your urgently needed check NOW, before it is too late. Make checks payable to Jewish Civil Rights In Israel, and mail to Baruch Merzel, P.O.Box 150, Kiryat Arba 90100, Israel. An 80 cent stamp is needed on envelopes mailed to Israel.

If you wish to speak to Baruch Merzel for further information, he can be reached at:

011-972-58-693866 .

With love of Israel,

Baruch Merzel Barbara Ginsberg
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