Mordechai Vanunu, Hero - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in the nations of the Middle East.

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By CasX
Mordechai Vanunu, Hero

"I have sacrificed my freedom and risked my life in order to expose the danger of nuclear weapons which threatens this whole region. I acted on behalf of all citizens and all of humanity."
- Mordechai Vanunu

Mordechai Vanunu was born in Morocco and moved with his family to Israel in 1963. He did three years' military service from 1971 to '74, when he was given an 'honorable discharge' having served as a First Sergeant in a unit of sappers. He became a technician at the Dimona nuclear plant in 1976 and underwent special training. In October 1979 he began studies at Ben Gurion University, Be'er-Sheva, in philosophy and geography, graduating in 1984/5.


At university Vanunu became increasingly politically active, calling for equal rights for Palestinians in Israel and for the inclusion of Palestinians in negotiations for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state. Becoming more and more disillusioned with Israel's military posture, he opposed the country's 1982 invasion of Lebanon.

In November 1985 he was made redundant in a mass lay-off of workers at Dimona. Ten months later he talked to a London newspaper, the Sunday Times, about the Dimona plant, revealing that Israel's nuclear capability was far greater than suspected. He told the newspaper that Israel probably had a stockpile of 100-200 nuclear weapons, was able to make thermonuclear devices more powerful than atomic bombs and had collaborated routinely with South Africa on nuclear matters.

Soon after the resulting article appeared, Vanunu went missing. It later transpired that he had been lured from London to Rome by Israel's Secret Service, kidnapped there and returned to Israel by clandestine means for trial on charges of espionage and treason. The trial opened in August 1987 under a blanket of secrecy and the following march he was sentenced to 19 years' imprisonment. By the end of 1996, just after his 42nd birthday, Vanunu had spent 10 years - almost one-quarter of his life - in solitary confinement, his cell measuring just 3 metres by 2 metres. The Israeli government continued to ignore many international protests at this inhuman punishment and many appeals for clemency. (He is still imprisoned, but not in solitary confinement, after spending 11 and a half years in solitary.)

How the world found out about the illegal drugging and kidnapping - Vanunu shows the writing on his hand as his van drives past media.

Vanunu's revelations were exhaustively checked by the Sunday Times before publication and they have not been seriously challenged. By the mid-1990s a worldwide Campaign to Free Vanunu was in operation. The Campaign has organised numerous delegations to Israel to publicise his case and in October 1996 an international conference was held in Tel Aviv, chaired by the Nobel Peace Prize laureate Joseph Torblat and attended by a number of renowned scientists, journalists, lawyers and human rights campaigners.

Vanunu took the occasion of the conference to make clear that he stands by his original action. He sent the delegates a message saying "I thank you all. I am happy for revealing what I have revealed." The Campaign later reported that the conference had made a significant impact and that Vanunu's case was no longer a taboo subject in Israel.

"The passive acceptance of and complacency with regard to the existence of nuclear weapons anywhere on earth is the disease of society today. Never in human history has there been such a threat to the very existence of mankind and to all forms of life on earth. It is not we who are opposed to nuclear arms who break the law but the governments which have chosen to create this greatest threat to humanity. The struggle against these weapons is not only a legitimate one, it is a moral, inescapable struggle."
- Mordechai Vanunu
By Efrem Da King
He is a traitor to his country his people and his religion, I have no sympathy for him. Many countries kill their traitors, he is very lucky all he got was a relativly short jail term. If any other country had a worker run away and go public with likely fraudenlent claims the same would happen to them.
By CasX
He's a prisoner of conscience, and his claims are truthful. Vanunu was illegally drugged and kidnapped by Israeli agents and spent more than 11 years in a cell measuring 2m x 3m. This is inhumane treatment by Israel, regardless of whether they hold him as a criminal or not.
By Efrem Da King
He broke thier laws he is facing thier punishments.

I didn't see you making posts like this for the women who was about to be stoned to death for commiting adultery.
By Tovarish Spetsnaz
with likely fraudenlent claims

Hmm...yeah sure...

Well...Israel builds nuclear weapons and sells them to South Africa (the OTHER Aparthaid regime)...and this guy is the evil one.

No he is a hero...even more so because he is Israeli. In that society...people like him are very rare. So he did the right thing by exposing the dangers Israel poses to the world...and the fact that South Africa's nuclear weapons didn't come about accidentally ( remembers a sort of weapons embargo on South Afrika. Was Israel breaking this embargo...thus commiting an international crime?? ;))

I'm just glad to see that there is at least one sane head in Israel...even if he's behind bars.

He is a traitor to his country his people and his religion,

And thats precisely why he is a hero. Being a traitor to Israel and Zionism...automatically makes you a hero.

Think of it as being a traitor to Nazism ;)
By Efrem Da King
God ts do you really think I'm gonna bite??? I know when your trolling, which is all the time. I'm not going to respond to your disgraceful comment that jews=nazis.
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By naked_turk
thats not what he implied, stop trying to dodge posts that way. You know damn right that he meant that

a)a traitor to nazi's would be a hero
b)this is comparable to that act
Thats not the same as saying "jews=nazis"

As this example of Mr. Vanunu proves it, "Its dangerous to be right when the government is wrong." Being a traitor to an evil regime is highly admirable, whether the regime be america-friendly (israel) or not (Nazi Germany). Another famous quote also applies here, "dissent is the highest form of patriotism."
By Tovarish Spetsnaz
What I said was that Zionism=Nazism...please try not to confuse Judaism with Zionism :roll:
By Hollywood_jew
Tovarish Spetsnaz wrote:What I said was that Zionism=Nazism...please try not to confuse Judaism with Zionism :roll:

Please don't insult yourself by making such foolish comments. Since you're NEITHER Zionist or Jewish, you're hardly in a posititon to define either.

EVERY, and I repeat EVERY Jew on planet Earth, (decreasing every day thanks to the arabs)supports Israels duty to fullfill the biblical prophecies. Zionism is no longer a worthwhile term since there IS and always WILL BE a State of Israel. It's akin to calling me a MinuteMan because I believe there should be a United States.

And then to equate Israel with Nazi germany just goes to show how ignorant you are, or as I suspect, how much you hate Jews.
I've BEEN to death camps. You haven't. I've STOOD in the middle of aushweitz and wondered how human beings could bestill such horror on Jews.

I've been to Israel and oddly NO DEATH CAMPS, though I wouldn't mind one being set up for some of the arabs well deserving of it.
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By MB.
Hollywood Jew: be advised; feel free to expres your opinion, but don't attack other members. Just a quick warning.
By Hollywood_jew
Mr Bill wrote:Hollywood Jew: be advised; feel free to expres your opinion, but don't attack other members. Just a quick warning.

Warning noted, but be aware that I have not 'attacked' any one member. My attacks are on arab nations as a whole. I've recieved plenty of email from angry individuals from this site with colorful language that is innapropriate here.
It seems that when Jews speak out were reprimanded for 'attacking' other members. I don't see the same qualifacations being applied to other members whose ideology begins and ends with "kill the Jews".
By Nox
Hollywood_jew wrote: I don't see the same qualifacations being applied to other members whose ideology begins and ends with "kill the Jews".

I don't remember seeing this ... can you point me to one?

By CasX
There is no double standard for Jews. If you lose debates because you can't back up what you're saying...that's your problem. It doesn't make it any better when you spout anti-arab racism either.

And you haven't even addressed the topic: Mordechai Vanunu and his imprisonment.
By Hollywood_jew
CasX wrote:There is no double standard for Jews. If you lose debates because you can't back up what you're saying...that's your problem. It doesn't make it any better when you spout anti-arab racism either.

And you haven't even addressed the topic: Mordechai Vanunu and his imprisonment.

You're right, there is no double standard for Jews. They're always reprimended regardless of their actions.

I could care less about the fictional character mordechai vanunu. I don't recall "losing" any debates, but if you feel I have lost more power to you. That's typical of posters for whom every Israeli action to protect their borders is deemed terrorism.

There is a prevalance of anti-Jewish diatribe on this and most other websites worldwide. It's part of the growing neo- anti-semetism which you and your ilk subscribe.

Again, it's okay to be anti-semetic but G-d forbid you mention the word arab and terrorist in the same sentence lest you be branded a Hitler.
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By naked_turk
HollyJew wrote: There is a prevalance of anti-Jewish diatribe on this and most other websites worldwide. It's part of the growing neo- anti-semetism which you and your ilk subscribe.

I love freedom of speech. It allows people such as HollyJew to make such entertaining comments. I also like how when people acknowledge Arabs aren't inferior to Jews, and deserve at least some rights, HollyJew gets pissed and calls it "neo-anti-semitism." I'd like to see you talk the things you post on this forum... only say it in public, with alot of people around... I think the average person deserves to laugh just as much as any forum members who read your posts!
By Hollywood_jew
naked_turk wrote:[SF edit: please quote selectivly.]

I love freedom of speech. It allows people such as HollyJew to make such entertaining comments.

Freedom of speech... how ironic. Like those free speech bastions of saudi arabia, lybia, lebanon, jordan, egypt, ect.

Oh, and I have NO problem spittin' it in public. Perhaps you can enlighten me to those quotes attributed to me saying that arabs don't deserve 'rights'.

When you return from your 'arab in wonderland' world.
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By naked_turk
Hollywood_jew wrote:Perhaps you can enlighten me to those quotes attributed to me saying that arabs don't deserve 'rights'.

Well, theres alot more, but this is the most convenient one to post as it was posted right in this section. It says it all:

HollyJew wrote:I wouldn't mind [a death camp] being set up for some of the arabs well deserving of it.
By Hollywood_jew
naked_turk wrote:
Hollywood_jew wrote:Perhaps you can enlighten me to those quotes attributed to me saying that arabs don't deserve 'rights'.

Well, theres alot more, but this is the most convenient one to post as it was posted right in this section. It says it all:

HollyJew wrote:I wouldn't mind [a death camp] being set up for some of the arabs well deserving of it.

that's the best you can do? A quote saying that I want arabs who murder Jewish children to be executed?
YOu're going to have to do better than that.
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By MB.
This bickering is meaningless. Adress the topic, or shut up. Screaming at each other every two seconds doesn't help.
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By naked_turk
You specifically mentioned a death camp for Arabs. A death camp's only purpose is for commiting genocide. Now if you're saying that, you definitely consider Arabs inferior. Im tired of this B$.

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