Israel cannot survive in a hostile jungle of Arab terror. - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in the nations of the Middle East.

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I believe that arabs will eventually succeed in their stated goal of driving all the Jews into the sea and destroying Israel.

Even though Israel has nuclear weapons, they're far to moral and humanistic to use them.

That is certainly not the case with arabs, as we have witnessed right in downtown manhattan.

It is only a matter of time before 'allah' rallies his radical terrorists to seek out the Jew whereever he lives and murder him.

This has been the case since ancient times, and still the arab believes this.
Hollywood_jew wrote:
Even though Israel has nuclear weapons, they're far to moral and humanistic to use them.

That is certainly not the case with arabs, as we have witnessed right in downtown manhattan.

It is only a matter of time before 'allah' rallies his radical terrorists to seek out the Jew whereever he lives and murder him.

This has been the case since ancient times, and still the arab believes this.

Anyone else think this post promotes racism? Its just too stupid to reply to, as he's just hurling random insults at arabs, but I want people's input on this. Who thinks HollyJew's post is offensive?
By Classical Liberal
I have to agree. That post seems racist and anti-Islam. It seems stuck up and does not consider the rest of the world's (arabic) Muslims. He makes judgments based on the actions of fundamnetalist extrmeists and terrorists warping the meaning of Islam. It's almost as if every (Arabic) Muslim is an Osama bin Laden to him. In my city, there is an Islamic Center, and the people there are very respectful Arabs who are opposed to terrorism.
naked_turk wrote:[SF cut: Read the newbie guide, please learn to quote selectivly.]

Anyone else think this post promotes racism? Its just too stupid to reply to, as he's just hurling random insults at arabs, but I want people's input on this. Who thinks HollyJew's post is offensive?

well- by the way you've been posting lately I wouldnt find it offensive at all. Stop trying to stir up contraversy away from your ignorant-non-informed postings.
By Classical Liberal
Let him stir up a little trouble! :lol:

So much debate risen here (Mid East forum) and has become very vociferous and fierce. Besides, I really think that post is offensive. If there's anyone trying to stir up trouble, it was Hollywood Jew. I wonder if SF is going to say something about it.
ihavenoname wrote:
well- by the way you've been posting lately I wouldnt find it offensive at all. Stop trying to stir up contraversy away from your ignorant-non-informed postings.

:p Ive post nothing but facts! Sure, I may put my own personaly opinion on the side, but everyone does that. If I have posted something misinformative, I have surely went back and corrected it. If I offended you in any of my post, thats your fault... you shouldn't let the truth hurt you.
By Efrem Da King
"Anyone else think this post promotes racism? Its just too stupid to reply to, as he's just hurling random insults at arabs, but I want people's input on this. Who thinks HollyJew's post is offensive? "

I find most of your posts offensive, suggesting that because I am jewish I think you are an idiot for not being jewish?

Hollywood jew's posts are fine by any standards but compared to your's and TS's they are brilliant.
By CasX
Hollywood Jew wrote:Even though Israel has nuclear weapons, they're far to moral and humanistic to use them.

Israel? Humanistic?

Yes...and I'm a hippopotamus.

Do you know what humanism is? If you do, please describe how you would consider Israel to be humanistic.

Maybe you'd like to refer to the Mordechai Vanunu thread, where Israel kidnapped and locked a man up in a cell measuring 3 x 2m for 11 years, for committing a brave 'crime of conscience'.

Humanism? I think not.
By GandalfTheGrey
CasX wrote:Israel? Humanistic?

Yes...and I'm a hippopotamus.

Herein lies the second biggest flaw of the Palestinian's using suicide bombing as part of their resistance(the first being that its an abomination): it fuels the myth that Israel is "humanistic".

Allow me to explain:

Every suicide attack turns the world a little more against Palestine and creates sympathy for Israel. Israel is then given a blank cheque to ostensibly root out terrorism. Whenever an Israeli attrocity is exposed, people around the world rationalise and think "well at least they don't strap a bomb to themselves and blow up innocent civilians". This feeling strengthens with every suicide bombing to the point where a clearly defined dichotomy is perceived: Palestinians=terrorism, Israel=fighters of terrorism. Suddenly the real issues, like settlements, are thrown out the window as the world instead focuses on the mythical "war on terror". In this context, Israeli actions are only seen in terms of fighting terrorism. Palestinian terrorism clearly targets civilians, but it is less obvious when the Israelis target civilians. Again, people rationalise and think "Are Israeli actions immoral? Well I'm not sure, but I sure as hell am sure that the Palestinian actions are immoral". It is not a very big quantum leap from here to come up with an equation: "Palestinian actions are definitely evil, Israeli actions are less obviouslly evil, therefore, Israeli actions are just and 'humanistic'"

There is a little more to it than this, like for example the west's tendency to stereotype Arabs as extremist terrorists. This perception logically stands in complete contrast to the perception of the democratic (and white) Israelis.
By Hollywood_jew
My definition of "Humanism" is the abilty to understand the basic human rights of every human but to act sternly when those rights are denied your citizenry, in this case, Israelis who, simply by being Jewish are targeted for death.

The people wrongly calling themselves "palestinians" have indoctronated murderers to hunt and kill Jewish infants.

They purposely target JEwish infants, and when they're successful, which is quite often, the world turns a blind eye.

but let ONE arab child even be slightly injured and the UN (lol) passes condemnation after condemnation. OF course, it's the arab states lobbying for that so it's somewhat expected.

This is why I hate arabs.
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By naked_turk
Hollywood_jew wrote:The people wrongly calling themselves "palestinians" have indoctronated murderers to hunt and kill Jewish infants.

They purposely target JEwish infants, and when they're successful, which is quite often, the world turns a blind eye.

LOL! Oh my! Now THAT is good! Congratulations! I haven't read a line full of more B$ before. You, my friend, are delusional!

I especially love the part about the world turning a blind eye... Like it isn't practically all of the (western) world who keep saying Palestinians shoot their own and blame it on the Israelis. (somehow with Israeli weapons :hmm: )
By Hollywood_jew
Firstly, I'm not your 'freind' even metaphorically speaking. Secondly, are you even aware of the amount of anti-Israeli condemnations the UN's arab lobby has passed? Nearly 500 out of 750.

Israelis don't target children. Only convicted murderers, of which there are MANY in the gaza strip. The western world, other than the US is solidly behind the arab worlds doctrine of destroying JEws and eliminating Israel.

Fortunatley, the US is too smart to follow the leader.
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By naked_turk
Hollywood_jew wrote:
Israelis don't target children. Only convicted murderers, of which there are MANY in the gaza strip.

Oh really? I was confused. I thought these images are fake!


Well I guess those BABIES must have been terrorists..

I have to ask one thing though...what the fuck do you mean "convicted murderers"? Do your beloved Israelis hold a fair trial or do they just go out and kill people and then say they were terrorists? You are really wearing out my patience, kid.
By Hollywood_jew
some idiotic picture of a generic infant is your proof? You're going to have to do better than that "kid".. I can show you Jewish body parts till the cows come home.

YES you spitoon of a child, Israel targets convicted murderers.

Arabs target infant children. It's part of the koran. Idiot.
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By naked_turk
Hollywood_jew wrote:some idiotic picture of a generic infant is your proof? You're going to have to do better than that "kid".. I can show you Jewish body parts till the cows come home.

YES you spitoon of a child, Israel targets convicted murderers.

Arabs target infant children. It's part of the koran. Idiot.

Yes. Pictures of generic dead PALESTINIAN infants are my proof. Show me Jewish body parts blown off by suicide attacks. I don't care. Theres a difference here. These bombers attack randomly and blow away random people in a given area. Your army on the other hand, my dear HollyJew, TARGETED those babies with guns! Hell, your fucking gov't supports the army doing this, and as we all know, Israel is a "democracy." Just goes to show how much Israeli voters are "humanistic" and "moral", eh?

Further, Israel CANNOT target "convicted murderers." There is no legitimate court trial for these people to be "convicted" in; you little imbecile :p .

So you think its part of the Koran to be targeting Jew children? Eize melekh! :lol: I think I'll just leave you to your sick fantasies. I guess this must be what they teach you guys. No wonder the IDF is always so eager to shoot Palestinian kids.
By Nox
Hollywood_jew wrote:Arabs target infant children. It's part of the koran. Idiot.

I have read the Quaran. I don't remember that part. Please educate me on the part I missed.

By the way ... I won't call you friend ... I don't want your wrath and ire.

By Classical Liberal
Arabs target infant children. It's part of the koran. Idiot.

Part of the Koran!? Part of the Koran!? As far as I know, targeting children isn't part of the Pillars of Islam, and I don't remember any religious scholars saying, "Hey! Guess what? The Koran itself promotes terrorism and the killing of children! Isn't that something?"

That comment is just blatantly racist and biggotted. Shame on you, Hollywood Jew! I am surprised it hasn't been deleted. Since you seem to know so much about the Koran, do tell us about its promotion of killing kids.
By sokath
Hollywood_jew wrote:YES you spitoon of a child


Arabs target infant children. It's part of the koran. Idiot.

Do not blantantly insult other board members. I'm already growing tired of having to scold you for your actions. Tone it down, and grow up.

And have you even read the Koran, or are you simply spitting off the hate propaganda that's been fed to you? If the latter is the case, I suggest you get out and do some research/thinking for yourself.


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By Demosthenes
Well I've been staying out of this mess in here but it's not just HJ who's stirring up this ruckus...

Maybe everybody should relax a little no matter how we feel about this subject...
By GandalfTheGrey
The Koran commands arabs to target children?

Well there's one simple solution to this debate. Holly. Jew, produce one passage in the Koran where this is stated. Otherwise, stop stirring up hate with blatant lies.

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