Police raid apartments from which Kahane websites operated - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Police raided apartments in Jerusalem and the nearby Kfar Tapuah on Monday morning, from where two Web sites affiliated with the outlawed extreme rightwing Kahane Chai (Kahane Lives) movement were operated.
Six far-right activists were held for questioning on suspicion of updating two Web sites that contain information in Hebrew, English, and Russian representing the ideology of the extremist movement, which was outlawed after the assassination of prime minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1995.

The "Kahane Lives" movement is named for far-right Rabbi Meir Kahane, who was assassinated in New York in November 1990 by an Egyptian extremist.

One of the sites contains a frequently asked questions page, which explains the importance of revenge in Judaism. The site also contains discussion groups and enables visitors to hold chats. The sites are still active because they operate on servers located outside of Israel.

During the raid police confiscated computers, literature on operating Web sites and other equipment.

Police have been holding an undercover investigation into the site operators for the past three months. The six people who were arrested are expected to be indicted.

Kahane activists said Monday in response to the arrests that despite the confiscation of their equipment, "police will not shut our mouth."
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By trainspotter9
Palestine should also learn from Israel how to develop a world class army and nuclear weapons program so that no one can fuk with it again. While they're at it, the Palestinians should also learn from the Israelis how to take over the American media, engage in mass-apartheid against a weaker ethnic group group, and censure all information about the apartheid in the American media.
And maybe BOTH sides has issues? Oh wait! The PALESTINIANS only kill CIVILIANS because they're fighting for their HOMELAND right? THAT STILL DOESN'T JUSTIFY IT!
By Furious Angel
trainspotter9 wrote:Palestine should also learn from Israel how to develop a world class army and nuclear weapons program so that no one can fuk with it again. While they're at it, the Palestinians should also learn from the Israelis how to take over the American media, engage in mass-apartheid against a weaker ethnic group group, and censure all information about the apartheid in the American media.

Yeah, right. Soon you will also say that all the banks are in Jewish control, and that Jews want to take over the world, right?

Be real- if Jews are realy rulling the media, why does CNN so anti-Israel.

Secondly, Israel doesn't do apartheid- because palestinians anyway don't live in the same places as Israelis(and when I say Israelis I mean Israeli Arabs as well). The fence only indicate the exact line.
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By Boondock Saint
the Palestinians should also learn from the Israelis how to take over the American media


I love how foreigners have made up their mind that the US media is Jew controlled ...

You should see my local rag 'Newsday' they blast Isreal every chance they get.

The call Hamas suicide bombers 'martyrs' and 'insurgents' not terrorists or criminals.

The blasted Isreal for killing Yassin, killing a holy man ... not a terror leader.

Many foreigners constantly tell me how my media is ... what do they base this on? FOX news I guess ...

The Jews here in NY hate Newsday because they dont paint Isreal as some innocent victim ... but Newsday doesnt stop its attack on Isreal it just goes on with it.
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By trainspotter9
Boondock, the fact that the U.S. media doesn't paint Israel as a straight up apartheid state shows how pro-Israeli the U.S. media, and by consequence, U.S. society is. The fact that both presidential contestants have shown their solidarity with Israel in this presidential race goes to show how important it is to placate the Zionists in the U.S. media.

I live in Canada so I get many U.S. channels. It is amazing how much they ignore the apartheid going on. Absolutely disgusting.

Think about it for a second. Don't think about the suicide bombings threatening Western civilization. Don't think about the savage Palestinians at the gates of our 'rational' Judeo-Christian civilization. Just think about what Israel is doing in the occupied territories. They are building colonies, and bulldozing Palestinians homes within a certain distance of these Jewish colonies (for security reasons and without any court orders- the Palestinians have no rights). They are confiscating Palestinian water sources and giving the Jewish immigrants from the U.S. and South America several times more water than the native Arabs.

Just think about that.. It's amazing how much repeating a certain message can make people tolerate amazing evil. If you repeat that the Palestinians are savage Arabs enough times, people start to believe it is ok, in fact justified that they are being robbed in the occupied territories.

The Palestinians have effectively been dehumanized in the U.S. media by painting them as savage, nihilistic barbarians. People don't really get shocked when they hear that Israel is doing all of these things to the entire Arab population in the occupied territories, because at some level, they believe the Arabs had it coming for their savagry.

The first Palestinian suicide bombings took place in 1994. The systematic colonization of the occupied territories and theft of Arab land and water by Israel has been taking place since 1967 (and this is ignoring the thefts that took place since 1948).

How can any ally of the U.S. do this and still remain an ally? As I said, it is amazing what you can get away with once you dehumanize a people.

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