If modern liberals had to face early-WWII battles - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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By Gothmog
Let me see, so we have people comparing the achievements of USA military in Iraq with those of Midway. This comparison is laughable. The USN defeated a superior enemy in Midway (despite the fact that poor placing of forces actually resulted in Japan having less aircraft than the USA in the Midway area), and this victory sealed the fate of the Japanese Navy as an offensive force. They were never able to advance in the Pacific again after Midway. The Iraqi resistance, on the other hand, despite being completely outgunned and outclassed by USA forces is Iraq is going stronger and, to the extent I know, have received no fatals or decisive blows, quite the opposite. Casualties odds of maybe 10-20:1 for the USA army are completely compatible with those of counterinsurgencies. It´s likely that both the Soviets in Afghanistan and the USA in Vietnam were able to inflict the same casualties to their enemies, however, in both cases they were defeated. Actually, the casualties daily rates for USA troops is approaching that of USSR in Afghanistan, the difference being likely related to the best medical care the USA soldiers rceive. The biggest "victory" of USA troops was the bgattle of Fallujah, but it seems the insurgency there is alive and well, giving the fact they were able to kill ten USA soldiers yesterday.
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By Zagadka
Wow, Ake, that's a mighty big strawman! Did you put it up all by yourself, or did your dad help?

I love playing the "let's connect two completely different topics and use them to make a stupid ass point" game. We can now see how clearly the Spanish Inquisition was right in being suspect, and how Vietnam was an utter domino effect of a letdown. Thank God for Senator McCarthy, who prevented Communists from infiltrating... um... well, the movies. And stuff. Mind control - the way to go! It even rhymes! Put it in your sig, it'll look snappy.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Well let's face it, the American-left is more like nazi Germany then not.

They have an elite race. Though in liberal's case, it's whatever they classifefy as "minority". This is a vain title that fits whoever they want it to whenever it's convient for them.

They both want to destroy the Jews.

They both are primarily madeup of white people.

They both try to fool others into believing they're a noble socialism when they have no real intention to be a socialism, just get more people to rally behind them.

Infact, I'd say the nazis were actually BETTER then the modern left, they used less deception, whined alot less, and atleast showed some respect for religon in thier own twisted way..
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By QatzelOk
Big Evil makes some interesting points:

Well let's face it, the American-left is more like nazi Germany then not.

The American left is certainly more like Nazi Germany than it is like the Bolivian silver beatle, or boxes of halloween candy.

They have an elite race. Though in liberal's case, it's whatever they classifefy as "minority".

That would mean that the American left has a floating pool of elite races. Not one single elite race.

This is a vain title that fits whoever they want it to whenever it's convient for them.

Editing means never having to read sentences like this one.

They both want to destroy the Jews.

Noam Chomsky would probably disagree with you here. Call him up?

They both are primarily madeup of white people.

This is where the American left, the Nazis and Girl Guides of America are the same.

They both try to fool others into believing they're a noble socialism when they have no real intention to be a socialism, just get more people to rally behind them.


Infact, I'd say the nazis were actually BETTER then the modern left,

I always suspected you were a fan.

they used less deception,

They were more transparent than a lot of modern political actors.

whined alot less,

They actually killed whiners. Can you dig it?

and at least showed some respect for religon in thier own twisted way..

Gotta give it to the Nazi and Big Evil, they both know how make religion sound like a good thing.
By MatthewJ
I see that none of the usual subject-changers and diversion artists can refute the idea that present style of American "reporting" would be considered nothing short of disgraceful, if not outright treasonous, if it were practiced in 1942.

Usually they try to pretend it's not so bad. When that's not possible, they then try to pretend others are doing just as badly, sometimes going far back in history in their attempts to find anything that bad. And when they can't even find anything back then that was as bas as what they are doing today, they simply announce that people WOULD HAVE done things just as badly if they hadn't been demonically controlled somehow.

They are not treasonous. They are merely sick.

You are wrong. Today’s Western liberal is both treasonous and sick.

I agree with the presumption made in the thread. Today’s Champagne socialist media, populated at the highest levels by white middle class Utopians is nowhere near balanced. The situation is getting quite worrying.

In fact the intellectual dishonesty, a trademark of the left, has become so blatant as to be embarrassing (As an Englishman I speak for the British Bolshevik Corporation, I don’t know about America).

Leftist dishonesty in the media (and elsewhere) usually this consists of:

1) Equating the few mistakes the West has made with its foreign policy over the years with deliberately calculating, scheming and mass murdering Eastern communists and Islamofascists (who started all this remember?)

2) Taking the moral high ground and trying to come across as an honest patriot. Trying to come across as benevolent and non-communist when in fact the statements made by said individuals or corporation are nearly always of the classical Soviet Communist ilk. If you look objectively at leftist complaints it could just have easily have come out of the mouth of Lenin himself.

3) The various points that the original poster made. Ignoring the subject or any positive developments in the war.

My problem with the left is that if one is communist and anti western then one should say so and not try and hide it behind the charade of unapproachable righteousness and touchy feely false benevolence.

I believe that the Democrats don NOT have a desire to see this country lose

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By Zagadka
You are wrong. Today’s Western liberal is both treasonous and sick.

You are wrong. I am sick, but I'm not really treasonous.

Today’s Champagne socialist media


populated at the highest levels by white middle class Utopians is nowhere near balanced

Yep, Ted Turner and Rupert Murdoch are the definition of "champagne socialist white middle class Utopians".

In fact the intellectual dishonesty, a trademark of the left

And copyright 1932. That'll be 3 cents for your use of the term, payable to The Left, 1 Commie Lane, San Francisco, CA

1) Equating the few mistakes the West has made with its foreign policy over the years


*falls over laughing*

with deliberately calculating, scheming and mass murdering Eastern communists and Islamofascists (who started all this remember?)

I'm gonna bet that your history books don't say "the imperialist European nations who carelessly mismanaged vast regions of the globe in mad glee for the material wealth.

2) Taking the moral high ground and trying to come across as an honest patriot.

Taking hte moral high ground, OK, you've got us there. I guess that excludes being an honest patriot, though.

3) The various points that the original poster made. Ignoring the subject or any positive developments in the war.

Very detailed reasoning.

My problem with the left is that if one is communist and anti western then one should say so and not try and hide it behind the charade of unapproachable righteousness and touchy feely false benevolence.

Your problem with the left is that you are so sadly biggoted against anyone who disagrees with you that you are incapable of seeing them in any objective light. Instead, you blindly throw ditto-head remarks like "champagne liberal" and call them damned commies. Somewhat like you just did. In fact, very much like you just did.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Course I don't think the America-left is socialist, I'm socialist. (IE: The goverment should control the market and all money for that matter.. It's a conservative view on economics. I'm just an all around conservative lucky me..)

And I can tell ya, a socialist (atleast myself) wouldn't put up with those damn winey pricks. I'd beat them to a pulp, pee on them, and starve them to death just like they did to fucking Terry Shaivo. Let freedom ring..
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By Potemkin
So you would claim that you are on the anti-liberal Left, Big Evil?
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Whatever floats your boat, I just believe what I believe and hate who I hate. Maybe the world would be a better place if everyone else thought so simplistic and straight-foward..

Ofcourse that's why I get along fine with Republicans depsite our economic differances, they know how to Get R Dun'.. :lol:
By wonder cow
Course I don't think the America-left is socialist, I'm socialist. (IE: The goverment should control the market and all money for that matter.. It's a conservative view on economics. I'm just an all around conservative lucky me..)

Big Evil is a conservative (right) and a socialist (left)?


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By Comrade Ogilvy
Freedom (wether economic or social) is like an immaginary friend.

You tolerate it with kids cause you know, they're kids..
Then when you get older they either grow out of it or are just crazy..
By wonder cow
Freedom (wether economic or social) is like an immaginary friend.

Big Evil, I think you might qualify as imaginary yourself.

And the next time you try to make a profound point ( :lol: ) you may want to consider using a spell checker. immaginary - 1m = imaginary

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