If White People are Economically Privileged, Shouldn't They Have to Pay a White Person Tax? - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Political and non-political satire; all those terribly biased analogies live here.

It's only fair. The only rational answer to all of this white privilege and the obvious economic advantage it gives is to have whites pay a tax. Anything less than that is not really trying to solve the problem since white privilege obviously exists and is ingrained on a fundamental level into every part of our society, so half-measures that seek to fix something so ingrained that you can't help doing it will never work and will never be enough. #whiteprivilegetax

Needless to say, this would not apply to me because I sexually identify as a battlemech and my preferred pronoun is "honor".

Spoiler: show
Did you just assume my loadout?
Its important to realise that a lot of leftists are White supremacist racists, yes that's right, they believe that White people are genetically superior in intelligence to non White people. This is what many believe in their heart of hearts and a few are more conscious of. They share the belief of the most uncouth right. However this leads them to the diametric opposite conclusions of the racist right.

So many on the left believe in the White man's burden on steroids. This also explains the Lefts hateful contempt for the White underclass. These are people who have failed despite their superior genetic, economic and cultural inherited advantage. Given my empathic nature, I have to confess I'm not entirely without sympathy for the lefties feelings. I don't know about you, but the feeling I get from watching an SS marching formation and the people at a Donald Trump rally are somewhat different. When watching the latter, I'm not entirely convinced that I'm looking at the vanguard of the Master race.
@anaswad wesplain seems to be a site where anyone can write an "article" it's basically no more mainstream than some random tumbler or PoFo post.

Also, privilege can be more than just class based. Or economic, the fact that I get randomly pulled over less and am far less likely to be arrested for possession is a privilege I have.

Correcting privilege by dealing with the root causes of the fact that I get arrested less is great. Doing it by arresting me more is not what 99% of "sjw's" would suggest as a fair correction. In the same way 99% of them would suggest correcting economic differences by dealing with root causes and helping minorities, not by simply taxing all white people.

This is literally the first time I've ever heard of this idea and I probably read far more "sjw" stuff than most of PoFo excepting perhaps the altright people who obsess over it.
A progressive tax system already exists. Implement it if you can or want.

The proposal itself is stupid because it will only increase the divide in the country. Also it is unfair and treats a part of the population unjust compared to the other. Why should you force people with white skin to pay more taxes compared to the rest? It assumes that all white people are rich which is not the case. There are rich caucasians and there are poor caucasians. This is discrimination.
This is typical of rightwing professional victims. Accuse people of making some outrageous claim that they didn't, then get to feel victimized.

One is reminded of the time a rightwing cry baby on this forum was asked to provide a single instance where he had been called a racist as he was crying about.

Deafening silence followed.

Regardless, this OP is clearly satire and not legitimate. I'd prefer you don't trash up on-topic subjects with your emotional outbursts.
Why are Marxists discussing white privilege?

It was never the policy of the old communists in Europe and the US.

The communists of today are not following the correct line. They are revisionists and do not know what they are doing.

It is silly to try and discuss white privilege in countries where the majority of the working population are white. It will alienate the workers and stand in the way of the road towards socialism. Unless it is an apartheid state where a minority elite rule over a non-white majority, it is pointless to discuss such concepts.
I would disagree, there is no institutional discrimination in first world countries at the current time.
There is a class discrimination. Look at all the cases SJWs and all the other liberals keep talking about whether pull overs or shooting unarmed people or etc.
Compare it between black areas and white areas and then between lower class areas and middle or upper class areas and you'll see that these things happen generally more in poorer areas regardless of race or gender.
The thing is that makes the US stands out in the industrialized world is that the US was late to end discrimination policies between races thus black people have many of them being poor, while in other countries there proportions between classes is pretty much the same as white people since they had time to redistribute among classes.

If you live in a normal lower-middle class area for example, you're less likely to be pulled over or arrested or shot than if you lived in a ghetto. Regardless of your race.
A lot of it is also age. I remember 4 other white boys and I decided to go to Canada. My dad insisted we take a letter from our local police chief with us. We thought it was silly. Sure enough, 5 white teenage boys driving through Detroit was enough to get us pulled over. The letter was the only thing that prevented an extensive interrogation.
I strongly advise everyone to grow up. Everybody that voted for Trump is still alive. Everybody that voted for Bernie is still around. Nobody is being rounded up, and sent to detention centers, a la Pinochet. If somebody doesn't like you, or mocks you, or publicly humiliates you...grow a pair. You want to change things, then stop being such a snowflake and get to work.
Political Interest wrote:Why are Marxists discussing white privilege?

if that was in my direction, I was defending my right to move a garbage topic to a garbage forum.

This said, the construction of racial identity is not outside the Marxist purview:

Marx wrote:A Negro is a Negro. Only under certain conditions does he become a slave. A cotton-spinning machine is a machine for spinning cotton. Only under certain conditions does it become capital. Torn away from these conditions, it is as little capital as gold is itself money, or sugar is the price of sugar.

In the process of production, human beings work not only upon nature, but also upon one another. They produce only by working together in a specified manner and reciprocally exchanging their activities. In order to produce, they enter into definite connections and relations to one another, and only within these social connections and relations does their influence upon nature operate – i.e., does production take place.

These social relations between the producers, and the conditions under which they exchange their activities and share in the total act of production, will naturally vary according to the character of the means of production. With the discover of a new instrument of warfare, the firearm, the whole internal organization of the army was necessarily altered, the relations within which individuals compose an army and can work as an army were transformed, and the relation of different armies to another was likewise changed.

We thus see that the social relations within which individuals produce, the social relations of production, are altered, transformed, with the change and development of the material means of production, of the forces of production. The relations of production in their totality constitute what is called the social relations, society, and, moreover, a society at a definite stage of historical development, a society with peculiar, distinctive characteristics.
anasawad wrote:@mikema63
I would disagree, there is no institutional discrimination in first world countries at the current time.
There is a class discrimination. Look at all the cases SJWs and all the other liberals keep talking about whether pull overs or shooting unarmed people or etc.
Compare it between black areas and white areas and then between lower class areas and middle or upper class areas and you'll see that these things happen generally more in poorer areas regardless of race or gender.
The thing is that makes the US stands out in the industrialized world is that the US was late to end discrimination policies between races thus black people have many of them being poor, while in other countries there proportions between classes is pretty much the same as white people since they had time to redistribute among classes.

If you live in a normal lower-middle class area for example, you're less likely to be pulled over or arrested or shot than if you lived in a ghetto. Regardless of your race.

There is an important term to describe race relations in the US., De facto. when a certain race relation is enshrined in law it is de jure. Segregation in the Jim Crow south was de jure. De facto is when something is in effect true whether or not it's specifically put in law. In many school districts in the US for instance you have de facto segregation because of the way our school zones are organized and funded. Some schools are almost entirely white or entirely african american and predominantly minority schools have lower funding since the bulk of the funding from our public school system is from local property taxes.

De Facto vs De Jure is a way to point out that just because Uncle Sam doesn't lay out laws that specifically target minorities doesn't mean that they don't in effect hurt those communities. An instance of this is the war on drugs, which aids to Nixon actually stated after the fact was a way to target black and hippie communities that were seen as enemy's of the administration.

Now to your point about economic discrimination. This isn't an unfair point, but there is the question of cause and effect here. I would allege that things like the war on drugs, which puts huge numbers of african american men in prison and seperates them from their families hurts those communities economically. As does the US justice systems propensity to levy huge financial costs. We have in place networks of laws that make it impossible for these communities as a whole to drag themselves out of poverty because there schools are worse than average, they are disproportionatly jailed, they find it harder to get a job (experiments have been done that show that identical resumes with only the name changed to a sterotypically white or black name have very different call back rates to the detriment of blacks), etc. etc.

How can you say that all of this is because they are poor and not that because of these laws they are poor?
I didn't say that there aren't policies that had direct effect on the black community.
The war on drugs indeed did make a large portions of the African and Latino communities in the US worse off and disproportionatly damaged them, due to the fact that drugs were common in their community since it was an attempt used to get out of the state that former discrimination caused on them.
However the current situation is not due to race but rather due to class. A rich African American for example will not receive any of such treatment, quite the opposite.

Now for the resumes point, that prejudice with the people and should not be conflicted with institutionalized discrimination.

For the schools point. Sure, black communities don't seem to have very good schools, but in the same time, the difference between it and schools of other areas is not that large actually. No offense but your entire educational system is falling apart and have been having poor and to some extent terrible results since quite a while even by your own media and government admission.
And just like with the previous point, the difference in schools per case is notable between the type of areas they're in.
Schools in poorer areas are worse off than schools in middle class or upper class areas. Ok, upper class have private schools so much better.

If the US fixed its income and wealth inequality problem, and thus fixing its poverty problem which is massive in scale. African Americans wont have so much problems. And thats really in a way a rule of thumb in a capitalist system, the poorer you're, the worse your condition will be and worse you're treated. Regardless of race, religion, origins, etc. Black people are where they are because of poverty. They're shot for example more than white people because just like with every ghetto or poor area in the world, police forces tend to be more aggressive and hostile towards it, with rare exceptions.
The above arguments are valid and oft repeated, but they still simplify the problem. I believe anyone, like myself, who has actively tried to hire blacks understand it is not simply a matter of just giving someone a job.
Many of them feel working a minimum wage job is for suckers. It is often seen as a way to work a few days and then get unemployment. Theft is more likely. This applies just as well to poor whites who have grown up with a bad family model. It is not their race, but the culture that has produced them. Yes, this is partly due to the things mentioned, but so what? You can not make people better simply by forcing them to go to school and giving them a job. A person's personality is pretty well established before they even enter school. Change is slowly happening, but if you want it to happen faster, then you need to look at kids being removed very early from homes.
Breeden, who works at a printing plant nearby, pays the park owner $325 a month for lot rental, rubbish collection and water supply. There's also $150 to pay monthly for electricity, $60 property tax, and $220 to Samantha's parents who lent them the $16,000 (£10,000) to buy the home.

A lot of white Americans live in mobile homes like Breeden who works at a printing plant. I have also encountered working-class Brits working in construction and they are the least privileged people I have ever seen. On average, whites are better off than minorities but it all depends on each individual.
A person's personality is pretty well established before they even enter school.

I disagree, quite a lot actually. People can and do change all the time, most don't because they surround themselves with friends and information that reinforces their beliefs and attitudes. If you want people to change you need to put them in an environment where they are surrounded with and cannot avoid being influenced by better ideas, beliefs, and attitudes. A school would be the perfect place to do this, as would community programs, peer programs, and stuff like big brother/ big sister.
mikema63 wrote:I disagree, quite a lot actually. People can and do change all the time, most don't because they surround themselves with friends and information that reinforces their beliefs and attitudes. If you want people to change you need to put them in an environment where they are surrounded with and cannot avoid being influenced by better ideas, beliefs, and attitudes. A school would be the perfect place to do this, as would community programs, peer programs, and stuff like big brother/ big sister.

Actually, I believe we are in agreement. You said most don't change and I said change was happening slowly. Some people definitely do change and we are doing some things right, but if we want more or faster change, then it will require more dramatic action. The question becomes, are what we doing changing people for the better faster than the number of people being coerced into a lifestyle that is unacceptable to most of us. It looked like we were for quite awhile and now it looks like it is headed the other way. :hmm: The reasons for this is probably a separate discussion.
I was originally going to post this thread to satire but it wouldn't let me. Then I thought to myself, political circus is okay because Poe's Law, you could actually see some of the more wacky SJWs arguing for this. Relevant:


Another good one recently was an SJW twitter posting that we shouldn't call babies "he" or "she" because it assumes their gender and they can't even talk yet, so they can't tell us which gender they want to be! It's ableist, ageist and trans-phobic to call a baby he or she, we should call them "babyself".

I'm actually starting to like this though, being referred to as "honor" is pretty sweet.

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