Satire Week Beginning 07/02/05 - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Political and non-political satire; all those terribly biased analogies live here.
By Lord_Tito
You realy dont like Spongebob, do you :?:
By bradley
that last one is nice

barney rubble - gay?
By era o divertimento
(Author's Note: A knowledge of Michael Swift's Gay Manifesto is required)

This essay is conforming dementia, a logical true slice of realism, an inner swell of righteousness on how the oppressors will continue on their merry way.

We will hear rumors of our ultra-masculine sons being sodomized in our schools, sporting arenas, churches and truck stops, where men should be in a safe heterosexual environment. We will cast blame where it belongs - on everyone and everything other than our sons. They will be recast in our image. They will fear you and destroy you.

Our women will re-learn their place in this great country. They will be satisfied by our minutes of love and our disinterest in their non-masculine thoughts. Only we can please a woman in this way. We will give them children and they will raise them after we leave. Only we understand the real needs of a woman, and we will commit our undying, singular love to as many as we are able.

All homosexuals will be systematically destroyed because this is God's will. We will change the laws all the way to the constitution to make you irrelevant. We will hold a multitude of meetings amongst thousands of our most prominent, creating laws that the righteous must live by and destroy your well-thought-out agenda.

All heterosexuals will continue standing together, united in our righteousness. We will triumph only when we have destroyed those whose perversions are allowed out of their bedrooms.

We will call you faggot, fairy, queer, and dehumanize you, as is our right under the watchful eye of Jesus Christ.

We shall boycott and mock your artistic endeavors. We will watch your lackluster television shows and cinematic creations and burst into morality-inspired violence. And then we will watch them again. We will build statues of leaders such as George W. Bush, Ronald Reagan and Jesse Helms, and you will cower beneath their innate manliness.

We will look at your efforts to validate your perverted lifestyle with disdain. Your depictions of your choice of lifestyle will be mocked and held against you. We will chuckle at your wit when seen from afar. When it stares us in the face we will explode in irrational violence.

We will send those of you stupid enough to flaunt your choice of perversion back into your secure closets. We will accuse any who accept you as human as one of you. We will joke openly about you. You will be taken out of our ranks via legislation and hatred. Our beds will be cleansed.

There will be no compromises. You are middle-class weaklings. Our scientists will show that you are a mistake. The word of our God claims you to be an abomination, and we will grasp tightly any finding to show the truth of his word. You will flee our natural heterosexuality.

Your armies will implode in nit-picking and emotional turmoil, as is your way. You will band together and hide in a non-existent homeland. Your immorality and perversions will sit you next to Satan along with the Jews, Muslims and all who defy the rightful God of this great nation.

The family unit will continue unabated. Our divorce rates will continue to soar because our natural, righteous outlook cannot support the love of just one human and the responsibility it entails. Your attempts to create your own family unit encased in perverted love will be outlawed, as is God's will.

Our churches will thrive because God lives in them. Your minions who have infiltrated God's house will be ignored, and their victims paid off. Your efforts to defile our God will never see the light of day.

Our society will continue unabated. Power will be held by the select few of us whom God decrees. Indulgence and art will be destroyed. You, like shellfish, are an abomination of the lord. All males who defy God and the natural order of his 6,000-year universe will be destroyed. Only then will we begin feeding on ourselves, abolishing those who have the temerity to have unclean thoughts.

You will be written out of history, because you have made no advances toward the civilization God has requested. The films of Geffen and others of your despicable ilk will be shelved. Navratilova and any so-called athlete will have their records stripped from them. The music of The Who will be burned. The entire fashion industry will be eliminated along with male figure skating. You have offered us nothing, and that is where you will live.

We will be victorious because that is God's will. You will be oppressed continually until you are no longer. We have learned hard lessons from the plight of the black man and of women. We will no longer allow a foothold to the unclean or undeserving. This is God's war, not only ours. Our public servants understand God's laws, and those that don't will be arrested and murdered. We will hate you because you are not like us and we fear you. We hate you much more than the Muslims or Hitlers of this world. We will never admit it, but they have the right ideas. Any revolution will end with us victorious.

Tremble, faggots, when we rip your masks off, eliminate you and bathe in God's glory.
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By Adrien
Dark Canuck's third cartoon wrote:Move ta France, nancyboy!

By Lord_Tito

This whone was real good :up:
By Saf
I'm sure glad that visionary president George W. Bush stopped the genocide in Sudan.

Also, your ignorance with regards to the fabricated social security crisis astounds me.
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By The American Lion
I dont believe there will be some money for me in 50 years. Also I want the right to use my money for my porpuse. SS is for me only! Not for my aunt or my grandparents.
By repr0bate
Also I want the right to use my money for my porpuse.


By graymouser
This one earned a spot on my tackboard at work.

By Smith 2.0

The fact that you're a genocide denier is pretty […]

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