Tech-func blueprint sent to noname design-competition! - Politics | PoFo

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Trying to keep the flame of Technocratic Functionalism alive, I sent the blueprint to this exhibition:

I am looking forward to hearing their response! I hope they will like it :)

Meanwhile, I am willing to answer any question people have about Technocratic Functionalism, to the best of my abilities. I believe that this new doctrine is well thought out, and that I have a good answer for every possible question.

Bring it on! 8)

Oh, I almost forgot (Every post I make seem to get an add-on)

The blueprint:
I'm not sure I understood the question, but the general idea is that politics will be more stable when parliament does not have the right to elect the government, but simply provides a quality-check on the policies created by that government, hindering those proposals who are not good enough from being implemented.

The government must off course be elected by the Tech-Func party-congress, the foundation of the political system. This is the only way to make sure that society does not fall back into the trap of primitive and criminal parliamentarianism, the system that trashes the environment and declares war on nations that could have been their allies.
the problem i see is that your giving the power to elect people into government to the interested party itself, its like making a board to regulate an industry and then putting the ceo's in charge of the regulations. the abuse would be magnificent.

and besides that, does that mean people who dont agree with the party itself (and through it you) dont deserve representation in your government? then its not a democracy or a republic. its a one party dictatorship.
Liberalminded people both on the left and right tend to use their bad habit of of intense suspicion and paranoia against everyone - always thinking the worst about everybody - as an argument against anyone who disagree with the established order. This is a false argument. If all people are corrupt crap, then it will have a huge negative effect on the outcome of any political system

The party-leadership must work hard to recruit good people to the party, and be quick to expel the bad apples. Even though party-membership is not for everyone, there will be an inner democracy within the parties. That goes for both the Tech-Func party that elects the government, and the four other parties that sits in parliament.
i dont like the status quo, but what i would like to see is very different from this, you put interested parties as legislators, and people always respond to incentives. each of your parties in government are special interests and then you have a one party government, we already have enough trouble with special interests as it is now.
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