Is anti racism actually rasist ? - Politics | PoFo

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#13554965 ... ly-racist/ Yesterday, after I wrote that “the EU, multiculturalism, the Equalities Act, anti-racism, hate crimes, bastardised human rights, Marx, Marxist feminism, Marcuse and Gramsci” all belong in history’s dustbin, lots of people screamed: “If you’re anti-anti-racism that means you’re pro-racism!”

So I thought I’d help your deprogramming with a little explanation.

“Anti-racism” is not the same as being opposed to racism; rather it is the name sometimes given to a particular authoritarian view of what racism is, and how it can be combated.

The conventional definition of racism is the belief that “race” (however one defines that) is a primary or significant cause of differences between men; that some of these races are superior to others; and that it is acceptable to discriminate on grounds of race, or to behave unpleasantly to someone because of their race. The term dates to the 1930s, although “racialist” and “racialism” go back to the Edwardian period.

“Anti-racism” means something altogether different, and is best explained by the Civitas book Racist Murder and Pressure Group Politics, an account of the Salem-like events that gripped Britain in the 1990s. The authors cite the example of the Central Council for Education and Training in Social Work (CCETSW), which in 1991 set out the implementation of its new Diploma in Social Work.

The first tenet was “the self-evident truth” that “racism is endemic in the values, attitudes and structures of British society”.

The training manual then stated “steps need to be taken to promote permeation of all aspects of the curriculum by an anti-racist analysis”. All “racist materials” had to be withdrawn from the syllabus and CCETSW would decide what was racist.

In the rules there would be no freedom of speech for opinions that can be constructed as “racist” or favourable to “racism”, and “anti-racist practice requires the adoption of explicit values”. The first value is that individual problems have roots in “political structures” and “not in individual or cultural pathology”. (In other words, if different groups have different outcomes in terms of education or crime levels, it is all the fault of British racism, not of individuals).

A second value is that racial oppression and discrimination are everywhere to be found in British society, even when invisible. In other words, impossible to disprove!

This is “anti-racism”, and it is heavily influenced by a Marxist interpretation of race. Oliver Cox’s 1948 work Class, Caste and Race presents the idea that race originates in “a practical exploitative relationship” used to justify the exploitation of one group by another as part of capitalism.

Racism is created to justify imperialism, exploitation, and scapegoating when things go wrong, and to divide the population to prevent class consciousness from forming.

Racism, therefore, is a product of western, European society, which is why those schooled in British academia are so bad at seeing racism when it is committed by non-whites, because only whites can really be racist.

This, itself, is a racist idea, because it views only whites as being fully sentient actors capable of committing right and wrong, when of course racism, like all human feelings and failings, is universal.

So if you consider yourself an “anti-racist”, you are, in fact, a racist.
What else to say, decision is all yours.
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By yiwahikanak
Sorry, I don't accept your definitions.
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By Leon Trotsky
Sorry, I don't accept your definitions.

Me neither.

You posted your own interpretation of what is anti-racism and then attacked that instead, which is basically a strawman.

Support your claim using evidence, then we can talk.
By Aidand
Well first off there is a lot of racism in British Society. There always has been and I don't think that this statement is far off. Moreover I think a school curriculum is a rather dubious example of freedom of speech since student already have very little input in them and a taught them- they don't debate them. I don't think that its all that bad to put anti-sexist, racist or facist ideas. Even let the experiences of those things explain themselve. There might be a danger that our civics education books might contain to many gypsy, immigrant and other minority stories; probably because they suffer most from racism in relation to how much they suffer and how often.
Thats important because the concentration on the indegenious populations prejudice is because they have more economic, political and social status in general and have the power to act on that prejudice or in other words discriminate.
I don't deny that some indegenious people can suffer prejudice and discrimination either and I actually think that suffer prejudice on the behalf of their home population as well. I mean of course the working poor who are constantly mytholagised about as waisters etc. But thats going off point.
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By ChildOfTheDamned
Anti racism puts such a focus on race, which to me seems counter productive in multi cultural societies.

The last thing minorities need is for well meaning people to continually hand them a victim mentality, which they will almost inevitably adopt via a sub conscious self fullfilling prophecy. It's unintentioned propaganda. This strategy has not worked well.
By zollen
Racism happens in every society and in every race. This is definitely not invented by the western cultures. Racism is a product of our own ignorance/fears of other races and cultures. Nothing more.

Superior races are those who have the abilities to learn from and to appreciate the strength of other races, and they should have the same capacity to recognize their own short-comings and attempt to improve themselves.
Yes, anti-racism is essentially anti-White.

The anti-racist movement (which is often used as a front by communists and other left wing extremists) applies double standards to race and race relations, and ONLY condemns the actions of whites against non-Whites, no matter how insignificant they might be. Not only that, they attempt to portray any attempt at White preservation as being "evil".

Anti-racism is not only racist, it's genocidal.
the op wrote:Marx, Marxist feminism, Marcuse and Gramsci” all belong in history’s dustbin


The Bolsheviks coined the term, "dustbin of history."

As has been pointed out, everything else you said is a pathetic attempt to redefine things to your liking so you can attack a straw man.
.................anti-racist, ie racism directed toward those initially labelled as racist...............
Typical neocon dialectics, 180 spin on the fact.
As neocons say, the truth is not for all and as such should not be wasted on everyone. State what it is needed for them too be told.
Reserve the truth. :coffee:
"Racism" is not about prejudices. It was an ideology which was used by certain group/s to justify the exploitation of another group/s.
In this historical context, there is no such thing as "Racism against white"
Racism" is not about prejudices.

Yes it is. We used the term well before the Frankfurt school decided that they owned the term.and redefined it to suit their Marxist claptrap. Indeed its origins go back to 1906 well before the Frankfurt school even existed.

Critical theory does not have any authority to reassign meaning to language.
We used the term well before the Frankfurt school decided that they owned the term.and redefined it to suit their Marxist claptrap. Indeed its origins go back to 1906 well before the Frankfurt school even existed.

Straw man

Yes it is.


Yes it was a straw man, I am starting to doubt, you even understand the meaning of straw man. Who here had said anything about "frankfurt school and her interpretation of term "racism" let alone that their interpretation is the only true way to see it, no one and yet you decided to attack a position that no one held, i.e. a straw man.
William van Nostrand wrote:Yes, anti-racism is essentially anti-White.

The anti-racist movement (which is often used as a front by communists and other left wing extremists) applies double standards to race and race relations, and ONLY condemns the actions of whites against non-Whites, no matter how insignificant they might be. Not only that, they attempt to portray any attempt at White preservation as being "evil".

Anti-racism is not only racist, it's genocidal.

^^^^ Agreed, although I'm not so sure I would go so far as to say anti-racism is genocidal.

We have the same problem in the states. Our Attorney General, Eric Holder, fits this definition to a 'T'.

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