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By AuRomin
ASILW - Victorianism
this is one of the political personality types of the PPQ

The English "Victorian" social tradition combined a recognition of, and acceptance of, hierarchy? with self dependence as a moral imperative. This political philosphy tolerates elitism in the pursuit of individualism?. Victorians expressed the need to “keep a stiff upper lip”, relying on charity? rather than a social safety net, and opposing (at least overtly) intervention in the economy. Deep and sincere religious belief is often part of this belief system, as well as an obligation of elites to serve the poor, though voluntarily. The arts were used predominantly for moral expressions.
Military service is respected and admired as one of the few civic obligations that is accepted as inevitable.

typical modern forms

In terms of today's politics, the ASILW often allies with right-wing politics? of social conservatives and classic liberal?s. In power, they often alienate libertarian allies.

[+] Historical context
This personality type combines these five perspectives
authoritarian,small state, individualist, idealist, wide focus.

Likes and dislikes
cutting red tape
religious or moralistic approaches to social concerns
free markets and private property
"well-prepared elites" to guide the mases
advocating change at the national or international level
Noblesse oblige

being accountable to community standards
putting too much trust in statistics or science.
addressing the symptoms rather than the "root causes"
fiscal spending
welfare over individuals 'own-effort'

Philosophy: Libertarian, Social Conservativism, Liberal-Conservatism
Alternate Nicknames: Neo-conservatives
Issues to visit:
The following issues may be of interest to you. Visit and edit these pages to reflect your beliefs.

debt relief for poor countries arms trade international treaties? social contract terrorism weapons of mass destruction? World Bank climate change habitat conservation pollution copyright? file sharing? freedom of information genetic engineering privacy tax reform globalization property rights trade urban sprawl gridlock foreign ownership? corporate social responsibility? consumer rights?
immigration multiculturalism? legalization of marijuana abortion affirmative action

(please add/remove an issue)

Famous ASILW types
English Victorian:
Benjamin Disraeli

American "neocon":
Paul Wolfowitz
Newt Gingrich
David Horowitz
Dick Cheney
Richard Perle

I wouldn't say this describes me, but it is what I got. I love how wrong these things can be.
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By Zamuel
AuRomin wrote:I wouldn't say this describes me, but it is what I got. I love how wrong these things can be.

WOW ... for sure dude!



ABILW - Hollywood Republican

this is one of the political personality types of the PPQ


Strong, even "visionary" leadership with a populist bent, this type tends to spend more on public services and public safety?, while playing to big business and social conservatism. Hollywood republicans play on patriotism? in their foreign policy.


This personality type combines these five perspectives
authoritarian, big state, individualist, idealist, wide focus

Likes and dislikes

•trust in the judgement of experts/ hand picked individuals
•prefer clear lines of authority.
•cutting red tape
•the idea that society needs a "paradigm shift"

•distributing powers to other jurisdictions.
•spending cuts
•putting too much trust in statistics.
• addressing the symptoms rather than the "root causes".

Philosophy: Corporatist Alternate Nicknames: (suggest a different nickname for this type)

Issues to visit:

The following issues may be of interest to you. Visit and edit these pages to reflect your beliefs.

immigration drinking age drug policy? employment entrepreneurship gun control health care human rights legalization of marijuana public safety? freedom of religion welfare United Nations agriculture energy intellectual property tax reform globalization economic growth waste management rural development

(please add/remove an issue)

Famous Hollywood Republicans

Ronald Reagan
Arnold Swartzenegger

Now THAT's a mind blower !

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By Ummon
DBILW - Internationalist
this is one of the political personality types of the PPQ


This personality is a “democracy without borders” point of view that promotes human rights and seeks a just and progressive world order.

This personality type combines these five perspectives:
democrat, big state, individualist, idealist, wide focus.

Likes and dislikes
sensitivity to inequalities of power and influence
prefers negotiation to use of force.
government support for people or industries who experience misfortune
looking to scriptures, rights, or treaties.
society is in need of a "paradigm shift."
overt patriotism
working from overly abstract “models.”
addressing the symptoms rather than the "root causes."

Philosophy: Liberal Democrat
Alternate Nicknames: (suggest a different nickname for this type)

Issues to visit:
The following issues may be of interest to you. Visit and edit these pages to reflect your beliefs.

for: UN reform, civil rights, fair trade, public education, public health care, same-sex marriage
against: arms trade, war on terror, war on drugs? death penalty, free trade

(please add/remove an issue)

Famous Internationalists
Woodrow Wilson
M.K. Gandhi
Robert Pearson
Lloyd Axworthy
Frollein wrote:ENTP, for what it's worth...
Saeko wrote:Let's be personality buddies! ^.^
Only 2.8% of the population have the privilege to share this most exalted personality type. We are the crème de la crème! *high fives*
By anasawad
Not sure, i think its accurate in some places but terribly wrong in other places.
The test addresses the people of the US as far as i think. Which makes it unable to bring full results on people living under different systems and communities.

Anyways. My results :

DBIRN - Modernist Democrat

Democratic modernists support the reform of individual government institutions and programs (e.g health care, education, democratic reform) to become more efficient and provide better services.

This personality type combines these five perspectives:
democrat, big state, individualist, rationalist, narrow focus

the “wisdom of crowds.”
improving the social safety net.
security measures to improve their personal safety.
support for artistic pursuits.
seeking long term "efficiency" for programs.
that quality of life issues best decided locally.
elitism, or rule by experts.
secrecy and the withholding of information.
worrying about being popular or fashionable.
single issue politics.
trying to make everyone dance to the same tune.

Philosophy: Liberal Democrat

(Not sure if this is part of the description but 'll copy anyways)
Issues to visit:
The following issues may be of interest to you. Visit and edit these pages to reflect your beliefs.

for: social security?, civil rights, public education, separation of church and state, public health care, homeland security?, same-sex marriage, municipal infrastructure
against: military spending?, electoral fraud?, tax reform,

Highest ranking dimension: Big Government
You believe in the power of government to make life better. You may have felt that what the country really needs is for the government to get serious about the many problems that people face. This may be because you have seen the system break down and know people who have fallen through the cracks. It may also be because you feel that our society is at risk our communities need better protection from internal and external dangers. Others may disagree with you because they are focused on what government does wrong, rather than what it does right. When politicians of your type make mistakes it is often because they create programs that solve one problem but create others.

Second highest ranking dimension: Democratic
You believe in the principles of democracy - that too much control by too few is a dangerous proposition You may have felt that what the country really needs is to open the corridors of power and let more "real people" inside. This may be because you have seen people treated unfairly, seen self interest take over people ’s judgment and wish that political leaders would lead by following the people’s wishes. It may also be because you see that the people who tend to get elected don’t represent the diversity of viewpoints and cultures that exist in the population. Others may disagree with you because they are impatient to see politicians "do something", and possibly because they are less inclined to do their own thinking about the issues. When politicians of your type make mistakes it is often because in an attempt to please everybody, they please nobody.

Combined statement:
Based on your answers, you are big on a "by the people for the people government" that takes good care of its citizens.


But really ? 'm an individualist ?

This is a result from anther political personality test that i got
Lesson : Each test while have an actual basis, is focused on specific sides of the political and economical believes of a person. Thus what you might think are 2 contradicting results are infact not very contradicting only each addressing different aspects.
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By Frollein
Do you have the links to those tests?

DBCRN - Marxist
this is one of the political personality types of the PPQ

The Marxist political personality seeks security, solidarity and equality while mobilizing the managerial powers of the state to provide for the material well being of the population, by the will of the people. Genuine democracy was viewed by Marx to be the outcome following the destruction of the bourgeois state power.

This personality type combines these five perspectives
democrat,big state,collectivist,rationalist,narrow focus

Likes and dislikes
sensitivity to inequalities of power and influence
expanding the range of public insurance programs (employment insurance, old age pensions, medicare and disability programs)
government employment for its stability
a strong sense of social responsibility.
elitism, or rule by experts.
those who are disloyal
people who flout "community standards".
making decisions on a case by case basis which can lead to bias favoritism.
”high concept” ideas

Philosophy: Socialist?
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By Frollein
anasawad wrote:Didn't save any but when you search political personality tests, just do the ones below this one.
The HelloQuizzy, the OKCupid, or the CelebrityTypes one? Somehow they all don't sound serious...
Here are my results http://www.openpolitics.ca/tiki-index.php?page=ABCRW , http://openpolitics.ca/ppq/index.php?q_0=1&q_1=-4&q_2=-1&q_3=-2&q_4=-1&q_5=2&q_6=4&q_7=4&HE=3&AD=8&BS=17&CI=9&LR=-3&NW=-11. In so many words it stated that I am a statist , and internationalist , like Leon Trotsky. I think that what might have shifted my result in this direction is that today right next door there has been a group of people shooting semi-automatic guns. So I might very well be feeling like I want greater social stability , and personal security , rather than so much permissive liberty. I have noticed that my politics tend to shift between liberal socialism , and Communism , depending on my mood at a given time. One might say that I am politically bipolar. But I am always broadly left-wing , no matter what.
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By Godstud

Personal Asssessment:
Highest ranking dimension: Individualist
You believe in the right of an individual to "be themself" in thought and deeds. You may have felt that what the country really needs is a politician with the nerve to tell people when it comes to controlling others, they should mind their own business. This may be because you enjoy a diversity of experiences and don ’t get offended easily. It may also be because you’ve seen people be persecuted. Others may disagree with you because they feel a right to protect what they see as community values. When politicians of your type make mistakes it is often because they underestimate people’s need for sta bility and safety.

Second highest ranking dimension: Big Government
You believe in the power of government to make life better. You may have felt that what the country really needs is for the government to get serious about the many problems that people face. This may be because you have seen the system break down and know people who have fallen through the cracks. It may also be because you feel that our society is at risk our communities need better protection from internal and external dangers. Others may disagree with you because they are focused on what government does wrong, rather than what it does right. When politicians of your type make mistakes it is often because they create programs that solve one problem but create others.

Combined statement:
Based on your answers, the best state for you is one where people ’s basic needs are well looked after and people are free to pursue creative and fulfilling lives.

So all that makes me:
American Liberal.

Im an ISTJ
very expressed introvert
slightly expressed sensing personality
slightly expressed thinking personality
slightly expressed judging personality

I only strongly agree with the introvert bit being true.
I suppose Extroverts arent likely to come in great numbers to this forum.

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