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Any other minor ideologies.
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High non progressive income tax
High sales tax
All state services to individuals will put them into debt to the state (medical care, education, welfare, etc)
All finance will be in the exclusive domain of the state
All debts will be interest free
All tax one pays will be used to eliminate ones own debt to the state with tax cuts (about 50%) being provided for those not in the states debt
The punishment for tax evasion will be confiscation of ones assets (an exception to the reparative justice system)
Private property shall not exist with everything being on lease from the state (aside from personal items)
Debts will be cancelled in part by the state as incentives for persons
All corporations will be made to work in favor of the national interest with nationalization of opposing corporations
Abortion will be legal with parents having debts reduced for aborting disabled fetuses
A form of conscription where one must opt out in order to not perform military service with debts being reduced by military service
One must be a veteran of sane mind to legally possess a firearm and all sane veterans will be legally required to own one (think virgin utah)
All drugs will be legal and regulated
After graduating highschool all citizens will be given an aptitude test that will based on their results assign them to a guild or give them a choice between a few (in the case of ties)
All citizens will be members of guilds which have referendums to determine regulations for the specific field and ensure that all members have work by assigning members to companies in need of labor
When work is unavailable guild members will get the pay equivalent to the pay of the work (debt free, estimated) from the guild
Single Party state (with the party being a guild) with a big tent approach
There will be a senate composed of party members that will need to review all laws passed by referenda (not all the senate will need to review them, only about 10 senators per law if there is no controversy)
There will be no minimum wage and instead with the exception of state employees all payment will be through comission (to make more money for the employer mean more money for the employees) with a minimum allowed comission
Compulsory public education
Reparative justice rather than retributive justice
Voluntary euthanasia of the elderly (as a way for them to make room for the younger generation when they feel their lives are over)
Involuntary commitment of the criminally insane as opposed to imprisonment
Due Process
Every citizen will have their attributes numerically organized into a score representing their use to society, if it becomes negative then the citizen is euthanized
Action will be taken to ensure equal advancement opportunities for all citizens in their fields of work regardless of race, gender, religion, sexuality, or disabilities not pertaining to the field of work
Ban on body modification of minors with the exception of sex change operations
Ban on proselytism
A pan human state
Space exploration and colonization
Using technology to find new renewable resources to be used instead of nonrenewable resources
The elimination of decency laws
I don't know what to call it, but within the first 9 points you've essentially abolished economic independence for most people, and you've turned the state into the only creditor and the only driver of economic growth. That sounds like it probably won't end well.
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By fuser
I don't either but this sort of schemes (my apologies for saying it) usually stems from megalomania i.e. imagining oneself at the head of the helm in these sort of societies.

Also, I don't know why people include abortion in "what is my ideology" threads, is it really that big a deal to define your ideology?
That may be it. It really does sound like one of those plans where the only good position to be in would be the state. And even then, only for a limited time.

For example, flat high income taxation and flat sales taxation, along with interest-free debt, coupled to all social service use incurring a debt, means that that is a redistribution of wealth from the lowest levels of society and into the hands of the state, which then takes that money and presumably just sits on it or doles it out to themselves, or something. And then the poor people who are at high risk of defaulting on debts, are compelled to borrow interest-free from the state in order to make back what they paid out in taxes so that they can live, and their taxes remain high so long as they remain in debt, and so long as they continue to use social services they rack up even more debt.

So that ends in one of the following ways:

  • crushing debt slavery for most of the population,
  • proliferation of loan sharks,
  • revolution,
  • total economic Armageddon, as the state lends money to virtually everyone interest-free, but then the people have no incentive to produce wealth, and so all the loans are defaulted on eventually.
It is really peculiar. I understand wanting to do away with usury and, even, private money-lending in general but that is because I want to see an end to debt slavery. You on the other hand want debt slavery but only on your terms.
I think this is actually a unique philosophical package with lots of ideas scrambled into there. It has some fascist influence with the guilds and such, but then the other stuff involving monetary debt to the state seems to go against fascist visions of an incorporated society, by making everyone subservient to what looks like a very state capitalist construct. The abolition of private property seems Marxist, but then you make the state into a capitalist and have it lease the property to people, which is the least Marxist thing possible.

There are too many ideas here from too many corners to categorize it as fitting under the umbrella of a single existing political philosophy. However, it is state capitalist for a start; the first intentionally and purposefully state capitalist philosophy I've ever encountered. There's a lot more to it than that, so I'm afraid you'll have to give it a fancy name yourself. It almost sounds like something the managerial progressives of the 19th Century would have come up with after a euphoric meth binge.

Your philosophy's main purpose seems to not be merely making an authoritarian state which represents the nation, but making a nation which represents the state, by making people's very existence hang on meeting a score chart the state decides on.

As a name, may I suggest Totalism?

Here's a minimalist flag I just knocked up:

I pledge my allegiance to this totalist state to use my mind and body for the purpose of a new and more total tomorrow, until such time as I am no longer fit to serve and shall be discarded like chaff from grain! HAIL [ABSTRACT IDEAL]!

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