The Wuhan virus—how are we doing? - Page 8 - Politics | PoFo

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Provision of the two UN HDI indicators other than GNP.
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Fuck you people. Trump supporters are simply not intelligent enough to understand the nature of this pandemic and just how dangerous it is. It is not for me to try to convince them. They would not understand anyway. All they care about is trying to alibi Trump's disgusting behavior.

But Trump supporters are essentially murderers. Not accidentally either.

Oh well. I will see them at the hospital or read their obits.

Hey Trump supporters. Stop wearing masks just like your leader says to do. When you get to the hospital you won't recognize me anyway behind the mask, the face shield, and the other PPE. I won't be laughing at your illness but your stupidity is quite another thing.

Washington Times? :lol: How about posting Breitbart and Stormfront as evidence too.
Doug64 wrote:Which would mean that the countries and states that have most badly failed their citizens, at least for the US and Europe, are New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Belgium, Louisiana, the UK, Michigan, Spain, Italy, Illinois, Maryland, Sweden, Pennsylvania, Delaware, France, Indiana, Mississippi, and Ireland. Seeing how those are the states/nations with the highest deaths per million.

....and the USA.
Spain is an interesting one.

At one point totally overwhelmed to the point of being unable to collect the dead from care homes.

They locked down really hard, all non essential work stopped and roads closed. They reopened with masks and track and trace. Now they have some of the lowest daily numbers in Europe.

It's a similar story to Wuhan and tells me that lockdown is required if you lose control, but with social distancing, mask wearing and a proper track, trace and isolate policy then the R rate can be kept below one and even eradicate the virus in local areas.
Spain is an interesting one.

At one point totally overwhelmed to the point of being unable to collect the dead from care homes.

They locked down really hard, all non essential work stopped and roads closed. They reopened with masks and track and trace. Now they have some of the lowest daily numbers in Europe.

There is no way the Republicans and Trump are going to allow this. They are, to the man, far more interested in keeping the wealthy wealthy than saving hundreds of thousands of lives.
Pants-of-dog wrote:....and the USA.

Nope, since the control over policy lies with the states--a prerogative that the governors zealously protected with threats of lawsuits whenever Trump signaled he was ready to issue mandates and not just advice--then so to does the responsibility. The United States as a whole is no more a responsible entity than the European Union as a whole. Except for travel restrictions, of course, and there Trump was at the head of the pack.

Drlee wrote:There is no way the Republicans and Trump are going to allow this. They are, to the man, far more interested in keeping the wealthy wealthy than saving hundreds of thousands of lives.

Why do you hate working people? After all, they are the ones whose lives and futures you are trying to destroy with your insistence on an neverending lockdown. (Yes, I can do the Trump-like ad hominem and mindreading act as well.)
Last edited by Doug64 on 08 Jul 2020 06:19, edited 1 time in total.
Drlee wrote:Hey Trump supporters. Stop wearing masks just like your leader says to do. When you get to the hospital you won't recognize me anyway behind the mask, the face shield, and the other PPE. I won't be laughing at your illness but your stupidity is quite another thing.

Are you laughing at Black Lives Matter protesters too? That's mostly who's getting sick now.
Doug64 wrote:Nope, since the control over policy lies with the states--a prerogative that the governors zealously protected with threats of lawsuits whenever Trump signaled he was ready to issue mandates and not just advice--then so to does the responsibility. The United States as a whole is no more a responsible entity than the European Union as a whole. Except for travel restrictions, of course, and there Trump was at the head of the pack.

Your ideas about state rights are not a rebuttal.

But I do agree that your federal government did such a poor job as to be useless.

The fact that governors rightly stopped Trump from making it worse does not absolve Trump and WH from using resources to make it better.
Why do you hate working people? After all, they are the ones whose lives and futures you are trying to destroy with your insistence on an neverending lockdown. (Yes, I can do the Trump-like ad hominem and mindreading act as well.)

Grow up son. Don't waste my time.
Rich wrote:July 5th there are 251 recorded deaths in America for the Xi virus,the lowest figure since March 23rd. There is nothing about the current figures that suggests the death rate is about to increase..

The increasing number of cases was a clue to whether deaths would rise and now it appears we are starting to see the impact.

BeesKnee5 wrote:The increasing number of cases was a clue to whether deaths would rise and now it appears we are starting to see the impact.

Fair point, you might well be correct, although I would also note that in the last 6 days the 7-day moving average death rate for Germany has increased by 33%.
Rich wrote:Fair point, you might well be correct, although I would also note that in the last 6 days the 7-day moving average death rate for Germany has increased by 33%.

Which corresponds to an increase of daily cases from 250 to 600 about 2-3 weeks ago. Once significant testing is in place then the pattern is pretty consistent.

Germany locked down the areas where the outbreak was identified and are now back to 350 per day.
Fair point, you might well be correct, although I would also note that in the last 6 days the 7-day moving average death rate for Germany has increased by 33%.

The thing is, from a public health standpoint, this is not a competition between nations. Every person who gets this disease, young and old, is at risk of either dying or suffering lifelong disability. And even if they have what is called a mild case they will, on average, infect about 3-5 or more other people without intervention.

In my metropolitin area, after this thing has been going for a long time, the health department just sent out a contract for contact tracers. This is outrageous and directly linked not only to inaction at my state level but also the obvious lack of leadership, funding and direction at the national level.

In other words we need to stop looking for some kind of comfort in how others are doing and get to work beating this down in the US. We are failing miserably. There is no silver lining except in the places where they have made hard choices and shut things down. The very idea that the president would have a mass event is staggering. It is little short of murder.

It is fair to say that not only is their zero effective leadership coming from Washington, the message from there is contributing to this massive death toll. Trump is killing people to try to be reelected. And that is what history will record.
Just some update from Hong Kong about the epidemic.

We are entering a "3rd wave", with various pockets of community spread, most alarmingly in an elderly care. It is apparent that the ease of lockdown has to be swiftly reversed.

Meanwhile, despite the government keeping the social distancing order (partially to stop pro-democracy anti-CCP protests), as well as being above average in tracking down and testing individuals (starting from those having close contact with confirmed patients), it's ultimately how the people "behave" that controls how the virus is spread.

Example: According to a local report (forwarded in a forum), a woman hid the fact that she had reported work the day before she's diagnosed. It's suspected that 280 people are potentially at risk (to illustrate how large this group is, there are currently about 1400 diagnosed cases in Hong Kong. If all these 280 got it then the number would jump a whooping 20%, not to mention families and friends of these people)
That is right Atlantis. Just another example of how pathetic Trump is. He is hiding from the virus that is killing our people more than anywhere else in the world. His followers are little more than murderers as they enable this sorry excuse for a leader to allow Americans to die in staggering numbers.

Most of them have never been there when a patient dies. The team has usually cared for this person, who is in real agony and fear, for several days or even weeks. Then the vitals start to collapse. CPR is begun. The team pulls out all of the stops and tries to save the patient. At some point, the physician leading the code just steps back and says, "thank you everyone". It's over. Someones dad or mom or child or all three has just died alone. When it is a young person, and it all to frequently is, someone has to call mom and dad and tell them that their daughter or son is not coming home.

At this point in the epidemic, had we had strong leadership from the start, there would be very few such deaths. But because the republican party could not control the 7 year old level of maturity in the White House, this person is no more.

The first of August, in my state, the moratorium on evictions ends. The state certainly can't print money and the Senate refuses to take up any of the house bills for help to the everyday citizen who is out of work. We who work with the homeless community are gearing up to try and help these folks. That will not be another apartment. It may be a tent in the park. It may be a whole family in a motel room temporarily. It may be their car. And, in many cases it will be nothing at all.

Why? Because of the mental midgets that want to call this the Wuhan Virus rather than realize that the US has the responsibility to protect its own citizens regardless of where the virus came from. And Trump and the Republicans stood in the way of help. It really is as simple as that. People who are pathetically unintelligent, even on the forum, reveled in the fact that the virus hit "liberal" states first. Well now it is hitting the red stated. Two weeks after Trump had the genocidal event in Tulsa, guess who is getting the virus surge?

Sorry if this hurts anyone's feelings. If you support Trump I would not piss on you if you were on fire. You are and will likely remain complicit in the murder of hundreds of thousands of people.
Drlee wrote:Sorry if this hurts anyone's feelings. If you support Trump I would not piss on you if you were on fire. You are and will likely remain complicit in the murder of hundreds of thousands of people.

You seem to have a lot of hatred in your heart. You should repent and ask God for forgiveness.

I just got word that the number of positives for covid-19 here in Georgia is probably inflated. My daughter-in-law said that a nurse that she knows suspected that something was wrong when they were receiving positive results back on every swab culture. So on the next 50 she sent in another 50 unused swabs and still got back positive results on all of them. So it appears someone is too lazy to actually do the tests and is just marking all of them positive.
I just got word that the number of positives for covid-19 here in Georgia is probably inflated. My daughter-in-law said that a nurse that she knows suspected that something was wrong when they were receiving positive results back on every swab culture. So on the next 50 she sent in another 50 unused swabs and still got back positive results on all of them. So it appears someone is too lazy to actually do the tests and is just marking all of them positive.

This is a filthy and dangerous lie.

Fuck off.
Atlantis wrote:The Trumpvirus is infinitely more deadly than Covid-19.

Anyone saying this is simply ignorant to the following two things:

1. The general public's ignorance of the importance in protecting their own sorry ass.
2. Russia, China, Iran, Turkey, Brazil, Europe... everywhere have their own versions of strong man fanatic, and by comparison I see Trump more like a symptom than a disease.

Trump is nothing if there were not bigger baddies out there in the first place. Stop crediting Trump -- this will only enable more reaction in favour of him.
Patrickov wrote:Anyone saying this is simply ignorant to the following two things:

1. The general public's ignorance of the importance in protecting their own sorry ass.
2. Russia, China, Iran, Turkey, Brazil, Europe... everywhere have their own versions of strong man fanatic, and by comparison I see Trump more like a symptom than a disease.

Trump is nothing if there were not bigger baddies out there in the first place. Stop crediting Trump -- this will only enable more reaction in favour of him.

Yeah, Trump is our great baddie that stands up for us. God bless America.
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