Too Many White People - Page 9 - Politics | PoFo

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Provision of the two UN HDI indicators other than GNP.
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By Sivad
Donna wrote:Sorry but simply saying "that's the retarded end of the discussion for me right there" is not a real argument, you're simply arguing from incredulity (and you should be making that point in the thread in question, not here).

It's not an argument, I'm just telling you straight up that you're not worth my time or effort. When you start using words like "certainty" in the context of paleohockey then anyone who knows anything about it knows you're not worth the bother.
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By Donna
Sivad wrote:It's not an argument, I'm just telling you straight up that you're not worth my time or effort. When you start using words like "certainty" in the context of paleohockey then anyone who knows anything about it knows you're not worth the bother.

I wasn't aware we were performing for an audience. I'll assume it's just one more discussion that you're unable to keep up with. I'm guessing there will be more in the future.
anasawad wrote:@Pants-of-dog

Let's see.
The article you posted in the last post said its emphasis is mainly on anti-immigration and anti-establishment sentiments.

This one: ... ald-trump/ doesn't emphasis racism, rather economic and cultural change.
And quote the relevant parts of the two others, too long to spend an hour looking for their proof.
Though from the first part of the second one, it mentions the rapid demographic, cultural, and economic change and the alienation of the working class, so I'm guessing it also doesn't put the blame on racism, but rather a set of factors.

You made the initial claim that people cannot have a career after saying racist things.

I have disproven this with evidence.

You have provided no evidence.

No, YOU are trying to frame it like that, but the discussion is about what she said, which is racist.

What exactly did she say that was racist?

It's not contradicted by history actually, it's proven by it.
The era you're trying to appeal to ended around 50-60 years ago and its effects have already ended since these decades have had a huge affirmative action policy all across. The only problems remaining are problems that are general to the entire country.
Unsafe drinking water? You must be talking about Flint right? A city with half black half white population, if it was racism driven then it wouldn't affect the white population as well.
It's more accurate that the reason for the crumbling infrastructure in Flint is due to the fact that the state has went bankrupt after all the industries moved out and it never recovered.

Poverty? the US has around half its population either in poverty or on the verge of poverty, with atleast 15% of the population in food insecurity, and the UN described some areas in the flyover states (Which are majority white) as third world. That doesn't seem like a problem localized to black people because it's affecting the entire country, as such your claim that its racism is void of logic.

And regarding illegal immigration and international crime (The topics you claim Trump is racist because) are areas where it was Obama who did the most effort to solve both by cracking down on these mobs and by deporting record numbers of illegal immigrants due to the negative effects both these factors have on the country.

Also, the violence part has been going on since the war on drugs, a period long enough that both conservatives and liberal progressives both took turns on attempting to solve these problems.

Cut it with the bullshit strawman and bother reading what I post.

Everything I wrote so far are known facts and have been main and constant issues of discussion for decades now in the US.

You're the one claiming that all these problems are caused by racism, and as such, you're the one who needs to prove it.

Swearing. Classy.

You have no evidence. Every day, I provide evidence for how racism is an ongoing problem.

I am going to believe the studies I read every day instead of your unsupported assertions.

Until you bring evidence to the discussion, I will consider your criticisms to be unsupported and that the claim that racism has a negative impact on black people in the USA to be the truth.
By Sivad
Donna wrote:I wasn't aware we were performing for an audience.

the audience is all that matters. I know you are never coming off it no matter how much argument and evidence is stacked against your bullshit. I already argued these issues ad nauseum long before you showed up. If there's not an audience then you're only useful to me as a practice dummy.

I'll assume it's just one more discussion that you're unable to keep up with.

I guess that's the difference between me and you, I could always recognize intelligence and if it told me my shit was weak I'd go to work upping my game.
By anasawad
You made the initial claim that people cannot have a career after saying racist things.

I did, all you have to do to know that it's true is just follow any social news about known people.

I have disproven this with evidence.

You have not.
All you said is Trump is president therefor wrong, when in reality Trump did not appeal to racism but rather populace sentiments, as shown even by the articles you have posted.

What exactly did she say that was racist?

It's the title of this thread.

You have no evidence. Every day, I provide evidence for how racism is an ongoing problem.

Everyday, you provide "evidence" that there are problems going on and blame it on racism.
Yet, as shown, racism is not the cause of these problems.

I am going to believe the studies I read every day instead of your unsupported assertions.

If my assertions were "unsupported", then they wouldn't be the main issues of the 2012, 2016, and now 2020 elections in the US presidential race.
And regarding the studies you read, if the ones you posted were an example, then perhaps you should focus more in reading them because out of the 4 you posted, 2 weren't about racism, 1 theorized it could be racism but referred to the more realistic explanations regarding cultural and economic shift, and the 4th I didn't bother going through but I guess it's the same because those issues are not driven by racism.

Until you bring evidence to the discussion, I will consider your criticisms to be unsupported and that the claim that racism has a negative impact on black people in the USA to be the truth.

Open your Tv, go on any news channel covering the elections in the US, and listen to any of the debates going on.
In fact, you can even listen to Bernie Sanders, who is progressive, and they'll all talk about the exact same factors I've mentioned because those are the real causes, and not everything is caused by racism.
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By Donna
Sivad wrote:the audience is all that matters. I know you are never coming off it no matter how much argument and evidence is stacked against your bullshit. I already argued these issues ad nauseum long before you showed up. If there's not an audience then you're only useful to me as a practice dummy.

So you're not willing to debate the subject but in your last three posts you have described my argument as bullshit, as having evidence stacked against it, as not worth your time or effort, as retarded, etc. It's not as if you are done discussing it because you keep mentioning it, you just refuse to conform to the metrics of logical discourse. You're either being dishonest or you're a complete moron. :hmm:
By Sivad
no you're right, donna. you're a world class intellect and I'm just out of my depth. you have vanquished me, you are the pofo champion!
By Sivad
Donna wrote::roll:

I'm down for reasonable honest conversation whenever you're ready. Go start being reasonable and I'm in.
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By Donna
Sivad wrote:I'm down for reasonable honest conversation whenever you're ready. Go start being reasonable and I'm in.

Then stop ghosting our conversations?
By Sivad
@Donna If you just, say, honestly admitted that it's not possible to ascertain the average global temperature from thousands of years ago to within 1c then I would instantly have a newfound respect for you.
I say, there are too many white people in this topic! Lol.

@Donna are you white? Forget about being a Marxist and arguing with Sivad! you need to discuss the whiteness of your existence. You wake up in the morning and get your morning coffee and the first thing you do as you pee in your toilet is think about the 'whiteness' and how superior you are to the blacks, and the Latino folk and how normal you look compared to the Chinese who might have Coronavirus in them.

You think to yourself? I got the power! Of Whiteness. I own this here country because I got the power of magically makes me powerful, wealthy, intelligent, better, greater and the best human being I can be....because just the fact of being white makes me not as human....

That is the problem of all kinds of distorted thinking Donna. Failure to realize how all of us are not thinking about the whiteness. Because whiteness doesn't say much about who you are Donna. It never did. It doesn't say if you are straight or gay, it doesn't say if you are caring or not, it doesn't say if you are educated or not, it doesn't say if you are articulate or not, it doesn't say if you are good at some sport or art form, it doesn't tell us your interests, your food preferences, your tastes or your talents. In fact the whiteness doesn't say much about who Donna is.

But in a racist society the only ones who are just a color? Are the ones who don't matter. That is the problem.
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By Donna
Sivad wrote:@Donna If you just, say, honestly admitted that it's not possible to ascertain the average global temperature from thousands of years ago to within 1c then I would instantly have a newfound respect for you.

The science says that the warming effect of the HCO was not global, but confined to the Northern hemisphere in the summer. Perhaps I am simply not understanding why the HCO is important for denialists?
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By Donna
Tainari88 wrote:I say, there are too many white people in this topic! Lol.

@Donna are you white? Forget about being a Marxist and arguing with Sivad! you need to discuss the whiteness of your existence. You wake up in the morning and get your morning coffee and the first thing you do as you pee in your toilet is think about the 'whiteness' and how superior you are to the blacks, and the Latino folk and how normal you look compared to the Chinese who might have Coronavirus in them.

You think to yourself? I got the power! Of Whiteness. I own this here country because I got the power of magically makes me powerful, wealthy, intelligent, better, greater and the best human being I can be....because just the fact of being white makes me not as human....

That is the problem of all kinds of distorted thinking Donna. Failure to realize how all of us are not thinking about the whiteness. Because whiteness doesn't say much about who you are Donna. It never did. It doesn't say if you are straight or gay, it doesn't say if you are caring or not, it doesn't say if you are educated or not, it doesn't say if you are articulate or not, it doesn't say if you are good at some sport or art form, it doesn't tell us your interests, your food preferences, your tastes or your talents. In fact the whiteness doesn't say much about who Donna is.

But in a racist society the only ones who are just a color? Are the ones who don't matter. That is the problem.

I'm in complete agreement. There is a darkness in the white soul that we inherited from the sins of colonialism and it can only be purified or redeemed by our solidarity and alliance with the oppressed and exploited.
By Sivad
one time Tainari told me about how she was super into her Puerto Rican ethnic identity, she thinks it's super awesome to be stoked about your retarded accident of birth. If hundreds of thousands of Europeans started flooding into Puerto Rico she'd be super enthusiastic about it. You betcha!
By Sivad
Donna wrote:The science says that the warming effect of the HCO was not global, but confined to the Northern hemisphere in the summer. Perhaps I am simply not understanding why the HCO is important for denialists?

that's what I thought.
By Sivad
Donna wrote:There is a darkness in the white soul

well that is just ignorant as fuck. Can you imagine a white person saying "There is a darkness in the brown soul" ? :lol: :knife:
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