Another story about why surgical operations on intersex babies is not a good idea - Politics | PoFo

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Kristina gave birth to a baby who had a rare intersex condition called partial androgen insensitivity syndrome with mosaicism. The condition caused the child to have both XX chromosomes and XY chromosomes and genitalia that doctors did not consider clearly male or female.

The doctors identified the baby as being female and pressured Kristina to agree to cosmetic surgery to make the baby appear more clearly female. Fortunately Kristina immediately refused.

Kristina faced criticism from some extended family members who believed she was placing an enormous burden on her newborn in choosing not to have the surgery.
"But I just completely disagreed," she said, "because I was like, 'You can't undo surgery.'"

Since she couldn’t predict the gender her child would embrace, she said, it didn’t seem like her decision to make. And she recalled that none of the doctors could tell her how the surgery, which involved altering sensitive tissue, might affect the baby as an adult.

Based on the advice of medical professionals, Turner and her husband decided to raise Ori as a girl, because they were told that was how the child would likely identify.

Around the age of 7, Ori came to Turner one night and said, "I feel like I was supposed to be a boy."

"I was like, 'Oh my God, thank God I didn’t make a huge mistake,'" Turner said of her decision not to do the surgery.​

'You can't undo surgery': More parents of intersex babies are rejecting operations ( ... re-n923271

So this intersex child turned out to be more of a BOY, and the doctors had wanted to take away what little bit of a penis this child actually had.


Thankfully this didn't turn out to be a tragedy.

By the age of 11 the child was acting like a feminine boy. Well, maybe not that surprising since the parents had been raising him as a girl for the first 7 years of his life.
The child's face looks about halfway between a boy and a girl, slightly a little more like a boy, although 11-year-olds do not have very strong gender characteristics yet. (The child's voice is eerily halfway between a boy and girl, though)

The state of California has officially condemned these surgeries, but it is still legal there, as well as everywhere else in the US.
Most often the children never even get told they had such a surgery.

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