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Provision of the two UN HDI indicators other than GNP.
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By late

This guy is saying that insurance guys are saying non-covid deaths were up about 40% in 2021, among the 18-64 group, that is working age people.

I don't understand that. A lot of medical stuff didn't happen, because hospitals were full of covid patients. But a 40% increase seems far too large for that to have been the primary cause.

Any ideas?
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By Saeko
The trend does not seem to exist:

https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covi ... deaths.htm

This is most likely caused by backlogs or changes in the way in which death stats are collected.

EDIT: Ok, so I just figured out what was wrong with the bullshit calculation in the video. He uses the average for life insurance policies in the US, but then takes it as the average for that specific life insurance provider. This can result in a number of claims estimate that is wildly off, and especially if the average salary in the US is lower than the average salary for those who have that specific provider.

EDIT2: This whole channel seem to be some vaccine-denier bullshit.

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