An apology so I can begin again. - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

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Since I have thus resolved myself to remove all shreds of political corruptness from my soul, I think I should apoligize for my previous actions. Perhaps this will be the new start here that I crave ...

I apoligize for promoting the harming of any human being, as violence precedes violence, and an endless cycle of death and destruction insues.

I apoligize for supporting communism, socialism, fascism, nazism, and all other corrupted political idealogies. I apoligize for supporting Stalin, Hitler, Mussoulini, Franco, and all other dictators who crushed the human spirit.

I apoligize for supporting dictatorship all, as dictatorships can only lead to unhappiness and suffering.

I apoligize to the Palestinian people, for saying the Israelis had a right to destroy them. I apoligize to the Israelis for saying the Palestinians should blow them up.

I apoligize for ever making any racist comments, for supporting doctrines that belittled other living creatures.

I apoligize for the crimes of my country ( the US ), and I apoligize for other countries who put their national interests above peace ( France, Russia ). I apoligize for the nationalist doctrines that made me think that these countries had the right to do what they did.

I apoligize to any one I offended, and especially CasX, who I mocked and whose throat I was constantly at.

I am sorry .
By sokath
No apologies necessary (well, maybe there are, but hey) it's always tough when someone reinvents his life ideology. :)


By Sweeper
sokath wrote:No apologies necessary (well, maybe there are, but hey) it's always tough when someone reinvents his life ideology. :)



Now you got to stop Sokath... You will drink yourself to death...
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By Adrien
Hehe Talons, it looks like you love changing your name! ;)

This one is a bit long but your signature is a good idea. Now the question is: how many citizens does your Republic of the Apartment count? :)
By Generalissimo Talonius
Well, ya see, the Republic consists of two Provinces : the East Republic, and the South Republic, totaling 5 people and 5 animals ( under the Animal Equality Act, all animals are Special National Citizens ). I am the SNL of the entire republic and Governor of the East Republic, while my brother is Special Governor of South Republic. Our Ambassador Abroad and Minister of Foreign Affairs is Monty Doc Hollywood, Special Horse Citizen First Class of the Republic. The Lord High Admiral of the National Republican Armed Forces is Special Cat Citizen 1st Class Tigger, with subordinating officers Generals Pringles and Kleo, also Special Cat Citizen 1st Class . Vice Admiral Stalin, Special Fish Citizen 1st Class, is in charge of the Republican Special Amphibious Asssault Troops ( SAAT ) .

And they say I have an overreactive imagination :muha1:
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By Adrien
Hehe that's the least we can say!

If your political project doesn't work, you'll still be able to reconvert yourself in writing books for children! :)
By Generalissimo Talonius
Great idea ! Indoctrinate them while their young, that's the way it should go ! But yeah, I do like to make up elaborate titles and stuff. I'd really like to write my own book ; sci-fi probably, but a charachter based scifi. I even have a language with grammar and syntaxt all made up !

My first book for children will be Uncle Talonius' Views on Everything : from Apples to Zionism . It should be fun :D

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