One thing i cant stand....... - Politics | PoFo

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Hi everybody my names Liz im 18 yrs old im gonna start uni. in a couple of weeks im gonna be studing English Literature but i plan to be a journalist so not just shakespeare for me :) i really enjoy discussing political issues and current events.The one thing i cant stand is people who try to explain how communism is such a great thing you knows the ones that call themselves marxist-leninists its like get over it already communism could never work in this world people r just too selfish and always wanna strive to the top.İ think communism is just another form of dictatorship.Anyways i hope to be writting on this forum and maybe we can talk about some things so bye for now. :knife:

By Freedom
Welcome to the counter revolutionary movement!

I am from the Centre Right.

By HellsAngel
yeaapppp i think girls should get more involved in things like politics i mean men rule the world right now and look what they have done we girlz could do a much better job :D anyways thx for the reply
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By Boondock Saint
Welcome to the forum.

There are many marxists here. Communism is a favorite among many on this board. I for one see it as an ideal dream, one that mankind is not capable of realizing.

My beliefs are that mankind is a pathetic little animal that is no more important then an ant.

It is good to see another female on the boards, especially one who is at least 18 years of age. We dont have many of your type here, too much sword fighting if you follow.

By any chance to you know any children? I know it sounds strange but I make a wonderful childrens pinky toe stew ... you see I take the pinky toes of children, stick it in a pot with several spices that are a family secret and after some time POOF! The best stew you have ever tasted.

I also like to put kittens in the microwave.
By bach
Welcome Liz

Well, this might be the only good thing Bush and the administration have given to the US and that is political awareness among the population overall.

I am from the Centre Right.

:lol: yeah right,
By Freedom
I'm from the Centre Right

Yeah Right

What are you on about Bach? D
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By Adrien
Welcome aboard Comrade!

You'll be suprised to see how many communists are lurking on PoFo. ;)
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By Tigerlily

I'm a girl too!

I'm 16!

I like plastic!

And pink!

Now I got a question for Boon...when you make that pinky toe soup (I call them "baby toes", btw), do you keep the toenails on or off? Because they'd be hard to chew if you keep them on. Or do you keep them on for flavour and then they just easily come off after being boiled and simmered for so long?
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By Boondock Saint
Now I got a question for Boon...when you make that pinky toe soup (I call them "baby toes", btw), do you keep the toenails on or off? Because they'd be hard to chew if you keep them on. Or do you keep them on for flavour and then they just easily come off after being boiled and simmered for so long?

Baby toes, yes we call them that as well.

No, nails must be taken off. They do not add flavor at all, instead they act much like bones in ones soup ... annoying and a potential choking hazard. The proper way to denail a toe would be to take a needle nose plyer and quickly rip it out. One must naturally do this while the toe is still attatched to the childs foot. One can then dispose of the nail as they say fit. Perhaps planting the nail in the backyard so baby toe trees grow.
By Brick
Boondock Saint wrote:I also like to put kittens in the microwave.

I know someone who put a kitten in a microwave. Not funny.
No wait, it was a fully-grown cat.

Oh, and welcome Angel. :)

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By DC26


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By ItsMe
Welcome good to see more free thinking freedom lovers coming to the boards.

I am relatively new myself, but I am enjoying listening to the communist sides as it broadens my line of thinking which broadens my lines of defense of democracy.

Also I love to see more females with a passion for politics, while I know a few I don’t think I have met enough.

Also check out this forum link, they moved our communism/capitalism discussion which started on your thread. ... 6946#26946
By mr.spock
heya!! im a girl too!! why does it matter? i dont know. but i can see where you are coming from, i am debating whether to be anarchist or the us democracy, either way id still have the same belifs as now so.. yay!!
Last edited by mr.spock on 16 Sep 2003 02:09, edited 1 time in total.
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By Boondock Saint
mr.spock wrote:heya!! im a girl too!! why does it matter? i dont know. but i can see where you are coming from, i am debating whether to be anarchist or in athe democracy, either way id still have the same belifs as now so.. yay!!

Socialist democracy. Just tossing words out there ... thats all ;)
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By ItsMe
spock just educate yourself on the different forms of government.

education is key , freedom to educate is a must and should be the right of every human to do.

good luck and try to keep an open mind.
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By Faceless
Hello ladies. It's nice to see that you think so little of Communists. Hmm. I'm a subversive commie and a believer in the economics of Marx. It saddens me to see you generalise Communists so readily. So I'll take it upon myself to defend them. Dictatorship is not synonymous with Communism and vice versa. I am one of an ultra-liberal breed of Communist. We would allow dissent (though are confidnet that people would find it unneccesary), allow intra-party democracy and rule over people with a President elect. We respect human rights and many parts of democracy. It seems that you are too quick to judge though. Rethink your remarks and rejudge me, plese (as I've no doubt you will). I take it none of you have heard of a man called Allende. I also challenge you to label Castro a human rights abuser succesfully.

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By ItsMe
Faceless bring it the link above and ill be more then happy to refute you there.
By mr.spock
inever said that i thought little of communists, and i am trying to educate myself on the different terms thank you very much.

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