Me.... - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

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Hi guys. Some of you might still remember me as TUC but I have given that synonym up as this is a PROPER discusion board.

So any way my main beliefs are that:
1. Social Security
2. Public Healthcare
3. Unemployment benefits
4. Pension schemes
are a bad idea. This is because it gives no choice in the level of service provided. So PRIVATISE before it is too late :-)
By sokath
Ooooh, that's gonna spark some debate.... :lol:

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By Yeddi
I would have to agree with that too... the dole is a waste of money, at least some people in Aus have to 'work for the dole' where they do community service, picking up rubbish, planting trees stuff like that.. thats the way it should be... u shouuldn't be able to just sit on your ass and only get up once a month or whatever to get your cheque.
1. Social Security
2. Public Healthcare
3. Unemployment benefits
4. Pension schemes
are a bad idea. This is because it gives no choice in the level of service provided. So PRIVATISE before it is too late

So would you consider yourself a "minarchist"?

What is the difference between governments providing roads and road maintanance (for example) and providing healthcare? They're both public goods, and there are examples of both in the private sector. So why would you stop with healthcare and not privatise roads?
1. Social Security
2. Public Healthcare
3. Unemployment benefits
4. Pension schemes

Now to why they are so bad apart from that people cant choose how much or how litle they want:

1. Social Security: People that dont work will cost the state money. Costing the state money is BAD. So the debate would lead to: You cant work (for what ever reason, mainly health, taking care of kids etc) you die. Even I see thats cruel. So lets build a camp. Put every body that claims SocSec in and keep them their, feed them, look after them so that no one says we are cruel. They can then apply for Job and then when they can afford a place to live and pay for their own food they can go live their.

2./3./4. Please see your local insurace broker or bank for further information. They will provide you with plans to cover the costs of: Being sick, unemployed, or retired.

Additional info for being reitred: During the life time the EUs average low level worker earns 2000$ per month. about 300$ of which go to pension schemes the state provides and are deducted by taxes. If we consider the average worker working 40 years that is 144000$ any good investment over time will give 10% so that 14400 per year or 1200$ per month for an INFINETE time. I live of 1200$ and I dont complain (much) so if I can why cant all others? and if you save more you will have more at the end! and if you know where to stick your money MUCH more. SO PLEASE TAKE ME OUT OF STATE RETIREMENT PLANS LET ME KEEP MY MONEY AND I'll do it my self.....and if I cant I'll go to grany camp like all the others.
By Olympas
Why didn't you answer my questions? Heck, the first one only required yes or no. No offence, but while I happen currently to agree with the minarchist/libertarian view that you seem to have, your arguments seem a bit off.

Social Security: People that dont work will cost the state money. Costing the state money is BAD.

You see, someone from the economic left wing would take issue with your argument already. They would say (no offence to left-wingers if this is wrong, but I'm pretty sure it's right) that costing the state money isn't a bad thing. In fact, what is the point of the state if it doesn't spend money? The state is a tool for the distribution of money, whatever way you look at it. The state isn't a Corporation, it's non-profit, or at least it should be. Not only is giving aid from the state to people who cannot work not a bad thing, but it is a fundamental reason for the existence of the state. Of course, they hold the principle that "he who shall not work, neither shall he eat": but what about he who cannot work. He has needs too. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs."

Now the rest of your paragraph is just absurd, even to me. Make a camp for people who can't work? Set them apart from the rest of humanity: the normals? Demean them by forcing them to live in something that can only be compared with a prison camp? How is that a better use of money? If anything, it's probably more expensive to build a camp, transport people there, feed and clothe and look after them, etc., than just give them a part of the "camp budget" for them to sort themselves out? Your proposal is just a bureaucratised and highly inefficient, by the looks of it, system of social security.

2./3./4. Please see your local insurace broker or bank for further information. They will provide you with plans to cover the costs of: Being sick, unemployed, or retired.

A left-wing person would argue that this is capitalism in all its evil glory. Consider that only a person with enough money can afford health insurance and thus healthcare. That's true, right? So only people with enough money should be able to have healthcare? So if you don't have enough money you should just die of whatever disease you've got? So the value of your life is entirely based on money? That applies just as well, although perhaps not so dramatically, to everything you mention here.

Those mad lefties, huh? :|
How is that better use of money? It's much cheaper! I recon to keep loads of loafers in one place is cheaper then leting them stay where they are. and if you were to strategicly build such a camp such as arrizona then once you turn of their watter supply it will ort it self out.

Now thats just going a bit far I think....cause we did have something similar allready...1939-1945 in Europe...camps for all those "unfit" to life in the regular appoplogies for leting my extremely slefish lifestile let me make such a silly remark.......


Retirment Homes = Old folk's home = "camp" for people that are not wanted by their own familys and taken somewhere to be kept....simmilar idea aint it....... :roll:
By Olympas
Retirment Homes = Old folk's home = "camp" for people that are not wanted by their own familys and taken somewhere to be kept....simmilar idea aint it....... :roll:

Except OAPs are not forced into retirement homes by the government, as you suggest by saying the government should "put every body that claims SocSec in".
minor detail :evil:

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